Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

He's Not What He Seems

The walk back to the mansion was almost completely silent. Zacky was carrying the urn with Sam's ashes in front of us with Brian, the two engaged in a hushed conversation. Johnny and I were a few yards behind them. Brian suddenly growled, causing Zacky, Johnny, and I to jump.

"What was that for?" Zacky whined, pouting a bit.

The light cast off from the lava in the moat revealed that Brian's face was contorted in disgust. "We've got company."

Zacky flicked his snake tongue and fake gagged, wrinkling his nose. "Fuck. Not that bastard."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion and looked over at Johnny. He too had an expression of total befuddlement on his face. I returned my gaze to Brian and Zacky to see them stomping across the draw bridge and into the mansion. Johnny and I quickly followed.

Upon entering, we were met with two hideous things in tattered clothes and capes standing next to the doorway. Both of them were over six feet tall with extremely thin, black ponytails coming from the back of their heads. Their skin was a pale, blue-gray and was so wrinkly they could probably hide things in the folds. At the sound of our foot steps, they looked at us with yellow eyes and grinned with mouths lacking licks, showing off what little teeth they possessed. I put my hand to my nose and mouth as their vile odor filled my nose. Johnny snickered at my actions, earning him a glare from me.

When we were out of ear shot of the creatures, I asked from behind my hand, "What were those things?"

"The prince's guards," Zacky replied matter-of-factually.

I removed my hand. "Prince?"

Zacky chuckled. "Oh, you'll see."

I groaned as we reached Shadows' office door. I could hear talking from inside, most of it sounding like arguing. Brian knocked. The arguing ceased and seconds later, the door opened, revealing an annoyed looking Shadows. I looked around him to see the Rev and another man seated inside the room. I assumed this was the prince.

"It's about time," Shadows whispered gruffly before moving to let us in. Brian and Zacky stepped into the office first, followed by me and Johnny.

"Ah, so this must be our future queen," the prince said, standing up. The man was a little shorter than Shadows with a fairly muscular build. He had short light brown hair with a goatee on his chin. He wore nice clothes which included a dark red cape and an insignia on his chest. He was a pretty handsome guy to be quite honest.

I nodded. "Who are you?"

The prince smiled warmly and bowed deeply. "I am Prince Alden Samson. I've been ruling the demon realms until you turned up." He returned to his full height. "And what's your name, beautiful?"

I fought a blush as I answered, "Alexandra." I looked over at the Rev and saw him roll his eyes at the prince. I wonder what their problem is with him? He seems perfectly nice to me.

Prince Alden looked at the urn in Zacky's hand. "I see the queen's ceremony will commence soon, correct?"

Shadows nodded and the prince smiled. "Good, good. It will be a happy day in the demon realms when the rightful queen takes over."

I gave him a fake smile in return. "And I can't wait to take my place." Boy, was that a lie.

Prince Alden nodded. "Well, now that I've met the future monarch, I must be going." Shadows, the Rev, Zacky, and Brian all sighed in relief at this. I had to fight laughter at this.

Prince Alden took my hand in his and kissed it lightly. "I hope to see you again very soon, Alexandra," he whispered in my ear before smiling at me. He released my hand and Zacky, Brian, and Johnny escorted him from the room.

Shadows plopped down in his chair. "Finally! I thought he'd never leave!"

I was about to ask what was wrong with the prince but the Rev stopped me by taking my arm and pulling me into the hallway. Once we stopped, I scowled at him and yelled, "What the fuck was that for?"

"I need to talk to you," he said, his face betraying no emotion what so ever.

I crossed my arms. "Well then spit it out."

The Rev death glared me then said, "Watch out for the prince. He has some of the powers you'll eventually have, just not near as powerful as yours will be. This includes mind reading so keep your mind closed when he's around."

"What's that got to do with anything? He seems pretty harmless to me."

The Rev rolled his eyes then locked them with mine. "Let me just put it this way: he's not all he seems to be." With that, he stalked down the hallway and disappeared, leaving me confused.

I stood there racking my brain. What could he have meant by that? Should I believe him? And probably the most confusing part: if he hated me, why did he want to warn me about Prince Alden? Could it be that he really cared deep down?

I snorted at the last thought. There is no way The Rev cares about me. He was probably just doing his duty of being a guard person thing.

Feeling idiotic just standing in the middle of the hallway, I made my way up to my room to go to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I know this update is waaaaaaaay overdue but I've been uber busy lately with school and other stuff and haven't had much time to update. Please don't hate me!

M. Vengeance