Mall of Vetis

It's Killing Time

Nicole was going to kill Gabe.


The answer was quite simple really, not listening to her like always he had decided to try on a pair of pants in the middle of Forever 21. A customer ran into him just as he was taking his pants off, but this was not just some normal customer who would complain to Nicole. Oh, no that would have been to nice ans simple in this mall of chaos. It just had to be a secret shopper, and now in a couple days they were going to be investigated and probably lose their jobs all thanks to Gabe.

If anything Gabe seemed to be happy about the fact that he had put both their jobs in danger. He was still boycotting Forever 21 since Nicole refused to let him dress up like a mannequin like William had done during the game of hide and seek.

To make things worse Tarra had tackled a mannequin earlier that week saying that it had offended her, giving Gabe the idea to do the same.




The last straw was when a mannequin fell over and hit Nicole in the head. She turned a death glare on Gabe who was standing in the display window looking innocent. Nicole shoved the mannequin away from her, kicking it as well.

"You!" she growled pointing at Gabe "Gabe Eduardo Saporta! Cela signifie la guerre! And not the toys are us kind you bugger!"

Gabe's eyes got wide, she was yelling at him in french.

He took off as fast as he could out of the store and straight to Heaven who was outside Hallmark talking to William.

"Save me!" he shouted hiding behind William and Heaven.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Heaven asked laughing.

"It's Nicole"

"What about her?" William asked curiously. He had yet to talk to Nicole since the argument they had gotten into during the game of hide and seek.

"She yelled at me in French" he squeaked.

"French is the language of love Gabe" Heaven snickered "I'm sure it wasn't that bad"

"She makes the language of love sound like the language of 'I'm going to kill you and they'll never find your body'"

Heaven laughed again "She is harmless Gabe"

"Says you" Gabe answered still hiding behind her.

Heaven shook her head once more and sighed "Gabe, Nicole couldn't hurt a fly-"

She stopped mid sentence as the three of them noticed Nicole storming by a knife in her hand.

"Were you going to say fly?" William snickered "looks like she is going to hurt more than just that"

"She is headed towards the parking lot" Heaven commented.

"Hope you don't like your tires Gabe" William smiled before walking back into Hallmark "Be sure to let me know how it goes"

"My Car!"

"You really ticked her off this time" Heaven smiled at Gabe "What did you do to set her off?"

"Made a mannequin fall over on her head..." he mumbled.

"Ha! You're dead" Heaven smiled walking off to inform Tarra of what her Witty was up to now.

"Dead?" Gabe called after her "What do you mean dead? I thought you said she couldn't hurt a fly!"

A couple of shoppers gave Gabe weird looks as they passed.

"What are you looking at?" he snapped, before running into Hallmark hoping Nell would hide him, since he knew William knew better than to get into Nicole's way.

"Nell save me!"

"Gabe don't touch me!" Nell answered moving a way from him.

"But-but Nicole! She-She"

"She is your problem!" Nell answered running and locking herself in the back room "And she is suppose to be keeping you away from me!"

"Shut up William!" Gabe pouted as his friend laughed at him. "You would be scared too if you were in my place!"

"I wouldn't be stupid enough to get myself in your place buddy" William smiled "Remember she broke Brendon's wrist?"

"You suck"


"What do you mean she is walking around the mall with a knife?" Ryan asked looking scared.

"She is not walking around the mall with it" Heaven corrected "she is going to slash Gabe's tires, I think she has lost it this time"

Tarra rolled her eyes "Witty? She is one in this group of mental patients who doesn't lose her head"

"Well she just joined the rest of us in the hospital" Heaven laughed .

Tarra shook her head and sighed "Someone should calm her down"

"Why?" Spencer laughed "I think it will be entertaining to watch"

Heaven shook her head "You wont think that for long Smith"

"Why is that?"

"Traitor is on Team Haner"


"And she is in the kind of mood where if you get in the way of what she wants you are going to have a broken wrist like Brendon's or maybe worse"

"She broke his wrist again?" Ryan asked wide eyed.

"Not yet" Heaven laughed "But you know that boy is really bad at judging when to leave someone alone"

Ryan nodded "Good point"

"Are you sure she has lost it and is not just in a bad mood?" Spencer questioned.

"Its probably a little bit of both" Tarra laughed "She'll be fine in a few hours, she just needs to calm down"

"And kill Gabe" Heaven added.

"Speaking of Gabe" Ryan laughed.

Gabe walked up to the others a looked of both annoyance and confusion on his face. He was also covered head to toe in eggs, boiled and not.

They all either hand their hands over their mouths trying not to laugh or were looking away to hide their smiles.

"What happened to you?" Heaven giggled.

"Left over easter eggs" he answered dully.


"Nicole" he growled.

"At least she didn't go after you with that knife" Tarra offered.

"No but she did slice my tires so now I can't go home and change"

Spencer laughed "Common, I'll drive you home so you can shower and change"

"I wouldn't do that" Heaven smiled.

"Why not?"

"Because if you help Gabe, Nicole will add you to her hit list"

Spencer rolled his eyes "What is she going to do? Attack me with bunny stuff animals?"

Tarra and Heaven exchanged looks "She could or worse"

Spencer rolled his eyes once more "Common Gabe lets go, if we hurry we wont be gone long"

"Would Nicole really do that?" Ryan asked curiously.

Heaven nodded "Nicole is normally more bark than bite, but when she really does start biting its best to take the day off or run and hide. I just hope their inspection isn't today"

"That would end well for them" Tarra agreed "mostly Gabe though"

"Why mostly Gabe? wouldn't they both get fired?" Ryan questioned.

"Yeah, but who would Nicole blame for getting fired?"



"He is in a shit load of trouble isn't he?"

Tarra smiled "You bet"

"How much you wanna bet William could calm her down?" Ryan smirked.

"We really shouldn't risk William's neck for our own amusement you know" Tarra sighed.

"But we will" Heaven laughed.

"Will what?" Brendon asked his hand in a cast.

"What happened to your hand?" Ryan asked wide eyed.

Brendon looked around guilty "I tried to steal easter eggs from Nicole"

Heaven sighed and shook her head "You'll never learn will you?"

He pouted "Well you're the one who wouldn't let me be the Easter Beagle!"

"You broke Santa's chair!" Heaven yelled back "Besides Nicole's Beagle Ruby would have made a better easter Beagle than you"

Brendon pouted once more.

"Now back to this bet Ryan" Heaven smiled.

"$100 says William can make Nicole as calm as a kitten" Ryan smirked.

"$100 says William can't and Nicole breaks his wrist too" Heaven smirked back.

"What about you Tarra?" Ryan asked.

"I'm not getting into this" she answered "I'll just hold the money and hope you two don't get your neck snapped.

Heaven laughed "Nicole wouldn't hurt me"

"What about me?" Ryan asked.

Heaven shrugged causing his eyes to go wide.


Of course William had no idea of the bet. All he knew was that Ryan and Heaven had shoved him into Forever 21 and said if he left before two hours were up he would die where he stood. William wasn't really scared of the two, having dated Heaven and knowing Ryan for years. He was really just curious as to what the two were up to.

"What are you doing here?" Nicole growled upon seeing him.

"Store is pretty empty" William noted.

Nicole pointed to the sign that said Closed

William looked back at her confused "Why are you closed?"

"Hoping Gabe wont come back, so I don't get any blood on the carpet before the inspection" she answered simply as if it was something commonly said every day.

William looked towards the exit where he could see Ryan and Heaven watching him.

"So..." William said awkwardly.

"What do you want William?" Nicole snapped.

"This" he answered and grabbed her by the shoulders and pressed his lips to hers.

For once Nicole actually didn't fight or shove William away, she actually kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Heaven and Ryan stared at the two shocked.

"Excuse me"

William and Nicole broke apart and looked at the woman standing in front of them.

"Uh...We-we're closed" Nicole stuttered hoping the woman was not who Nicole thought she was.

The woman held up an ID "I'm Charlotte Williams, I'm here to inspect the store, Do you always kiss people when you a re suppose to be working?"

Nicole's eyes got wide "Oh, I'm sorry"

"It's my fault" William offered "I haven't seen Nicole in days and the store wasn't busy"

The woman smiled at William, who gave her that crocked smile of his that melted anyone's heart in a matter of seconds.

"Are you Gabe or..?"

"I'm William" he answered "I work over at Hallmark. "

"Its nice to meet you" the woman smiled.

"Same here"


An hour later the woman left the store with a smile on her face and with Nicole and Gabe's jobs still intact. Heaven and Ryan were still watching the store now joined by Nell, Tarra, Sarah, Brendon, Zacky and Brian. Spencer and Gabe we still at Gabe's house while he tried to get the egg out of his hair.

"Popcorn" Mikey said sitting down between Sarah and Heaven, with a bowl of popcorn in hands.

"What's going on?" Gerard asked sitting down next to Tarra.

"Shh!" all of them hissed at him and went back to watching William and Nicole.

"Thank-you so much!" Nicole smiled wrapping her arms around William. "If it wasn't for you Gabe and I probably would have lost our jobs"

William smiled and hugged her back "Like I would let anything of the kind happen"

"Good thing that smile of yours works on every girl who sees it" Nicole laughed.

"All but one" William reminded her, tapping her nose with his index finger.

"I really owe you one William" Nicole sighed still smiling.

"In that case" he smiled "You can let me take you out on a date"

Nicole smiled once more "Deal"

William leaned down and kissed her again, pulling her close. They broke apart at the sound of a bunch of cheering and clapping.

"Brendon!" Heaven yelled.

"Oh shit" Ryan said looking at the death glare Nicole was giving them all.

"Run!" Zacky shouted, taking off as fast as he could and accidental causing Mikey's bowl of popcorn to fall on Heaven's head.

"You're dead Zachary James Baker!" Heaven yelled after him.

"You're all dead" Nicole snapped.

"You owe me $100 Heaven" Ryan laughed before taking off, everyone else following suit.

"Idiots" Nicole laughed smiling at William.

"Doesn't say much seeing as we are their friends"

"You have a point here" she smiled and stood on her tip toes, kissing William again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I swear this is one of the longest chapters I have ever written.
And if not well it feels like it lol
Hope you liked it ^_^