Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

The Beginning of the Preparations

"We have to make that long, agonizing, dark walk again?!" I complained. Shadows had just informed me that we were going to start making the preparations for my awakening ritual which meant going back to Earth. "Can't you just make a portal or something pop up to get us there?"

Shadows gave me a stern look and shook his head. "No. Portals can only be called outside the realm of demons."

I sighed in defeat. I really was not looking forward to this. It just meant that I have to spend unnecessary amounts of time with Zacky, Brian, and Johnny. Johnny I don't mind so much; he's perverted yes, but tolerable. I despise the other two, especially after our last encounter.

"Alexandra let's go already!" Brian shouted impatiently from the front doorway. I glared and slowly made my way over to them. This made Brian scowl at me and he began mumbling under his breath. I smirked, causing his glare to become more deadly.

The four of us trudged out of the large, wooden doors and over the drawbridge. Brian and Zacky were well ahead and I was walking with Johnny. Now was my chance to maybe get some answers.

"Hey Johnny?" I added an extra amount of sweetness to my tone for better results.

He looked at me slightly puzzled. "Yeah?"

I smiled innocently at him. "What exactly do we have to get for this ritual?"

Johnny frowned. "You probably don't want to hear it."

"But I do. How bad could it be?"

Johnny looked ahead as if in thought, shrugged, then turned back to me. "We have to get the ashes of your friend Brian massacred and the blood of an ancient beast that lives somewhere deep in the demon realms. Obviously the ashes are going to be much easier so they come first."

My eyes grew wide. My voice shook as I said, "Why Sam's ashes?"

"She was close to you wasn't she?"

I averted my eyes to the front and nodded sadly. Sam and I had been best friends since fifth grade when she moved to my hometown. We had done everything together and were barely ever separated. Mass amounts of memories began swarming around in my head like angry bees making tears threaten to fall. I held them back though. The others already think I'm weak and crying would only probably make it worse.

"Well that's all I can tell you to answer that." He must have sensed my sadness because he reached over and rubbed my back lightly. "I'm sorry Brian had to kill her. You're going to hate hearing this but it truly was necessary."

I gave him a little smile and nodded. At least one of these demons around here doesn't find me vile. Thinking of people hating me brought back some of the images I saw in Jimmy's thoughts. It also brought back the question of why he hated me so much.

Feeling brave, I decided to ask. The most Johnny could do is yell at me. "Do you know what Ji- I mean, the Rev's problem is with me?"

Johnny chuckled and looked over at me again. "I think someone has a cruuush," he taunted.

I felt my cheeks redden. "No. I don't. I loathe that asshole. I just don't see why he hates me so much. I haven't done anything to him."

"Alright, whatever you say," he replied while snickering. "But I'm not the person who would know that bit of information. I wasn't around here then."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Well, before I was here, on Earth living with the humans as if I was one of them like you were. As far as I know that's how we all started. Zacky and Brian brought me here some time after your predecessor was killed. She probably did something to him before you came along so he hates you now. But, who knows. The guy's weird." Johnny laughed again. "Just don't worry about it too much."

I nodded. So he's mad at me because of something my predecessor did? That's outrageous! He has no right to hate me! I didn't even know I was a queen or a reincarnate until I was kidnapped and forced against my will to live here!

I was jerked from my aggravated thoughts by Johnny grabbing my arm and holding me back. I was so caught up in thinking I hadn't noticed we had reached the black, looming, iron gate that was the barrier between the demon realm and I assume the rest of Hell.

Brian rolled his eyes at me and mumbled, "Idiot," under his breath. I glared at him but it was ignored because he had already turned and opened the gate.

The four of us stepped through the gate. With a sweep of his hand, Zacky conjured a portal and held his arm out to it smirking. "Ladies first."

I decided to play his game and curtsied. "Why thank you kind sir!" I returned to my full height and walked into the portal.