Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

Flash of the Blade

A shadowy figure stepped out of the flames, sword raised. I was impaled by the steel blade before I had time to dodge and get away. An agonizing scream passed my lips as my world went dark. Then, nothing.

“Alex, wake up! You’ll be late for class,” Samantha, my roommate, said shaking me.

I groaned and swatted at her, “Five more minutes.”

“No, now. You are the one who signed up for night classes, not me.”

Admitting defeat, I threw off my covers and got up. I stuck my tongue out at her and got ready for class. Sam made a face before shooing me out of the room. “Go now Missy.”

“You’re not my mom.”

“Thank Grom I’m not, now go.”

The walk to the psychology building took about five minutes to get to from the dorm. Felt longer just because it was dark, the path was dimly lit, and I was alone. The sound of wings flapping startled me and I told myself it was just a bird or something. The eerie feeling of being watched followed me until I entered the psych building.

Class was boring, as usual. But what’s to be expected from a lecture? Some guy offered to walk me back to my dorm, but I declined. I was hungry and I didn’t want to deal with him.

I decided I would get something from the vending machine inside the dorm building. Outside the door, a bat was hanging from the frame. Its eyes were set on mine as I gazed back. What the Hell was a bat doing here? Do we get bats here? It flew off before I had more time to think about it. Shrugging it off, I went to get something to snack on.

I ate from a bag of Doritos as I searched for my key. Stupid me misplaced it again. When I finally got the door open and saw the light was off and the window was open. Sam probably fell asleep. When I flicked on the light I was greeted by the most horrific site I had ever seen.