Mall of Vetis

Total Eclipse of the Heart

“Today will be wonderful!” Parker squealed, sneaking up behind Tarra, and Heaven. She gave them a suggestive smile, and began play with her dress’s skirt.

“Your wearing a dress. You’re both wearing dresses.” Tarra glared at Parker, and Heaven. Parker mumbled something about getting laid, but Tarra didn’t honestly want to know what she said. “Valentine‘s Day was made by the devil, and you‘re both celebrating it.”

“Valentine‘s Day is lovely.” Heaven sighed, her eyes dilated, with a smile on her face. It was obvious she was thinking about Ryan. Tarra stared at her friend in disgust.

“I can‘t believe you two.”

"Oh don’t be so glum Tarra! You never know who's stalking you. You might get lucky tonight. Maybe they’ll get some nerve, and rape you tonight!" Parker exclaimed, grabbing Tarra‘s face to somehow make her explanation more clear. “Oh the joys of awkward sexual encounters.”

“Wait...Parker, I thought you didn‘t have a date?” Heaven asked, confused. Parker gave a slight pout.

“I don’t. Johnny paid me fifty bucks to piss off Brian. Well, he said to be nice, but I‘m going to be nice in my own way.” Parker shrugged, before putting on a fake posh accent, “Apparently he doesn‘t have a loved one to share this Valentines Day with. It’s my job to share the love.”

“Nicole, I love you.” Tarra grinned, pulling the girl into a tight hug as she walked by. “Your not trying to look cute for some boy.”

“Ew, Why would I do that?” Nicole winkled her nose. Heaven, and Parker pouted at each other. “Boys are stupid.”

“Oh! I made something for you guys!” Parker clapped happily, before handing them each a card, and a CD. “The CD‘s are V-day mixes for the stores!”

“Do these by any chance have Paris Hilton songs on them?” Heaven asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically. She glanced at the cards. They had Gabe’s face on the front, he was obliviously drunk out of his mind, and said ‘I swear I don’t have a STD…’. Heaven was beyond amused, but she was slightly afraid what could be inside the card.

“Only like one or two…but it’s cool, Gabe totally backs me up on it.” Parker waves them off. “Come on! Let‘s go find Nell.”


“I swear if I have to sell one more ‘Purrcy the Huggable Lion‘…or have to deal with some love sick guy buying the ‘perfect‘ gift at the last minute.” Nell whined, using air quotations. She pointed towards the pink stuffed animal, and yelled. “I‘ll rip that damn lion’s fucking giggle box out, and shred every card in this damn place!”

“Having a rough week, love?” Heaven asked sympathetically. Nell glared, but turned her glare towards the front of the store upon hearing a strumming guitar. Brendon was standing near the door with a huge grin on his face. He trying to serenade her by singing Once Upon a Dream. Parker, and Heaven tried to harmonize, but failed miserably.

“He‘s really creeping me out, Tarra.” Nicole whispered, glancing over at William. He had been staring at her from across the store, since they walked in. He looked a little lost.

“One second, okay.” Tarra smiled, and hurried over to pull Heaven away from Brendon, and Nell. They called William over, and talked amongst themselves, glancing at Nicole randomly. William left the store with a slight smirk on his face, and the two girls hurried back over to Nicole.

“All is taken care of.” Heaven smiled, and shook her head when Nicole opened her mouth to speak. “No questions.”

“Yep, but we should probably get you back to work.” Tarra nodded, grabbing Heaven, and Nicole’s hands. “There‘s no telling what Gabe has done.”


“Get off the table! You’ll break it.” Nicole yelled at Gabe. It took her a few seconds to look at the mannequins around the store. They were all in varies states of dress, and the ones that were wearing the most clothes, were wearing lingerie. Nicole‘s mouth dropped. The three other girls were thrown into a giggle fit. “What the hell Gabe?!”

“God, can‘t a guy admire his work.”

“Yeah, Nicole…” Heaven giggled, nudging her friend. “It‘s not that bad.”

“Quiero hacer el amor para usted.” Gabe called out at Parker upon seeing her. He said more things in Spanish to her, because he knew she didn’t know what he was saying. She figured it was dirty.

“I don‘t know what you just said Gabe, but it‘s a maybe.” She laughed, sitting down on his lap. They stared to hum 'Total Eclipse of the Heart'. Nicole ran around the store, fussing over getting the mannequins dressed properly.

“We should probably go.” Tarra muttered, eyeing the way Nicole ripped the arm off of one of a mannequin, because she couldn’t get a shirt on it.

“Good idea.” Heaven replied, looking over at Nicole. Gabe nodded, following closely behind the three girls. “I say it‘s about time for Parker to pay Brian a visit.”

“Hey! You‘re not going anywhere!” Nicole said hotly, her head snapping to where Gabe was. “Get your ass over here, and help.”


“I‘m not going in there.” Tarra stated, her feet planted to the ground. They stood around the entrance to Hot Topic, blocking a group of preteens from going into the store.

“C’mon! You got to see it!” Parker pulled on her arm, but Tarra wouldn’t budge, she just shook her head. “Please! He can probably see you right now, so it doesn‘t even matter.”

“Tarra! You can‘t hide from him,” Heaven said, grabbing Tarra‘s hand. “Or Spencer. It‘s not fair to either of them.”

“I know, I know.” She sighed, turning to Parker. “I‘ll watch from the door, but I‘m not going in.”

Parker squealed, kissing them both on the cheek, and ran into the store.

“Brian, I brought you something that brings me back to the first time I saw you. Your eyes showed me so much hatred, it broke my heart, but that passion behind the hatred showed me something new called…LOVE!” Parker sang, as she pranced around the store. Brian looked completely mortified.

“What the hell is she going on about?” Zacky asked, obviously very amused by the show. Parker placed a small bottle on the counter, but still continued her rant. More then half the customers were already staring.

“I bring you this burden, oh! this lovely curse that my body must bear, in the form of scent. The true scent of love.” Parker gasped with her hand placed over her heart, and fell to the floor.

“Is that what I think it is?” Brain growled, his lip curling in disgust. Parker giggled as Tarra, and Heaven dragged her from the floor, and out of the store.

“The delicious smell of love in the air.” Ryland smiled, waiting at Macy’s entrance for the girls to arrive.

“I know, it‘s all because of me.” Parker struck a pose. Heaven poked her, then pointed at Brain. Whom was walking towards them, looking very unhappy. She had a feeling he was going to whine to Johnny. The last thing she needed was to have them both trying to kill her. “I have go hide under one of the beds. See you later, Ryland.”

“This could be a great opportunity to laugh my ass off, but I think I‘m just going to go bake some.” Tarra smiled knowingly, and dashed off to Cookies Galore. Heaven shrugged to herself, and decided that she better get back to work.


Heaven was running when she did her nightly tasks, she wanted to close the store as fast as possible. She almost missed the lump in one of the display beds, when she ran by. A very big lump to be exact. A big lump that was sniffling. Heaven really didn’t want to disrupt whoever was underneath the blanket, but her job required her to make sure no customers were in the store when the closed.

“Hey buddy, we‘re closing, it‘s time for you to pack your pity party, and leave.” Heaven said gruffly, poking at the lump. She pulled the covers away, and scrunched up her face. “Oh god, why did you come here.”

“Tricky didn‘t show up to work today.” Pete pouted, pulling the covers over his head. “It‘s the day for looove!…and he did not even show up.”

“After dating you Pete, I understand why he wouldn‘t want to show up…” Heaven shuddered, and began looking under the display beds. She found Parker under a bed, playing a role-playing game on a Nintendo DS that was clearly not hers. “I need you to get rid of Pete.”

“Heaven!” Parker gave a fake gasp, looking up from her game with wide eyes. “I can‘t believe you would want me to kill someone on this holiday! But passion does come with murder, so okay.”

“No, not like that.” Heaven smirked at the thought. “Get him out of the store, I have a feeling that it‘s going to involve more then just asking him to leave. Which is something I don‘t have time for.”

“Ooh! Is a date on tonight’s agenda? ”

“Perhaps, also if I were you, I would give Gerard his game back as soon as possible.” Heaven gave a cheeky grin. Parker pouted before crawling from under the bed to find Pete.

“Where‘s Heaven?” Pete asked, poking his head out from under the blanket.

“She‘s left to go get ready for her date.”

“That‘s stupid. She‘s my ex, she‘s supposed to take care of me.”

“Your such a creep.” Parker snorted, “You should probably leave. Johnny is still mad at me for not being nice to Brian, and I don‘t think he should see us messing up his display beds again.”

“I don‘t want to go home.” Pete groaned, pulling at the sheets tighter around him.

“How about we go buy half the menu at Taco Bell, and watch 80’s movies at my place? My roomate, Singer, doesn't have any plans. So you can either go home alone, or hang with two awesome kids.”

“Okay, but only if you don‘t change into pajamas.” Pete agreed, eying the hem of her dress. Parker had a feeling her would have accepted the offer even if she did. “The dress is cute.”

“Thanks.” Parker laughed, rolling her eyes.


“I don‘t know,” Nicole said as she put on her jacket. “Are you sure?”

“Trust me, Nicole!” Gabe said, pushing her out the door. “I am capable of closing up.”

“Fine,” She replied weakly. Ryan, and Spencer stared at her as she walked by.

Everyone was acting really weird today. She just wanted to leave, and hope everyone would be back to normal the next day. She saw William sitting on one the benches near the water fountain. Nicole panicked, and threw herself on the floor. She started to crawl around the fountain so he wouldn’t see her, but stopped when she heard a cough.

“Is there a reason your down there?” William asked, raising an eyebrow with a slight smirk.

“No,” Nicole rolled her eyes, and pushed away his hand when he tried to help pull her up. “I decided to start a dust collection, and just figured I should start now.”

“Really? Because you looked like you were hiding from me.”

“No shit.” She rolled her eyes once again, and started to walk away.

“Wait! I got you something.” William said, rummaging though his messenger bag. Nicole started to run.

“No, please don‘t. That is the last thing I want from you right now.”

“Just take my fucking gift. I want you to have it.” William pleaded pushing the a small package into her arms. “Please just take it.”

Nicole watched him walk away slowly, as if he was waiting for her to stop him. She didn’t want to give that to him, she got into her car, and left. She didn’t think about the gift until she was getting ready for work in the morning.


“What happened to you?”

“He wouldn‘t go home.” Parker yawned, and took a sip of her coffee. “I figured we would watch a few movies, and he‘d leave. But no, he decided to stay the night. He got Singer hyper off of only God knows what, and they made me make them breakfast at five am.”

Heaven laughed for a few minutes, as Parker pouted.

“It really isn‘t that funny…anyways, how was the date with Ryan?”

“Horrible. I spilled my drink on him, tripped about a hundred times, and I somehow managed to slam his hand in the car door,” Heaven sighed, brushing her hair out of her eyes. “But the kiss was amazing.”

“WOOT!” Parker squealed, clapping, and threw her arms around Heaven’s neck. “I knew my magic powers would work.”

"Magic powers?"

“Yep, I made Pete, and Singer do a ritual dance when we got home yesterday. I wanted to make sure everyone had a nice time.” Parker explained, as if it was obvious.

“Well it worked, I heard Nicole is warming up to William…well, I saw them making out, so I‘m taking that as they‘re good.”

“Sweet! I totally made the dance up on the spot.” Parker laughed, and finally noticed the box of chocolates on the counter with her name on it. “What the hell are these?”

“Chocolate, duh. They‘ve been sitting there since yesterday morning.”

“I hope these are as delicious as you…” Parker murmured, reading the card. There wasn’t a name. “I wonder who these are from.”

“Are you serious? Fuckin‘ delicious.” Heaven asked, her mouth hanging open. “Never mind, I‘m going to let you figure that out on your own.”