He Calls Himself a 'Modern Swinger' I Think He Means 'in Need of Many One Night Stands'


I'm just a simple girl from Vegas just living my life.

My name's Kittie, I was born August 20, 1989. What can I say about my name other then, I had weird parents.

Yeah I know what you're thinking, "She's from Vegas, she must be a whore with a gambling problem." I'm not nor do I know anyone who fits that description that was born and raised here.

Kids that do illegal things are pretty common though. Like drinking, I know drinking is legal... if you’re over 21. None of my friends (or me for that matter) were 21 when we started drinking. I was 14 (almost 15) when I had my first shot of tequila, it was July 3, 2004 and the night before Warped tour came to town.

The day I'm telling you about is November 6, 2006, I'm now 17 (for those of you who can't do math) and I'm going to see Meg and Dia, The Pink Spiders, and Sugercult. I usually like my music a little bit darker and louder, but my friend invited me and there is something about The Pink Spiders that I like.

I missed school that day because I wasn't feeling well, but I always feel good enough to rock.
Steve (my friend that was taking me) showed up around 4 so we would still get there even if he got lost.

He drove us to the Mandalay Bay (which takes entirely to long) and were there early because he didn't get lost.

We grabbed drinks from the Starbucks that's right next to The House of Blues and sat for a minute to drink them. After we finished them we got in the non-existent line and the totally un-shy Steve made conversation with the security and told us all how old he felt compared to everyone he was seeing. (He's 19, 20 in April.) I talked to him and no one else because that's my shy girl way; we got in really quick and were right up against the rails.

Steve made more conversation with the security during our excess time. I made a little conversation as I waited for the music.

The first band came out, I think their name was All Time Low, I didn't like them that much and the guitarist (that was right in front of me) almost kicked a speaker off the stage right at my head. The second band was Meg and Dia. They were ok. The girl who sings and doesn't play an instrument walked around the stage alot and at one point glanced at me. The only thing I could think was, 'Of course the chick rock stars look at me more then the dudes.' Which was somewhat true, I always have friends coming to me saying "My lesbian friend thinks you’re hot," and unfortunately I'm not into chicks. If I was I'd get so much ass... Never mind.

Well then The Pink Spiders came to the stage, the left-handed bassist was right in front of me, and he was kind of cute.

As my eyes swept across the stage I noticed that there was a pair of eyes that kept landing on me as well.

The bassist was looking at me! An attractive rock star was looking at me, that never happens!

I'm not saying that I'm ugly, actually to the contrary I think I'm pretty, I just don't think men agree.

But I was exchanging looks with a hot rock star! I just tried to act like it wasn't affecting me. The music was awesome; I guess when you feel special and hot that the music is more amazing then ever before.

Like all great things it came to an end and I hated that fact.

I like Sugercult but the bassist made me feel really, really good and I'm not sure if I'll get that from them.

Sugercult rocked the stage the only bad thing was the drunk bimbos next to me, they were annoying as hell.

Ok so Sugercult finishes their awesome set and I stay where I was and call my mom to tell her I'll be home late.

The security was trying to get us out, but I had to pee.

I asked Steve to wait while I went into the bathroom and because he's awesome he did.

We walked up the stairs (of which there are far too many) and to the merchbooth that the bands all promised to be hanging at.

Steve wanted a Meg and Dia shirt, and I think I kind of want a picture with the bassist.

I was just standing a few feet away from him to afraid to approach him. Did I mention I was really shy?

"What are you waiting for?" Steve asked.

"Well I'm deciding on whether to take a picture with him or not." I said and gestured to the bassist.

"If you want to then do it." He said back.

"I'm not so sure.." I said as he was encouraging me.

"Do it." He said a little more forcefully.

"No.." He didn't let me finish.

"You're doing it." He started to walk to the bassist and the butterflies were a go.

"Hey." Steve started to talk to the bassist.

"Hey. Cool shirt man." The bassist said and pointed to Steve's Aerosmith shirt.

"Yeah I saw them with the Motley Crew last weekend." Steve didn't even get to finish.

"YOU GOT TO SEE AEROSMITH AND THE CRUE?! FUCK YOU!" He was hilariously angry, not real anger though.

"Yeah they were awesome..." He told him a little bit more about the show but I couldn't pay attention to Steve, I was paying attention to the floor. "But this is my friend she's really shy, she wants to know if you'll take a picture with her?"

"Have you got the CD yet?" He said holding a CD with a huge smile, just mercilessly plugging his album.

"Yeah I'm gonna buy it right now." Steve said and pulled out his wallet and pulled out ten bucks.

The bassist handed Steve the CD in his hands and took Steve's money and handed it to the guy running the merch booth.

He looked at me with a smile and said in a gentle voice, "You're shy?"

I looked toward the floor. "Yeah." I said really softly so that he may haven't have been able to hear me.

I was shaking because of my social anxiety and Steve was making fun of me.

The bassist looked at me and slid his hand on my shoulder.

"Deep breaths." He said softly.

My hearing was a little off because of the concert I thought he said 'big breasts' or something about my boobs right to me, because I do have big boobs.

"What?" I asked kind of quickly.

"Deep breaths." He said slowly and clearly.

"Oh, that won't help." I said shaking my head and putting my hand on his shoulder.

"I can feel your hand shaking." The bassist said as he could obviously feel me shaking.

We posed quickly for the camera, and he asked me, "You been drinkin'?" He asked me with a smile.

"No, I don't drink." I said plainly with his hand still on my shoulder.

"Why?! You should drink?!" His smile was huge.

"I'm too young." I smiled back.

His smile faltered, he was actually interested in me. I bet he doesn't know that 16 is legal in Nevada, so should I lie? "How old are you?" He finally asked.

"I'm 18." I decided to lie.

So the ball was in his court. "Well I'm happy to show you what drinking is all about so you don't look like an amateur on your twenty-first birthday." He said flirtatiously as his arm slid lower, to my waist.

I wanted to, but what would Steve do? He's not my boyfriend nor will he ever be, but he's protective of his friends.

I looked to Steve and he was in a conversation with the drummer, Bob Farri (It says it on his drums).

"Well let me get rid of my ride." I smiled back flirtatiously.

I walked up to Steve. "Steve can I talk to you?" I said as I pulled him aside.

"Yeah?" He asked after I pulled him away a little bit.

"I want to hang out with the band, I have money on me I can get a cab home." I said trying to persuade him.

He didn't look happy with this idea. "Kittie.." He warned.

"Don't worry about me, Steve. I'll be fine." I reassured him.

"I know you and that once you get an idea in your head you're going to do it." He said as if he just lost the greatest battle ever.

"Thanks Steve." I said and hugged him quickly.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He said as I started to walk back to the bassist.

"And that limits me to what?" I asked with a smile.

He paused and looked like he was thinking. "Good point." He smiled for the last time and turned around and left me.

Now I was nervous because I was alone.

I walked right back to the bassist and someone else was having a picture taken with him. I stood off to the side and watched. The girl walked away like they all do and I returned to his side.

"I just realized I don't know your name." He said into my ear.

"I'm Kittie. I never got your name either."

"Well, I'm Jon, Jon Decious." He said with a smile as he guided me to the rest of the band. "That is Matt Friction." He said as he gestured to the lead singer.

"Hey." He said with a half smile as he lit up a cigarette.

"And that's Bob Farri, the world's greatest drummer." The drummer looked at me and smiled.

"How old are you?" He asked with his smile still intact.

"18." I simply lied again.

"Really, I'm 18 too, so's he, "He said as he pointed to Jon, "As a matter-of-fact we're all 18!"

"Barely legal." Matt laughed.

"Actually 16 is legal in Nevada." I said matter-of-factually.

"Really?" They all said in unison with the same shocked expression.

"This is the land of make believe isn't it?" I said with a smile. "So if some girl told you she was 17 what would you do?" I just wanted to see if they'd have some moral dilemma with screwing a 17-year-old.

"'Hey baby what's shaken?'... 'Nothing? I can shake you all night long.'" Matt said as he laughed at his own joke.

We all laughed at him too.

"Well me and Marko are DJin' at a club tonight are we all going?" Matt asked.

"I don't have an ID." I said simply.

"Well you're with me so I'll get you in and get you drinks." Jon said pulling me as close to him as possible.

"Ok." I said softly as I was looking at him.

It was one of those moments on the movie when the two main characters are looking each other in the and they're about to kiss...

"Hey, lets roll." Matt said almost as if he wanted to ruin the moment.

Our eyes snapped away from each other and towards Matt.

Matt started going toward the exit and everybody followed.

At the valet they had a limo waiting for all of us.

Me and Jon were the first ones in and the closest to the window between the driver and us.

Everybody loaded in; we had some of Sugercult, all of The Pink Spiders, and a few girls.

"Now Jon, on the way there don't act like a horny teenager on prom night." Matt warned.

Jon started to slide the hand that was on my shoulder toward my boob. "Aw why not?" He said with a smile.

I started to play along and ran my hand down his chest. "Yeah, why not?" I said with a pouty face.

"Good God Jon, she does that face!" Matt exclaimed as if it pained him to see it. "I hate when chicks do that it's irritating."

Everybody just started laughing.

Once the laughter died down I had to keep this thing going. "Come on Matt, you never answered the question." I said in a more seductive tone. "Why not?" I said even softer and kissed Jon's neck repeatedly.

Jon pulled me even closer, now I'm not sure if I'm messing with Jon or Matt.

I pulled away and everyone was looking at me. I just broke out laughing.

"You guys are funny." I said as I ran out of breath laughing.

The limo came to a stop and the driver came around to open the door.

Me and Jon were the last ones in the limo. As I started to get up Jon grabbed my arm and held me back.

"Stay close to me and don’t act to young, ok?" He said just want me not caught without an ID in a bar.

"Don't worry I'm claiming you as mine tonight so I'm not leaving you." I said reassuringly.

We climbed out of the limo and all the guys were heading to the entrance past all the people waiting in line to get in and me and Jon rushed to catch up.

“We're the guys DJing tonight and this is our entourage." Marko said gesturing to all of us.

They let us in without a single age question.

All the guys went their separate ways but me and Jon stayed together. He sat me at a private table. "Here I'll go get drinks."

"Hey can you get me a smirnoff? Triple black or green apple please." I said innocent face.

He looked a little surprised at first but then gave me a knowing look, nodded and walked away.

I just sat there thinking about what I was willing to do with Jon.

He came back moments later with a Triple Black Smirnoff in one hand and a Budweiser in the other, and sat down.

"So you don't drink, but you know exactly what you like?" He said with a smile.

"Well I don't tell everybody that I'm an underage drinker." I smiled back and popped the bottle cap off.

"Well I have shots of Jack Daniels coming, because tonight I'm teaching you about Tennessee. You've already had a lesson in music, next is whiskey and men." He smiled even bigger.

"Oh, I've already had lessons in the whiskey but the men are completely foreign to me." I smiled back.

He slid closer to me in the half circle booth. "Really? So let's start that lesson since I'm here." He said and placed his lips on mine.

Only moments later a scantily clad woman slammed some drinks on the table.

We both nearly jumped out of our skin.

"Here's your drinks." She said with way too much attitude as she walked away.

"Trashy Bitch has an attitude problem." I grumbled as she walked away.

He chuckled at me. "You’re so funny."

"I'll be even funnier after I've had a few shots." I looked over to the drinks that the obnoxious bitch slammed on the table.

There were four doubles. God, he's trying to get me wasted.

"Well I figured I'd just skip those little cups so I got doubles. There's four more coming in a minute." I couldn't even describe the look he gave me.

I grabbed the first double downed it and chased it with the Smirnoff.

"Wow how long have you been drinking?" He looked a little surprised.

"Since July 3, 2004." I said with a smile.

"Why do you remember that date so well?" He asked slightly amused.

"It was the night before Warped Tour." I said plainly.

"Ah, we'll let's finish these drinks so we can start on the next ones when they get here, then we can hit the dance floor." He said as he faked a dance in his seat.

The other drinks got there within 5 minutes (and they weren't delivered by the Trashy hoe) and we finished those up quick and I got one more Smirnoff for the dance floor.

I was pretty tipsy; Jack Daniels does that to you. So I was slut dancing with Jon in the middle of this dance floor with my drink over my head.

By the time I finished my drink I was hungry for action.

I sat the empty bottle on the bar and returned to Jon.

I went right up to him and boldly kissed him as we started to dance.

This kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity on this dance floor.

What an exquisite eternity it was, but what goes up must come down.

"Hey you guys could go back to the hotel if you wanna have sex, you don't have to do it on the dance floor." Bob came up and interrupted just to say that and walked away.

"Wanna go?" He asked slipping his hands in mine.

"Do you?" I asked not caring at this point.

"Let's go." He smiled and led me to the exit we hopped in the limo.

The driver rolled down the window between us and him. "Will I be coming back to wait for everyone?"

"Yeah." Jon Said and you could hear the alcohol in his voice.

The window rolled back up and it was just me and Jon again.

"So are we going back to your tour bus?" I asked almost stupidly.

"No Las Vegas is very, 'You scratch my back I scratch yours,' if you perform in one of the hotels they give you complementary rooms for your stay." Jon replied all knowingly.

The drive between that club and The Mandalay Bay wasn't a long drive distance wise. If you have to drive on the strip (Which you do) when it's full of tourists (Which it always is) it's not so short.

The drive was too long (it could have taken five minutes on a normal street) but me and Jon kept each other entertained. By being drunk and stupid, and by being drunk and horny. I don’t know who was which.

By the time we got to the hotel we decided it was time for more alcohol.

He stopped at the desk and told them that we wanted a bottle of wine sent up to the room and he led the way to his room.

"And this is the place I'll be staying for the rest of my... Tonight." He said with a smile.

I laughed too as he swung the door open.

"Are you the people I'm supposed to be delivering this to?" Asked a meek girl behind wire framed glasses that was carrying a bottle of wine in a bucket with ice.

"Yeah. That was fast." Jon commented with a smile. He took the bucket from the girl and handed her a tip, then came inside.

He walked over to what was the bar in this fantastic suite and pulled out the wineglasses that they kept there.

I was warm from the liquor, so I pulled off my over shirt.

He glanced at me as I was doing this.

"Looks like you're starting without me." He said with the sexy flirtatious smile I've seen all night.

"I was hot." I smiled flirtatiously back as well. I said down on the bed and dropped my over-shirt on the floor.

For the record I was wearing a black spaghetti strap top.

He climbed on the bed and handed me my glass.

"To remembering this tomorrow." He said and raised his glass.

"Cheers." I said and gently hit my glass against his.

We drank what was in our glasses, and somehow ended up kissing again.

On the bed and kissing doesn't that just sound like the road to disaster? I must be the master of disaster.

As we were kissing his hands were slowly pushing my shirt up.

I giggled like a drunk girl... Oh, yeah I was drunk.

My hands made their way to the buttons of his polka dotted black shirt.

The funniest thing is that he's almost as pale as me and I'm pretty fuckin pale if you didn't already guess.

My shirt was off before his (Because it didn't have all those damn buttons) and I was left in my bra.

He broke away for a minute. "They are this big!" He looked at my boobs. "I thought it might be just a push-up bra."

I laughed and grabbed his chin and pulled him back to my lips as I unbuttoned the final button.

Wow, this was getting heated; we were going to have sex in this hotel room.

Kittie and a rock star that won’t even remember her name tomorrow are going to have sex.

His hands were going towards my jeans as mine just loitered on his back as if they were almost as nervous as my inner thoughts (The not drunk thoughts), but they soon caught up with his.

We were pulling at each other's pants in our drunken frenzy, just like the clothes were keeping us too far apart.

We were nearly naked in this hotel bed. Yes this is Vegas. My city, Sin City, but I love it just as it is.

This isn't an unusual occurrence in this city. Cheap meaningless sex is what this city is known for. What two consenting adults do in a hotel room doesn't matter to anyone else here in this jaded city.

It's not usually the locals that do the trashy things in the hotel rooms.

Well, we did what two people do. (For the record we did use a condom. We’re not idiots.)

It was amazing, our bodies moved in perfect rhythm it was like we knew what each other wanted.

We lay in each other’s arms after it was all said and done.

"You know I have to leave soon right?" Jon said reminding me that I was just another girl.

"Yeah." Those thoughts sobered me and I spoke softly.

"I really enjoyed your company." Jon said as if that would make me feel better.

"Thanks." I still spoke softly.

I had to roll my eyes at the thought that those words would bring anyone comfort.

He must have felt the slight discomfort in the room. "Well I'm going to go to the bus." He said as he started to get up.

I gently put my hand on his face and gave him a little kiss goodbye.

"Goodbye." I whispered as our lips separated.

I wanted him to know I wasn't mad at him, because it wasn't his fault I fell into his stupid trap. It was my naïveté.

“Goodbye." He returned as he started to slide on his clothes.

Once his clothes were on he was out the door.

"Goodbye Jon Decious, Hello Kittie the slut." I truly felt trashy.

I don't get why I over romanticize everything.

I pulled on my clothes, double-checked that I had everything (because Jon took the room key with him) and I left.

I got a taxi at the front of the casino, told the driver how to get me home and was left to my own thoughts as the man drove.

I got home just fine and went to sleep because there was school tomorrow.

I told one of my friends that I meet Jon Decious.

That's when I found out she's a fan.

"Really?! What's he like ?" She was so excited.

"Well I'll leave it at, He calls himself a 'Modern Swinger' but I think what he means is, In need of many one-night-stands."