Mall of Vetis

Toys War!

"Gabe! Put the pants down and back away!" Nicole all but yelled getting the normal stares she often received when yelling at Gabe. Seriously! How hard was it for him to walk a few feet to the damn changing rooms! Using a girl's changing room was better than changing in the middle of the store! She had to help customers and baby sit all at the same time, she was not getting payed enough for this.


"No buts Saporta! Down now!"

Gabe pouted before putting the skinny jeans back where he had found them and mumbling under his breath as he walked over to wear Nicole stood tapping her foot with her arms crossed like an impatient mother who had just been scolding a child.

"How old are you?" she asked.

"23" he mumbled.

"When are you going to start acting like it?"

"Never" he answered quickly before sticking his tongue out at her and running off to lock himself in one of the changing rooms. Nicole's jaw dropped, she was use to the way he behaved, she was just shocked at how he had actually gone in a changing room for once. Why couldn't he go in there when he wanted to try on pants?!

"I'm going on my break!" she yelled after him before storming out of the store, and attempting not to turn around and break down the changing room door so she could kill Gabe.

As Nicole walked towards subway she thought about the fact that if she left Gabe alone in the store for too long he would no doubt ignore the customers and start trying on pants in the middle of the store again. She quickened her pace and was glad to see that there was no line, she wasn't really surprised though, people did tend to get sick of Frank fighting with them when they tried to order anything with meat in it.

"Anderson" Frank growled upon seeing her.

"Ireo" she shot back.

Frank hated Nicole for one simple thing that was not even her fault in the first place. She had started eating meat again after 6 months of going veggi like the insane Subway manger himself. It was in no way her fault that she had gotten sick from lack of protein, but Frank seemed to think it was.

It seemed like today was going to be a good day without any trouble from Frank as Nicole ordered not only her sandwich, but Matt and Ryland who worked at Toy's R Us as well. It wasn't until she got to Adam's order did he start being annoying.

"Italian BMT" she smiled.

"Order something else"

"Italian BMT" she repeated glaring at him while Mikey stood back looking like he was trying to not laugh at the two.

"Order something else" He growled back.

"Last time you didn't give me Adam's sandwich he started throwing Giant bouncy balls at me!" Nicole snapped "Make the goddamn sandwich!"

"Bite me!"

"I will!"

Franks eyes got wide and he quickly pulled out the bread and started making Adam's sandwich. Nicole smirked, you never told her to bite you unless you actually wanted to be bitten and you would have scars in the shape of teeth after words. No, she was not a vampire, she just wished she was.

"Here is your food" Franks snapped.

"Finally" Nicole snapped back paying.


"Asshole!" she yelled back before grabbing my food and heading off in the direction of Toys R Us. Nicole was so thankful that she only had to get lunch every four days, because her Ryland, Matt and Adam took turns none of them liking to fight to get the food they wanted.

"Nicole!" a voice yelled as she entered the store.

She got wide eyed and quickly turned a corner to keep from being tackled to the ground. She looked to see Adam now laying face down on the floor while Ryland and Matt laughed at him. Had he not learned yet that she was faster than him?

"Here take your food" she laughed handing the sandwiches to the three "I have to get back before Gabe scares all the customers away again"

"You aren't going to stay and eat with us?" Adam pouted finally standing up from the floor to take his food from her.

She shook her head "I would if I could but I can't"

"Hey!" Adam all but yelled when Nicole had almost reached the door to the store.

"What?" she asked turning to look at him curiously.

"There is no meat on this! All it is is cheese and Veggies!"

Nicole got wide-eyed.

Stupid Frank

"This means war!" Adam shouted seeming a little happy about the fact that his sandwich was wrong. That meant Nicole was stuck in the store for her whole lunch break in a war with Adam, weapon of choice.

"I call Matt!" Nicole said quickly grabbing his arm and pulling him on her side of the store.

"I get Ryland then!" Adam yelled.

"He is the only one left Adam" Matt laughed.

Adam glared at the two of us "Choose your weapons wisely. I am so winning this time!"

"Ha! That's what you said last time!" Nicole smirked before taking off down a row with Matt in search of the perfect weapons.

"What shall we sue this time to defeat Adam and Ryland?" Matt questioned looking around.

I hit him lightly with my shoulder and pointed to the G I Joes.

Matt smirked "Perfect"

The two of us quickly grabbed everything we needed and started opening packages and setting up for the war. Adam and Ryland showed up a few minutes later with Barbies and Brats dolls still in their cases as well.

"Barbie doesn't have any Ammo what's she going to do ... throw shoes at us" Matt laughed at Adam who pouted in return but kept setting up the dolls for our fight.

"Your GI Joes wont be able to hurt them because they smell pretty!" Adam shot back.

"Did they run into Parker?" Nicole snickered.


"Stop by Macy's later" she answered simply before yelling 'War' and sending a G I Joe missile at Adam's barbies and Brats.

Fifteen minutes later Nicole walked out of Toys R Us laughing as she left Adam pouting and Matt teasing him about losing a war again, meaning he and Ryland both had to get lunch two days in a row now.

"There is a pink shoe in your hair"

"What?" Nicole asked curiously trying to look at her hair but failing due to her fringe.

"Here" the man who had pointed it out smiled and grabbing the pink shoe from her hair before taking her hand and placing the shoe in her palm.

"Thanks" she smiled "Gabe would have let me spend the day with it there"

"Anytime" he smiled before walking away towards the food court.

Nicole watched him walk away for a moment, wondering where she had seen him before. She was quickly was pulled from her thoughts as she heard someone screaming in Forever 21.

Oh God Gabe, not again
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 3!
Nicole is very happy Heaven has learned to share Bilvy *Smiles happily*