Sequel: Punk Rock Princess

These Constant Memories

I Thought I Held My World In My Hands

Walking the streets of New Jersey, or at least in Newark, at night is never a good idea. It's an even worse idea when you've been out partying. Winter was in full swing now seeing as it was November 28th, my birthday. I treated myself to a night of drinking and dancing in few local clubs we had. Ollie and Renee had been out with me but left only after making me promise to catch a cab back to the apartment. Ha ha I had thought to myself, I'll show them I'll find my way home myself. I bet you're asking yourself where's my Frankie? He's currently galavanting around Europe on the last leg of the Black Parade tour. I opted to stay home because I'm deathly afraid of flying over water.

Today I woke to the smell of pancakes, fortuantley they weren't burnt, and a big breakfast being brought to me in bed. Ollie had slaved away in the kitchen trying to make the perfect pancakes, they actually were a little under cooked but I ate them. After breakfast Ollie sent me to get ready for a day of shopping and fun. We met Renee at the mall and basically shopped away the afternoon, until it was time to go home and get ready for the night. We had originally planned to be home by two but I wasn't ready to go home yet so I stayed. Along with the cab promise Ollie made me swear to be home by three, yet here I was wandering the streets at 4:32 in the morning.

I finally managed to find the apartment building and clamored in and unlocked the door. The moment I stepped into the apartment I seemed to sober up at the sight of rose petals leading up to my bedroom. My thoughts automatically jumped: Frankie! He couldn't be home, could he? I managed to get up the stairs tripping only once and opened the door to find Frankie sitting on the bed leaning against the wall. When he saw me he automatically stood up. I quickly glanced around the room, candles were the only light in the room giving it a very romantic air.

Frankie rushed over to me and gave me a giant hug. Before I could say anything Frankie held his finger up to my lips and began:
"Abby these past months have been a whirlwind. Things have changed drastically, for the both of us. I know that the change you had over me was completely positive, seeing you again re-awoke apart of I thought died a long long time ago. You're my other half, you're everything I'm not. We compliment each other so well. My life wouldn't be worth living without you. You're the girl I want to grow old with and I think you feel the same way about me, so" Frankie paused getting on one knee, taking a deep breath, and pulling a small velvet box out of his pocket," Abby Masterson will you do me the proud honor of becoming Mrs. Frank Iero?" Frankie asked staring deep into my eyes.

I began crying and caught my breath.

"Of course," I smiled as he slid the gorgeous ring onto my hand.