Sequel: Punk Rock Princess

These Constant Memories

There's A Story At The Bottom Of This Bottle

After a couple shows, as hard as it may be to believe, tour just becomes routine. Waking up at 3 in the afternoon, making coffee, watching T.V. while the guys get ready to go play, talking to Alicia while the boys watched the opening acts, watching the guys play, spend time in the bunk with Frankie and falling asleep. It's like that movie groundhog day. It just happens over and over again. I'm not complaining though, I love life on the road. I like seeing the different cities (on occasion venturing out into them) and watching all the fans scream for the guys, my best friends.

I talked to Ollie occasionally, and sometimes Renee. Since being on the road I can't ever remember speaking to Zander, or even speaking to Ollie for more than 10 minutes at a time. I missed them and felt horrible about always having to rush out of the conversation, but life on the road is full of "emergencies". Between the missing straighteners to the lost semi's I somehow got sucked into dealing with all the issues.

I was sitting on the bus with Alicia watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, discussing how sexy we find Rupert Grint to be when it happened. I wasn't aware of but my cell phone was ringing with someone on the other end waiting to tell me life changing news.
Frankie had taken my cell phone hostage to "pimp it out" as he said. He, along with the rest of the band, were backstage getting ready, straightening hair, warming up vocals, and just mellowing out. The door to the bus flew open and an out of breath Frankie came sprinting up the stairs.

"Abby, something happened." Frankie managed to sputter out.
"Frankie, babe what are you talking about?" I asked getting up and putting my arm around him leading him to the table.
"I need to tell you something, something bad." He started after taking a big swig of water.
"Frankie, whatever it is I'm sure I'll be able to deal with it." I said with a casual smile trying to relax him.
"Ollie just called. He went to visit your grandmother in the rest home, when he got there s-sh-she was slumped over in her chair. Abby, your grandmother passed away."Frankie said scooping me into a bone crushing hug.

I could hardly register what he had said. My grandma was dead. The lady who had been there for me when my parents left me, the lady who raised me to know right from wrong, the lady who took care of me when I was sick, the lady who told me to get on with life when I thought the guys had left me forever was dead. I couldn't handle it I got up and staggered backward towards the door. Alicia got up and tried to pull me down onto the couch but I tore my arm out of her grasp and ran out of the door. Running, like I've said before, has always been and will always been my answer to all bad situations.

I ran out of the of arena and onto the street, I turned out of the alley way to find hundreds of fans eager to see their favorite bands preform that night. I sprinted past them ignoring their questions of how I knew the band or where Jared(Gerard) was. I ran to the closet park I could find and collapsed onto an unoccupied bench. Life is so cruel to bring me all these wonderful people but for them take away my grandma. Why can't life be fair?