I Don't Love You Like I'll Love You Tomorrow

School's Out!

"OH MY GOD, WE'RE FREE!!!!!!" I screamed as I raced down the street, with Gerard, Frank, Ray, Bob and Mikey right behind me.

"NYA-HA!!!! OUT OF SCHOOL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Screamed Frank. We all looked like idiots, running down the streets and screaming, but we didn't care. We had just graduated from school and we were free to do whatever we want- outside of work, that is. Most of all, we now had time to work on the band! We all got to my garage, set up the instruments and started playing I'm Not Okay. I joined the band late, and didn't have anything to play, so I just sang some of the songs,most of the harmonies and I played the keyboard sometimes. God it felt good. Free of homework, teachers, idiot girls and jocks calling us emo freaks. It felt great to belt out the song, even if I was only singing the harmonies.

"What a great practice!" Said Gerard, sitting down exhausted.

"Yeah." We all agreed in unison

"Now we can do whatever we want."sighed Mikey.

"But you're forgetting work, four-eyes." I replied. He pouted and stuck his tounge out at me.

I don't know why, but Mikey never really treated me with as much respect as the other guys did. It started off as just ignoring me, but it them grew to the point where we hated each other now. We were always having sarcasm matches (and, of course, Gerard would commentate them) and insults were hurled a lot but we still managed to get along on stage. He has hurt me really badly (mentally AND physically) on a few occasions, but everyone has helped me pull through. I love to play the bass, and people say that I'm really good at it, but I doubt that he'd be jealous about THAT. I pulled a face at him, then brushed my short black hair (now wet fom all the energy I had just put into the song) away from my black colour-change contact lenses. I didn't need glasses but I had always hated my vibrant purple eyes, so I bought a pair of contact lenses that do nothing exept change you eye colour. I also have some red ones that glow in the dark, so I have fun scaring people into thinking I'm a vampire!

"God, can't you two even TRY to get along?" Asked Ray

"NEVER." We answered. I liked Ray, though. He was the one I was closest to (If that's even possible). He was just like a big brother, cheering me up, taking all matches away from my pyromaniac self and encouraging me to go further. And he was the one who suggested that I join the band, so I have a lot to thank him for. We lived together (but we AREN'T boyfriend/girlfriend and never will be) and were always having fun.

"At it again, are they? When can I host a match? Can I now? Huh? Huh?" Gerard asked, bouncing up and down like a little kid. He and I were close friends and he was like a little brother even though he and all the other guys were a year older that me, because I started school early. My parents wanted me to at least TRY and be smart. I never really knew my parents, I was taken away from them when I was halfway through my first year in school. My dad was more than just an idiot, he was a really bad role model. Like my very own Slash that I imitated. But I never even saw my mum. Dad said she didn't want me, and ran away from the hospital the minute she was allowed to, but I searched everywhere and found out that my DNA matched a woman who had been murdered by her husband. Then when I came home one day, dad took out a knife and told me that I would meet the same fate that my mother did, but the police burst through the door and saw him standing over me, and arrested him. They sent me to live with Ray and his dad, who I was already very close to, and it all turned out fine. Now Ray and I have our own house and we have had HEAPS of good times together.

"What good'll it do? I'm just going to win again." Mikey spoke as he packed away his bass.

"Yeah. Sure. Hey Mikes, what's that on your forehead? A tattoo? No, it can't be, it looks permanent." I asked, conceren drifting in my voice.

"Huh?" He replied, looking worried. He always wanted to look good for his girl-friends.

"That L for LOSER on you face!" I yelled at him, laughing as he scrunched up his face in a retarded way.

"Ha ha very funny. Hang on, you have something to, right...THERE!" He yelled, slapping my face

"What the hell was that for, dammit?!"

"For my entertainment!"

"WELL SO IS THIS!" I yelled back, kicking him in the stomach. Pretty soon, we were rolling around on the floor. He managed to get on top of me for a few seconds before I rolled and slammed him into the concrete.

"Hey guys! Break it up! Now!!" Yelled Ray, pulling me of Mikey. I was amazed, I had actually managed NOT to break his glasses... this time...