Happy Freakin' New Year

Happy Freakin' New Year!

"Dude, we're like Cingular," Brendon said, glancing down our line of five. He was actually right. On the far right was Pete Wentz, then me (the oh-so-normal Alex), then Ryan Ross, then Brendon Urie, and finally William Beckett. We were linked with our arms around each others' shoulders and waists, unsuccessfully trying to make our way down Broadway in New York City.

"Yeah, raising the bar. Haha, Pete, you're short."

"Shut up, Bill," Pete whined.

"So where are we going?"

"Making our way towards Angels and Kings."

"Skipping time!" Ryan shouted. The rest of the guys caught on and started to skip with him, but I was a little slow on the uptake. They ended up dragging me for a second before I regained my footing.

"Why are we skipping?"

"Because -"

"Because it's New Years Eve in New York fucking City," a voice rasped behind us.

I broke from the line and whipped around, my hands ready to karate chop the person who sounded like a creeper behind us. It turned out to be someone not quite that.

"GABANTI!" William screamed, like a little girl.

"Bilvy!" Gabe Saporta shouted back, and the two attacked each other in a massive hug.

"And what the hell are you doing here instead of being in the hospital?" Brendon said, propping his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, Gabe?" Ryan said, mocking Brendon's pose. "What are you doing here?" he giggled as Brendon shoved him over.

Gabe shrugged. "I rescheduled the surgery for tomorrow. I wasn't about to sit in the hospital while all of you got to party. Especially you," he said, pulling me into a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in forever, chica," he said.

"I've missed you too, Gabey."

There was a chorus of 'Awww's from the rest of the guys.

"Shut up. Shall we skip again?"

"Oh, no," I groaned.

"Don't worry, Alex," Brendon said, and pulled me back into the line, slipping his arm around my waist. Ryan took my other side, and Gabe joined on Pete's end. We started skipping down the street again, turning according to Pete and Gabe. I saw camera flashes out of the corners of my eyes and could just see tomorrow's Perez Hilton headline: Random Unidentified Teeage Girl Skips Through Times Square With the Hottest Decaydance/FBR Boys!

"We're so going to be on Perez tomorrow," William shouted.

"I was just thinking that!" I yelled back.

"Oh my God, we're twins!"

"Then there's been a lot of incest going on!" Pete gasped.

"Nuh uh! Fuck you, Peter!"

"When are we gonna be there?" Brendon whined.

"Chill, Brenny."

"But, Alex..."

"Tell you what. You stop whining, and when we get there, I'll give you one of my back and shoulder massages."

"YES!" he cried, knowing how good mmy back/shoulder massage was. He leaned down a bit and kissed me on the cheek. His grip on my waist tightened a little, as if he wasn't going to let go until he got that massage.

We moved like a snake through the people and cars until we got there: 500 East 11th street. Angels & Kings, New York City.

"Whee!" Gabe croaked, leaving the line and running into the bar.

"Welcome," Pete said nobly, "To Angels and Kings."

I instantly loved it.

"Pete!" I heard Andy yell from across the room.

I felt a pair of hands gently grasp my hips. "You think you're going to drink anything?"

"Lightly, if any."

"Me too," Brendon said. "I'll get you something."

I chuckled as I thought of Brendon's first real experience with alcohol. William got him completely smashed, so much that he'd hardly had a drink in the past few months.

"Alex!" came Gabe's now familiar croak. "Brendon! Come dance!"

"Come on, we're being summoned." Brendon took my hand and led me to the rest of the FBR/Decaydance crew.


"That dude is freaking creepy," William said, watching Dick Clark on the screen. "He's like, a bazillion years old and still looks like half that."

"What's half a bazillion?"

"A..." William trailed off, taking another sip from his drink. "A half a bazillion. Duh, Alex."

"He's funny when he's drunk," I whispered to Brendon.

"And a lot more susceptible to your wily ways, you demon girl," William slurred.

"Oh, hush, you...you woman, you," I said. It probably wasn' the best insult I'd ever dealt in my life.

"You're also funny, even when you've had only two," Brendon chuckled.

"You're jealous."

"Hey, guys," Gabe tried to call to us. "Five minutes. Let's go watch the ball drop."

"Your balls should drop, Gabanti."

"Fine, you're not getting that lap dance later, Bill."

"Wait, no! I take it back!" William jumped up. "I was kidding, Gabe."

"I know you were." Gabe came over to us and grabbed William's ass. "Are we going or not?"

Brendon and I got up and followed Gabe and William outside. in a few minutes, we had made it to Times Square and the mob of people that went with it. Gabe and WIlliam stopped in front of us, and I felt like I was packed in some area, waiting for a band to start playing until I felt Brendon behind me. Then I was comfortable. I couldn't help but smile.

The countdown from ten started, and Brendon gently slung his arm around my shoulder. I reached up and laced my fingers with his, laying my head on his shoulder.


Gabe turned around, throwing his arms up in the air in triumph. "HAPPY FREAKIN' NEW YEAR!"

"Happy 2009," Brendon said quietly into my hair.

"You too, Bren."