Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

A Protected Mind

I reached the top of the steps faster than I think I've ever done anything in my life. I leaned against a wall at the end of mine and Jimmy's hallway. Of all the people in this mansion, I'm on the same floor as him. Go figure.

I stared down the corridor and noticed it was darker than normal. Wasn't it dark enough already?

I got to my feet and noticed a few of the torches were out. Well, if I could make the skin fall off of Jimmy's hand, then what's lighting a few torches? And this would be a good chance to figure out how these powers of mine work.

The torches that were out I noticed were all along Jimmy's wall. I was a little hesitant to even try at first, but he could get over it. It's not like these torches emit as much light as the sun.

I arrived at the first torch and concentrated on it. When nothing happened for a few minutes, I tried another approach. I focused on my thoughts on fire; the look of it, the smell of something burning, the heat it makes. Suddenly, I felt my body temperature rise rapidly. Okay, I don't want to set myself aflame so I have to figure out how to direct it at the torch.

I refocused on the torch and tried to move the energy to my hand. It was much harder than it sounded. It ended up being kind of like trying to move an elephant through a series of tiny doors; the energy kept getting stuck in places before finally arriving in my hand. I hope I can fix that before I really need it.

With the energy in my hand, I aimed it at the torch and let go of some of the energy. Flames shot from my hand and surprisingly lit the torch without setting the wall behind it ablaze. How's that for control?

I cheered inside my head then decided to have some fun. I made my hand into the shape of a gun and aimed at one of the torches down the hall. Fire soared from my fingertip and lit the torch I had aimed at. I repeated this process with the remaining until the hallway was back to its normal dim luminosity.

I grinned triumphantly to myself and headed to my room. After opening my door, my eyes grew wide. Standing in front of me was none other than that charming demon, Jimmy or Rev. Which ever.

Wait, why the hell is he in my room?!

"What are you doing in here?" I was surprisingly confident at the moment and my voice didn't waver a bit.

Jimmy just stared at me. Images from my dream came flooding back. I had to even glance down at what I was wearing to make sure it wasn't the dream coming true.

"Well?" I asked, my voice quieter than before.

If there was any surprise in Jimmy's stare before, it was completely gone now. Replacing it was hatred. His eyes had darkened and his mouth was twisted into a frown. What the fuck did I do? I just come back to MY room and find him in it without permission. I don't see how he can be pissed at me.

Starting to get angry myself, I decided to see just why he hated me so much. I concentrated on him and started reading his mind. Images filled my head: Jimmy in clothes centuries outdated staring up at someone or something I couldn't see, fire surrounding a girl about my age, him holding a girl and kissing her. The images went so fast and none of them made sense.

Suddenly, pain shot through my head and all the images disappeared. It was like a dagger had been plunged into my skull and was being twisted. I was barely aware that I had screamed and crumpled to the ground until I heard voices above me.

"What's her issue?" I heard Zacky sneer.

I looked up at Jimmy and saw him still death glaring me. "Bitch tried to read my mind. I think I taught her not to do that again."

Brian chuckled. "I thought she was a dumb one the moment we picked her up."

I wanted to punch him, maybe set him on fire, but the pain in my head was too much. I found I couldn't even stand at the moment.

I watched them them the room from my spot on the floor my head still throbbing. Whatever that jackass did, definitely taught me a lesson. Must be very protective of his mind for whatever his reasons.

After what seemed like hours, I finally regained some strength and was able to stand back up. I slumped over to my bed and fell onto it, trying to forget everything that happened in that little span of time.