Cricket On Tour

Little Razorblade

Our mission was complete, now all we had to do was wait for Rian to come home and go to bed. So, we were eating cookie dough and watching Wizards of Waverly place, because really, that show is awesome. It was like one in the morning and I was drifting in and out of consciousness. Cat and Lanie were chattering like parakeets though. I don’t see how they aren’t tired.

“Hey Cricccket!” Cat teased. “I know someone who has a crush on you!”

“Pfft, yeah, me too. My boyfriend.” I said snuggling into my blankets more.

“Nope! Someone besides Alex.” Cat said excitedly.

“Okay, who.” I said deciding to indulge her.

“John!” she screeched happily.

“What?” I asked definitely awake now.

“Yeah, he talks about you all the time!” Cat continued.

“Really?” Lanie asked with an interested smirk on her face.

“Yeah, he’s like, ‘Cricket’s so cute,’ and ‘she’s the coolest girl ever!’. All the time!” Cat cried.

“Well, what do I do!” I cried in desperation. “I don’t want him to think I like him!”

“Do you?” Cat asked.

“NO!” I screeched in shock. “I like Alex, my boyfriend.”

“Aw, you two would have been so cute together.” Cat pouted.

“I’m so glad you support my relationship Cat.” I said throwing a goldfish at her head.

“Okay, but I know John, and I don’t know Alex so I’m kind of on Team John.”

“Okay, no. There are no ‘teams,’ because there isn’t any debate here. I love Alex. Al-lex!” I said scoffing at Cat. She has a really thick skull.

“Fine. Just go break his heart.” She pouted again.

“Cat! You can’t make me feel bad about this.” I warned.

But she did. The next day when I saw John, he got this big, stupid grin on his face and he hugged me really tight and told me I looked pretty. Which I didn’t. I had just woken up and didn’t even brush my hair or put on makeup. And I felt like a bitch. Which I shouldn’t! It’s not my fault I have a boyfriend. Stupid Cat, putting all these ideas in my head. I won’t be able to concentrate or have fun all day because I’m going to be worrying that I’m leading stupid John on!

Later that day I plopped on the couch next to Alex for lunch, thoroughly exhausted from avoiding John all day.

“I’m exhausted.” I complained snuggling to Alex as he slid his arm around my shoulders.

“You’re exhausted!” Alex exclaimed and I giggled. Yeah, he had it rougher than I did.

“Well,” I began in my defense. “I’ve been avoiding John all day, and that takes a lot of effort!”

“Why are you avoiding John?” Alex asked warily.

“Because Cat told me he like liked me, and I don’t want him to get the wrong idea, so I’m just going to ignore him.”

“Well, if he tries anything, I’ll kick his ass, and I’m pretty sure he’ll get the message.” Alex said puffing his chest out. He’s so cute when he gets protective!

I’m so glad the John situation is taken care of, now there won’t be any awkwardness, or shit like that for the rest of the summer. Just good times and me and Alex and all my friends.
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So, I haven't been getting like any comments and that makes me reallllllly sad, so I'm not updating until I get 35.

Sorry to complain like a little girl