Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

Hallways, Hallways, Hallways

Some time passed after I woke up from my rather interesting dream before I was bored again. To test my leg, I wiggled it around under the sheets which were covering my legs. Feeling no pain whatsoever, I decided to get up and go talk to Matt, or whatever name he prefers, and get some answers. He seemed like the leader-esque demon here.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. No pain shot through my leg.

Finally, one good thing that's happened to me here.

I made my way into the dimly lit hallway. Was it too much to ask to have more light here than a few lamps mounted on the wall here and there? Apparently it is.

I trudged down the hallway looking at the doors for any clues as to where my dragon friend might reside. Finding nothing on my floor, I descended a stairway at the end of the hall.

Much to my surprise this brought me to another long, dark hallway. Great.

I repeated the same process I had used on my floor of examining the doors. I found out that on this floor was Zacky's and Brian's quarters because when I was further down the hallway from their rooms, I saw them both enter a room. I tip toed to the place I saw them disappear and saw that Zacky's door said Zacky Vengeance and Brian's read Synyster Gates. Must be their weird demon names.

Was it coincidence that they were on the same floor? Maybe. But I entertained myself with the thought that they were secretly gay, demon lovers. Hey, it has to get lonely down here sometimes, even if you are a demon.

I came to the end of Zacky's and Brian's hallway with no more success than I had had on mine. My feet were starting to ache as I went down another flight of stairs. Luckily this was the last flight of stairs. The bad news though was this was only one half of the mansion, meaning I could possibly have to search that half too.

I prayed my heart out that I'd find Matt on this floor.

At the beginning of this hallway, I ran into Johnny coming out of his room, a guilty look on his face. When he saw me, he jumped and a slight blush crept into his cheeks. "Oh Alexandra. Um...what are you doing way down here?"

Shit, this is embarrassing. I just masturbated thinking about her and here she is.

I stared at him. "What was that?"

Johnny gave me a weird look. "I asked what you're doing down here." God, he must think I'm stupid.

"No I heard that. The other thing."

"That's all I said..." he answered slowly.

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay...well do you know where Matt or Shadows is?"

Johnny nodded. "He's in his room which is just down the hall. And just for your information, I'd call him Shadows unless told otherwise. If you don't want to be beaten within an inch of your life that is."

I gulped thinking of Shadows' intimidating physique. And then there's the fact he can turn into a dragon, barbecue, and eat me without barely lifting a finger, or claw in this case.

"Okay. Thanks." I headed down the hallway thinking about what I had heard Johnny say. But now that I thought about it, I don't remember seeing his lips move or hearing those words come from his mouth. Then a question dawned on me: had I read his mind?

I shivered at the thought but let it go, seeing as I had arrived at a door which had 'M. Shadows' written in the same gold, fancy script that I found on the other doors.

I knocked being greeted with silence. I repeated my action, this time getting a shout from the other side. "Who is it?"

I flinched back a bit at the malice in his tone. "It's me, Alexandra," I stated in as even a tone as I could muster.

I heard him walking to the door. It opened revealingMatt Shadows. "What do you want?"

As he stared at me, it felt like his hazel eyes were burning holes right through my skull. "Well, out with it," he growled.

"I- I need to talk to you. About my powers and what's going on..." My voice was weak and timid but I had given up trying to sound strong the moment he opened the door.

Much to my surprise, Shadows stepped away letting me in. I slipped in and he closed the door behind me. His room was completely dark except for a single candle on his nightstand. Shadows sat on his bed and motioned me to come closer. I walked only as close as I dared. He seemed content enough.

"Now, why have you disturbed me? Did another power of yours surface?"

"Um...I really don't know. I think I heard Johnny's thoughts but I'm not sure."

M. Shadows raised an eyebrow. "You don't know? Try to hear what I'm thinking."

How could he expect that from me? I didn't even know if that's what happened in the first place! I decided to try however and concentrated on him.

I can't believe how ignorant she is. And to think her past life was our queen.

I glared at him. "I am not ignorant! And queen? What's that suppose to mean?"

Shadows smirked at me. "Looks like the mind reading powers have come in. That's always a fun one. What was Johnny thinking anyway?"

I felt myself blush. "He apparently had just finished masturbating when I ran into him."

Shadows laughed. I think this is the first time I've seen him show any emotion besides pissyness. "That's great. Probably to the thought of fucking you senseless I'm sure."

I decided to leave the last part out. "Now what do you mean by queen?" I repeated.

Shadows frowned. "I'll disclose that when I feel you're ready. Now? I don't think you are."

I growled. "Well then tell me about this ritual."

"You are in no position to be demanding things from me. If I was allowed, I would tear you to shreds right here."

I shivered again. I was pretty damn sure he was serious. I nodded weakly.

"Good. I will tell you that the preparations for the ritual will be made very soon. The ritual will commence soon after that."

I nodded again. "That's all...thanks." I quickly headed for the door not wanting him to have some kind of demonic mood swing and kill me.

Although, I'm starting to wonder if death would be better than the fate that's waiting.