So I Thought

Assignment Time

The sky before me was so dark. Nothing could be seen besides the bright moon in the sky. A gentle breeze blew through and played with the barren wasteland before me, also causing my silver hair to blow around me, as if it was dancing. "Akari-chan, Aizen-sama commands your presence at the meeting" said Sun Sun. She happened to be one of the Fraccion under Halibel, one of the few Espada of Aizen's that actually liked me. Rising to my feet, my white thigh length kimono swayed. Around my waist was a black obi with a white belt tied around it. I had a black scarf around my neck and black gloves on my hands. My feet were covered in thigh high Arrancar boots, black with white lines. I never wanted to be here in Hueco Mundo, but Onii-chan wanted me to be with him. "Arigatou Sun Sun-chan" I said as I gave her a small smile, one that didn't reach my ruby eyes. If there was one thing I didn't like about myself, it was that I looked so much like my brother, only shorter and a girl.

My footsteps made only the slightest sound as I walked to the meeting room with Sun Sun. As the big doors approached, I saw them open and I walked in to find every Espada, Aizen-sama, Tosen-san, and Onii-chan looking at me. "You called for me Aizen-sama?" I asked. It killed me to be nice to the man who betrayed Soul Society, but I really can't say I want to die now. Nnoitra, the Cinco Espada, kept his lecherous gaze on me, his hand reaching for my behind as I walked past. "Nnoitra, keep your hands to yourself" spoke Aizen before Nnoitra glared and sat there silently. Stark lazily smiled at me before falling asleep. "Akari-chan, I am sending you to the living world with Grimmjow and Ulquiorra. You are to gather as much info about the Ryoka as possible, as well as how many people are spiritually aware" commanded Aizen. I bowed and smiled to Ulquiorra. 'At least I'll have one person with me who doesn't completely hate me' I thought. Ulquiorra and Grimmjow rose, following me out of the meeting room.

"Great, I get to spend time with a Shinigami brat and Ulquiorra" spat Grimmjow. "I can't say I'm overall pleased with these arrangements either Grimmjow, but what Aizen-sama says goes" said Ulquiorra. "For as long as we're in the real world, please don't try to kill each other" I said. Grimmjow glared at me and Ulquiorra nodded. "I will try, but I can't say much for Grimmjow here" said Ulquiorra. "Shut your mouth" spat Grimmjow. I sighed and walked to my room. "Get your stuff and meet back at the meeting room" said Ulquiorra before both the 4th Espada and the Sexta Espada went their own ways. Opening my door, I saw Onii-chan standing there. "Akari-chan, be careful ok?" he said. "Onii-chan, it's ok. I know how to handle my own" I said, a bitter tone to my voice. He abandoned me as a child, left me on my own, and expects me to be happy with him now. 'He's got another thing coming' I thought. "Akari, Grimmjow doesn't control himself much" said Gin. "Listen to me right now Gin, I can handle things on my own. I'm not particularly thrilled with you bringing me here, as you didn't like me enough to stay with me as kids as it was, but taking me from the people who actually liked me, I don't like you right now" I said, shooting him a glare.

He didn't answer me as I finished packing and left my room. He didn't speak the whole time walking with me to the meeting room. He didn't say anything as I left and I'm guessing he won't say anything when I come back. That's just how things were with us now.
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I revised my story as I didn't like how it was before. Now I think it's a bit better. Please comment and subscribe.