Sequel: Punk Rock Princess

These Constant Memories

Just Running Away, From All The Ones Who Love You

I run away. Its the one thing I excel at. I don't like to be in situations I don't have control over. So I run, its what I did when my parents left, I ran to my grandmothers, its what I did when the guys left I ran to Belleview, its what I'm doing now. I'm running to the one place I can go and feel at home. The park. Not just any park. This park overlooked a river. I would go there and sit and stare and think. I kept my thinking place a secret from everyone. Even Frankie, or I thought it was a secret.

"Are you that scared of losing control?" I heard a voice from behind me question. I turned. It was Frankie.
"Are you that scared to let your emotions take over? Keeping everything bottled up isn't healthy, you of all people should know that." He said as he sat down next to me on the bench.
"Frankie, I'm scared."I said scooting closer to him.
"I know. I just don't understand what you're scared of." He said sliding his arm around my shoulders.
"I think I'm scared of opening up and giving you guys another chance," I sighed,"I think I'm scared you guys will hurt me again. I think I'm scared you guys have changed." I said leaning my head on his shoulder.
"I can understand being afraid of being hurt. I don't understand you're coldness towards us. You can be scared without being mean, being scared is part of life. What's life without a bit of fear. It's all part of it, life would be pretty boring without it." He said, Frankie's smarter than I thought.
"Promise me you won't hurt me again Frankie. You've always been my star, I never forgot you while you were gone, and I know I never will be able to forget you. Promise me you won't hurt me" I said with urgency as I sat up and looked him straight in the eye.
"Abby, I promise you I won't intentionally hurt you ever again. You mean to much, and it makes me to sad to see you hurting. I promise to take care of you forever and always, I promise I won't leave you again." He said looking every bit as intense.
"Frankie, I wouldn't be lying if I said I love you." I said setting my head gently on his shoulder.
"I know baby, I know." He murmured into my ear.