Sequel: Punk Rock Princess

These Constant Memories

We'll Shake Up This Town

This had been the first time Frankie and I had been really alone in awhile. It was nice, not having to worry about everyone else. To bad it didn't last long, Frankie had taken two days off tour to be home on my birthday to propose and he had to head back today. I decided against driving him to the airport, goodbyes are pretty hard for me. Before he went out to catch his cab I held him close to me for a long time drinking in his scent. I was crazy about the way he smelled, the way his cologne mixed with the cigarettes. I pulled back and stared capturing a mental picture of him.

"Abby I'll be home before you know it!" Frankie said as he wiped away a tear sliding down my cheek.
"I know, it's just hard to say goodbye." I sighed.
"I know baby, but while I'm gone you can start planning the wedding and then when I get home we'll do the rest together." He said with a gigantic smile at the mention of the wedding.
"Abs my taxi is out there..."Frankie said as he trailed off.
"Ok baby." I gave him one last kiss and he walked out.

Two months later...

This morning was unlike any other. Around 8 o'clock I found myself running to the bathroom to avoid getting sick in bed. I bet I know what you're thinking : morning sickness, and you're absolutely right. I'm pregnant with Frankie's child and he has no idea. I've known for about one and half month and I haven't been able to get up the courage to tell him. My thoughts shifted to the way he would react if he knew. Would he be angry at me for not telling him? Would he be happy? Would want me to give it up? With all the variables I decided not to tell him until he gets home....which happens to be in three hours.