Cricket On Tour

Tell Me Something I Don't Know

“You guys rocked it!” I screamed after the show. I had to scream because I’m pretty sure I’m deaf now. It was so incredibly loud backstage.

“Hell yeah!” Lanie screamed too. “Hey! What are you guys doing here?” The Maine had just shown up, probably to congratulate the guys, blah, blah, blah. But wait! I spy a girl with them—could this be a new friend for me and Lanie? I think so!

“Hi, I’m Cricket.” I said walking up to the girl. “We’re going to be friends.”

“Wow. God, Cricket could you be more of a creeper?” Zack asked with an amazed look on his face.

“Annnnd, that’s my girlfriend.” Alex said laughing as he put his arm around my shoulder. “The creeper. Sometimes I wonder why she and Jack aren’t the related one; he’s like the guy version of Cricky.”

“Hey now!” I said punching Alex in the arm. “Jack and I aren’t on the same level!” At this, everyone died laughing. Literally! Well, not really, but almost. I really don’t think it’s that funny. Jerks.

“Cricket, what are you talking about? That was just a compliment to the highest esteem. You couldn’t ask for anything better.” Jack said with that stupid, serious-but-not-really look on his face.

“I really don’t mind.” The girl laughed. I noticed that she was hanging on Jared, so that probably makes her his girlfriend. “I’m Cat.”

“Lanie. We should party when the guys have band stuff to do.” Yep. Me and Lanie straight to the point.

“Well,” Rian said with a sly grin on his face. “I’m pretty sure we’re going to celebrate the first night of Warped Tour.”

Rian’s statement was received by many woots and hollers, but stupid Matt Flyzik burst my bubble.

“Well, actually, you boys are going to get some rest after our band meeting.”

“Fuck you Matt!” Jack yelled jokingly. But all the guys trudged off anyway.

“Well shit.” Lanie said with a pout. “I kind of wanted to get trashed tonight and do something stupid with Jack.”

“Ew! Lanie!” I laughed. “TMI, babe, TMI.”

“Oh I know what we can do!” I said excitedly and bounced on my toes. It was a really good idea. “We can go put more InStyle podcasts on Jack’s ipod, and then when he goes to sleep, we put his earphones in and he listens to them all night! It’s like that hypnotizism thing, you know like the quit smoking ones Chandler listened to in Friends?”

“Cricket, why you gotta make my boyfriend gay?” Lanie sighed.

“Cuz.” I said pouting. It was really entertaining to talk about trends and other fashion-ey stuff and watch Jack’s confused face when he realized he knew what I was talking about. Waking up at one in the morning, waking up again at five in the morning, seeing Jack’s face at eleven: priceless. “It’s fun.”

“Okay,” Lanie said and her eyes lit up devilishly. “Let’s make Rian gay!”

“Yes!” I said pumping my fist. I knew there was a reason we’re best friends.

“Mind if I tag along?” Cat asked.

“Only if you agree to never say anything to anyone about our plan and become our partner in crime.” I told her.

“Deal.” She said and shook my hand in a pact. “Now, if you really wanted to take things to the next level…”
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Okay it's been waaaay too long since I updated and I'm soooo sorry! But it's been Double Wolf Dare Week and that has consumed all my attention. Yep, remember Double Lion Dare Week from ATL and Cricket? Based it off the real thing!!! WOO! lol!
I'll update again later today!

P.S. Kudos to ohhemgeeitsbecky for the most awesome ah-mazing banner ever!