Mall of Vetis

Christmas is Near

Parker hates Wednesdays. Well she doesn’t actually hate them. She just hates the fact that no one really comes to the mall on Wednesdays. Right now she only saw this old couple, Edna and George Wilson. They always came to Macy’s on Wednesdays, every single week. They rarely bought anything, but they liked to just walk around, and talk to different employees. Parker did not hate them, she just hated to look at them. They made her feel lonely.

“Fuck the Wilson’s.” Parker muttered, and left her spot behind the perfume counter. She found Heaven, jumping one of the display beds.

“What are you doing?”

“Bugging Johnny.” Heaven laughed, jumping harder on the bed.

“Do you realize that he‘s not even here?” Parker stared up at her boss, a small smile spreading across her face despite the fact she wasn’t in the best mood.

“His break is almost over,” Heaven stated, and plopped down on the edge of the bed. “Why so glum, buttercup?”

“I’ve been thinking about a lot of stuff. I realized that I don‘t want to wake up one morning, come to work, and find only one Wilson walking around the store.”

“Those two really get to you.”

“I think I like that new kid, Ross.“ Parker nodded thoughtfully, and laid down next to Heaven on one of the display beds. “Messing with him could be pretty fun.”

Ryan has been working at Java the Hut for about a week now. Parker hasn’t actually seen Ryan working though. Spencer has been taking over the cash register every time she went in there, apparently he’s afraid of getting sniped again. Parker didn‘t think it was her fault that Tarra was smelling him during the whole interview. If anything she helped him get hired.

“True, I have a feeling he doesn‘t like to be touched, in any way...” Heaven laughed, catching that Parker wanted a change of subject. “Are you asking permission for something?”

“Perhaps-” Parker was cut short, thanks to Johnny.

“I fixed that freaking bed before I went on break!” Johnny sputtered. “Do you get some sort of sick pleasure from making me work harder then I have too?”

“Yes. ” Heaven said blankly, and pulled Parker off the bed. “Come along, we‘re going to visit some friends. Plus I think we can finish your quota faster this way.”

“This better not count as my break.” Parker said, as they made their to Cookies Galore.


“Joe, Quinn, how goes it?” Parker asked, leaning against the counter.

“Please stop talking like Heroin Bob,” Quinn begged, and started to prepare their usual. “I should have never lent you that movie.”

“Well, too late for wishes, Quinn.” Heaven laughed. “What‘s wrong with Joe?”

“I think I’ve been smoking a little too much.” Joe said, looking very worried.

“Why?” Parker asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You don‘t want to know.”

“Okay,” Heaven frowned, and grabbed the bag of cookies. “Destiny awaits us, boys.”


“Are you happy?” Heaven asked, taking a bite of her cookie. They were sitting by the water fountain, the décor team showed up on Monday to get a start on the Christmas decorations. Since then, the mall was gradually changing into a Winter Wonderland.

Parker sprayed a pregnent women before answering. The women gave them a bewildered look, before walking away.

“I don‘t honestly know…maybe.” Parker said, staring off at the kids playing in the Disney store. Parker moved out of her parents house a week after she graduated. She hasn’t been back since. It would be a lie to say that she didn’t miss them, she just doesn’t miss being controlled.

“Hey!” Parker yelled, smacking away a hand that was trying to steal her cookie. That hand belonged to one Brendon Urie. He had a gift at showing up when someone wasn’t paying attention to their treats.

“I just wanted a little bite.” Brendon pouted, and willed his eyes to look as innocent as possible.

“Damn you, Urie,” She muttered, handing him her cookie. He ate the whole thing in one bite. Parker’s jaw dropped, as Heaven laughed. “That‘s not a little bite!”

Parker grabbed her bottle of perfume, and sprayed him…a lot.

“You made me smell like happiness!” Brendon giggled. “But that‘s not why I came over here. I have an important announcement to make.”

“Yes?” Heaven questioned, she wasn’t exactly sure if she wanted to know.

“As of right now, I volunteer to be Santa for Macy‘s.”

“Oh, that‘s great Brendon.” Heaven said, looking very uncomfortable. She could only think of the disaster Brendon would be, if she let him be Santa. “But I think we already have someone.”

“Um…Okay, that‘s okay.” Brendon said, frowning. “The offer still stands if they don‘t work out.”

“Okay, well I have to go. Now.” Heaven muttered, and ran towards Macy’s, trying to not make it oblivious.

“I‘m thirsty.” Brendon announced, scratching his throat.

“I know the perfect place.”


“That will be $5.36.” Spencer said, giving Parker a small glare.

“Is that smell coming from you?” Ryan asked, winkling his nose up towards Brendon.

Brendon nodded happily, not fazed.

“Go get your boss, Spencer. I have a gift for her.”

“Whatever.” Spencer rolled his eyes. Parker sprayed his back as left.

“ooh! Give me!” Brendon smiled, and grabbed the bottle from Parker.

Brendon never meant for the next series of events to actually happen. He just wanted to have fun like Parker. It’s not like he knew that Ryan was going to turn around, and give them their drinks right when he was spraying his back.

“Oh my fucking god!” Ryan screamed, dropping the coffees and covered his eyes.

“What the hell is your problem, Urie!?” Spencer yelled, grabbing Ryan by the arm.

“I’m so sorry, you don’t even know how sorry I am.” Brendon pleaded, and helped Spencer pull Ryan over to the sink. He was close to hyperventilating. “I‘ll do anything to make it up to you!”

“Well you can start by leaving!” Spencer yelled once more, and pushed Brendon away,

Parker ran over to Tarra, whispered in her ear, and gave her the bag of cookies before dragging Brendon out of there. Spencer was on the verge of killing him.


Parker sighed to herself, as she pulled off her apron, and collected her things. Her day felt a lot longer then it needed too. She turned off the lights in all of the display cases, and waved to her co-workers on her way out. Ryan was sitting on the bench outside Macy’s. He’s eyes were still red, and a little puffy. He was waiting for her, she knew it. Parker wanted to shoot herself right there, but decided it would be better to just try to walk by without him noticing.

“Hey,” Ryan smiled, and patted the bench for Parker to sit down. “Please sit.”

“Um…” Parker looked around, but sat next to him anyways. She had a feeling Spencer was waiting somewhere with a knife. People don’t wait for you to get off work, after you hurt them unless it’s to hurt you. “Okay.”

“I understand what happened today, was an accident.” Ryan said thoughtfully. “I would be a total jerk to ignore that. Plus Tarra gave me a bag of snickerdoodles. She said that you wanted me to get them as an apology, so I think I‘m going to let this slide.”

“Okay.” Parker nodded, and smiled. “Thanks…for not being a douche bag about it.”

They sat there, talking, until Zack, the security guard, kicked them out. Ryan walked her to her car. The next morning they parked next to each other, and Parker walked Ryan to Java the Hut. Spencer glared at her from behind the counter.

“Why were you walking with Ryan?” Heaven asked when Parker came though the door to Macy’s. “I thought he would have killed you because of yesterday?”

“He‘s not such a bad guy.” She winked, putting her on apron.