Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

More Punishment

"She's so lazy, all she does is sleep. I can't believe she's our queen," I heard Rev grumble from above me. My back was currently to him and Shadows, who had just walked in, and I smirked. Idiots think I'm asleep. I was before they woke me up by walking into my room. Damn bastards.

Shadows chuckled. "It is hard to believe, but she is. Trust me on that." Suddenly, his voice became serious. "We'll need to start that ritual soon before more of her stronger powers come in. As much as you want her dead, we don't need her to explode because her body can't take the amount of power it's meant to hold yet."

I cringed. Explode?! That is definitely NOT how I want to die. Maybe this ritual isn't such a bad thing after all. I mean, it is apparently going to keep me from being splattered all over these walls.

The Rev's voice was suddenly distant. "Yeah..."

I scrunched my nose. He was probably imagining me spontaneously combusting. That would get me out of his life fast enough. Jackass.

Shadows spoke again. "So you know what we need for the ritual? And you've told the others?"

"Yeah I know and the others do too. I just don't see why we have to drag her along," answered the Rev, annoyance clear in his voice.

Damn, why couldn't he say, "No I have no idea what we need. Remind me?" I must know. I might have to do some snooping later.

"Good. Then we'll get this over with soon." With that, I heard a pair of feet leave the room, meaning someone was still here. I felt whoever it was staring at me an I had to do everything in my power not to flip around and tell them to fuck off. Moments later, the other person left the room, leaving me to solitude again.

I sat up in bed, a small ache still in my head from my encounter with the Rev earlier. At least the pain wasn't as agonizing as earlier. That was a bitch.

I stood up and headed for the door. I was glad to find most of my strength had returned just in case I need to make a quick getaway. Only problem with this mission is I had no idea where to begin my snooping. I definitely wasn't going to try and get anything out of the Rev. Zacky and Brian were out of the question too. I tried Shadows already with no luck. The only person left in the whole mansion was Johnny.

I went out into the hallway and found it empty. I was glad. For some reason, I had a feeling that even if I tried to lie about what I was doing, they would know I was lying somehow if they were to catch me. I headed to the stairs and descended them quietly, only having to steady myself on the railing from light-headedness a few times.

At the bottom of the steps, I heard voices. "So we're gonna have to go back to Earth for this ritual shit? Fuck that." It was Zacky more than likely complaining to Brian.

Maybe I could hear more on the ritual...No! I'll get caught again! Who knows what they'll do to me if they find me snooping again. But I couldn't get myself to leave.

"It's too fucking bright up there. How did we ever stand it?" Brian added. "Pain in the ass ritual. What makes her so special? None of us got this."

Zacky laughed at his lover. "She's the queen," he said mockingly, doing a stupid little curtsy to add effect. I suddenly felt very angry.

Brian joined in with his laughter. He bowed deeply and clumsily. "I give my eternal soul to you, your bitchiness." They both cackled loudly again, Zacky almost falling forward.

I huffed. I could feel my cheeks blaze red from anger and slight embarrassment. I know I'm not the queen yet, but this is insulting either way! Before I knew what I was doing, I was marching over to them, the back of my mind screeching, "What are you doing?! They'll kill you if they find out you were snooping!!" My anger of course was currently outdoing my common sense at the moment.

I stopped next to them and cleared my throat. They both glared up at me, then Brian smirked. "Look Zee, it's her bitchiness in the flesh." This comment got them both howling with laughter again. I'm starting to think their demon forms should be fucking hyenas.

"You guys are assholes," I growled, my hands planted on my hips in annoyance. "I don't appreciate being mocked like that."

They both stopped laughing and returned to their full height, glaring down at me. I suddenly lost a bit of the courage I had when I first decided to confront them. Now that voice in my head was mocking me saying, "What'd I tell you?! We're done for now!"

"Playing spy again, are we Alexandra?" Brian asked, a slight smirk on his lips.

I gulped. "No, I was just-"

"Being nosy, as usual," Zacky finished, scowling. "What are we going to do with her, Gates?"

Brian looked thoughtful for a minute. Then, he forcefully grabbed my arm, causing me to wince in pain. "We punish her of course. C'mon Zacky."

My eyes grew wide and I barely realized Brian had dragged me into his room with Zacky trailing us. Zacky closed the door and locked it behind him. "So what are we gonna do to her?"

Brian didn't answer. He just snapped his fingers. The next thing I knew, I was tied to a chair. Well that was stupid. I could just burn the rope. But, when I tried, I found I couldn't.

"Don't over exert yourself. Those ropes are unbreakable and can only be untied by me. Looks like you're just going to have to endure, your bitchiness." Brian was grinning evilly at me, making my skin crawl. I suddenly felt sick. I wish I at least knew what they were going to do.

Zacky still looked baffled. "Seriously, what are we-" Zacky was unable to finish because at that moment, Brian had pulled him into his body and pressed his lips to Zacky's. I stared with my mouth hanging open. Wait, this can't be the torture, could it?

I felt very awkward just watching two people make out, so I tried to close my eyes. I found I couldn't do that either. What the fuck? So they were going to torture me this way. Well that's stupid. How was this going to teach me a lesson?

Zacky pulled Brian's shirt over his head quickly, breaking their kiss. I never noticed until then that Brian was pretty damn buff too. Not as chiseled as Matt, but close. Then Brian pulled away and discarded Zacky's shirt. He then placed his lips on Zacky's neck, causing him to moan quietly, but loud enough for me to hear.

Wow. This was hot. They were hot. Why am I suddenly turned on? This shouldn't be affecting me the way it is!

My eyes followed Zacky's hand down Brian's chest until it stopped at the waistband of his jeans. I looked just below his fingers and saw Brian was hard and Zacky was too. This was so wrong. I shouldn't be watching this. But I couldn't look away or close my eyes, even if I wanted to.

Zacky's hand continued south and he began rubbing Brian's cock. A moan escaped Brian's lips in response and he bit down on Zacky's neck, drawing blood. I saw Zacky squeeze Brian as blood trickled down his neck. Brian let go of his neck and cleaned the wound he made with his tongue. I shivered, being reminded of those vampire movies Sam had like so much.

Brian's hands suddenly moved from Zacky's hips to Zacky's belt. He quickly tore it off and yanked his pants down along with his boxers. I stared in shock and awe. Shock because I hadn't expected him to do that so quickly. Awe because I saw that Zacky's dick was huge. If I wasn't horny before, I definitely was now.

Zacky smirked at his lover then forcefully kissed him again. His hands began to work at Brian's belt and jeans. Seconds later, he had torn them off much like Brian had done with his. My eyes grew wider. Brian was packing too. Now I now why this is my punishment. It's fucking torture.

I saw Brian slip his tongue into Zacky's mouth, his hands returning to their original position on Zacky's hips. He tightened his grip then pulled Zacky's hips into his own, causing them both to moan into each others' mouths simultaneously. Then, Brian began rubbing himself on Zacky, their moans increasing in volume.

After a few minutes of that, Brian pulled away and shoved Zacky onto the nearby bed on his stomach. Brian stood there a minute, as if in thought, then whispered something in Zacky's ear. Zacky smirked, then got on his hands and knees and turned so he was facing me. As if this whole thing wasn't torturous enough. Now I really get to see pretty much everything.

Brian climbed onto the bed and got behind Zacky. Without warning, he placed his hands on Zacky's hips again and thrust into him. Zacky hissed, but it was quickly replaced by a moan as Brian began to go faster. Oh my God, this is so damn hot. I never thought I would enjoy something like this so much. But at the same time this absolutely sucks.

Zacky bit his lip trying not to moan too loudly I assumed as Brian's thrusts became quicker and deeper. I watched Brian's right hand leave Zacky's hip and grip his cock where he began pumping it in rhythm with his thrusts. Zacky continued chewing his lip, obviously having a hard time holding his moans back. I looked up at Brian and saw he was doing the same thing. I bit my own lip as well to suppress a whimper. I felt so horny and there was nothing I could do about it.

Suddenly, Zacky released onto the sheets below them. Soon after, Brian moaned loudly, probably a little louder than he should have, signaling his release as well. Both of them were breathing heavily as Brian pulled himself out and laid down next to Zacky.

I felt blood drip down onto my chest from my lip. I guess I was biting down harder than I thought. I tried to wipe it away then remember I was tied up.

Zacky smirked. "Looks like the torture worked. Not that I had any doubts with two hot guys like us."

I just stared still awestruck and horny as Hell. Brian laughed and got dressed. He walked over to me and untied the ropes. I had to restrain myself from attacking them once I was loose. I didn't have to for long because Brian picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "I'll be back," he told Zacky. Zacky nodded and Brian headed out the door and up the stairs.

Once to my room, he threw me on my bed. He looked me up and down once then smirked. "I bet watching made you horny, didn't it?"

I glared up at him and wiped my lip. I wanted to shoud "Of course it did you bastard!" but held back. I didn't need to give him that satisfaction.

Brian laughed at me then left me to myself. That was fucking torturous. I'm just thankful they didn't physically maim me like I thought they would.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this was the first boy on boy action I've ever written so if it's bad, I apologize.

This is for Jen and Lynds! XD Hope you like it guys!