Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

More Confusion

Jimmy removed his lips from mine, ending our very passionate, heated kiss. I pouted, then looked into his deep blue eyes and felt like I was drowning in them. Suddenly, those tiny oceans turned to blood red pools. I gasped and stepped back from him, my eyes large in terror.

Jimmy's mouth become a cynical grin, showing sharp, pointed teeth that definitely weren't there a few moments ago. His hands grew and long claws appeared on his fingertips. His whole body increased in size until he was towering over me. His skin was now a deep red instead of his normal pale complexion.

I stared up at the new monster standing before me, too afraid and shocked to run. I watched as the monster's hand slowly came down to my level. He extended a finger with its sword-like claw on the end. My eyes followed the finger backwards, and then back toward me as the imitation sword pierced me straight through the stomach like a shiskebob.

I sat straight up in my bed. My body was covered in sweat and my breathing was labored. I had seen that monster before...but where was the question. I started racking my brain then remembered; it was in the Rev's mind the time I made the mistake of reading it.

I put my hand on my stomach to make sure that it was in fact only a dream. I pulled the sheet away and let out a scream. The reason? Well, instead of my hand being on my stomach, there was a downsized version of the hand on the monster from my dream.

I hopped out of the bed and walked over to the vanity and looked in the mirror. Not only did the hand not disappear as I had wanted, but I saw my eyes were red and my skin had taken on a reddish tint.

"No, no, no, no, NO!" I shouted at the mirror as if that would make it go away.

The door burst open and in came my five house mates. "What's going on? We heard screaming," Johnny said, a look of concern on his face.

I whipped around to face them causing them to jump at the sight of my new appearance. "Why do you think I screamed?! Any person would scream if they woke up looking like this!"

A smug look appeared on Brian's face. "But you're a demon, not a person."

I glared at him, wishing daggers could fly out of my eyes. "Well, I'm sorry not all of us are used to our bodies randomly changing shape!"

Brian just chuckled at my anger and Zacky elbowed him in annoyance. Shadows rubbed his chin lightly in thought. "Seems like your shape shifting has come in." He laughed a little. "But what made you choose that form?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "I didn't choose anything. I had a nightmare and a thing like this," I swept my hand in front of my body, "in it."

I looked over at The Rev and saw he was paler than normal and looked like he was about to vomit. I assumed it was from seeing me like this. I couldn't help but wonder why this monster conjured so much fear in him. He seemed to be one of those people that seemed unafraid of anything.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What's wrong with you?" I questioned, seeing if maybe I could yank some answers from him.

The Rev seemed to snap out of his trance and scowled. "What's it to you?"

I gave him an evil smile. "To me it's nothing really. But you seem a little frightened from here."

He opened his mouth to retort, then slowly closed it. Instead, he let out a low growl that sent shivers up and down my spine. I did my best to hide it, though.

Deciding it was a good time to change the subject, I turned back to Shadows and asked, "So, how do I change back?"

Shadows gave me a look that said, "duh," causing me to scowl at him. "All you have to do is think about your original form and you should turn back. It's going to take a lot of concentration the first few times though."

I nodded. "Then can I have a bit of alone time?"

"Sure." Shadows pushed Johnny forward. "But he's gonna stay here to make sure you don't explode." This got everyone laughing.

"Oh, ha ha, very funny." I watched the others leave except Johnny. I sat down on my bed and began concentrating. I tuned out everything around me and focused on my original body. After about five excruciatingly long minutes, I felt my body Begin to return to normal.

"Do I look normal again?" I asked Johnny before opening my eyes.

"Why don't you see for yourself?"

I opened my eyes and walked over to the vanity, half expecting to see myself changed into some half monkey, half lizard creature. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that everything was at it should be.

Johnny laughed. "Well, I guess I'm gonna go tell the others you didn't explode."

"Alright, see you later then." We waved goodbye to each other and he left the room.

The look on The Rev's face when he came in the room. It was obvious that his fear was because I reminded him of that monster I saw in his mind, but what happened with this thing that freaked him out so much.

Wait, why the hell do I care so much? He's such a fucking jerk! There's no way I could like him! Of course, anyone would say that that doesn't explain my questionable dreams that involve The Rev...But that's not the point! I don't like him at all and that's that!
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Okay, so this one's sorta boring. The next one will be more exciting though (and hopefully up soon so I don't discourage my readers)!