Sequel: Punk Rock Princess

These Constant Memories

We've Had The Time To Realize We Were Wrong

Sitting on that bench with Frankie was like all my dreams come true. I finally had my boy back, the boy I could see myself growing old with. I loved him, and he loved me.

"Abby, can I talk to you?" Frankie asked still looking out over the river.
"Of course Frankie," I said as I cuddled closer.
"Well, we're only here for a break, we're leaving for a national tour next week. I want you to come with me." Frankie said looking down at me.
"Frankie, I would love to. Are you allowed? Will the guys be ok with it?" I questioned inhaling the familiar scent of his cigs.
"Abby its you! Of course they would be ok with it, plus Alicia comes with Mikey so you can come with me." He said as he stood up.
"Count me in then." I said standing up and taking his hand.

We slowly made our way back to the house, Ollie must have left after I ran out. His car was gone and had been replaced by a small black sports car.

"Looks like Alicia's here," Frankie said looking at the car.
"Mikey, I can't believe he finally found a girl" I said with a chuckle.
"Yeah, and a nice one at that. Alicia is so nice, you'll like her." He said as he opened the door to reveal the guys in the exact positions we left them in.
"Guys, I have great news. Abby is gonna come on tour with us. As my girlfriend!" Frankie said with his little smile spreading across his entire face.
"Hi I'm Alicia and I just want to tell you it's gonna be so nice to have another girl on tour," A girl with dark black hair said as she stood up and gave me a giant hug.

Frankie was right. I was gonna love this girl.