Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

Fit for a Queen

I paced my room enough to make trenches in the floor it seemed. I was glad to see that when I looked down that wasn't the case. This whole plan thing had me worried. Would the prince kill me if he found out I was spying, or was that his plan all along; to get me alone and kill me? I didn't know what I was more afraid of: dying or letting Prince Alden take my job.

I was torn from my constant pacing by the door opening and Johnny poking his head into the room. "It's time for you to get ready now," he informed me.

I followed him out the door. As we were heading down a flight of stairs, I asked, "What will I be wearing anyway?"

"One of the dresses from the last queen's rule I think," he answered with a shrug.

I scrunched my nose in distaste. Damn. A dress. I'm not very fond of dresses. The last one I wore one was to my brother's wedding. His wife picked it out and it was itchy, poofy, and hot pink. I despised that dress so much, I burned it after the wedding.

Johnny stopped in the main hall, where the others were waiting for us. "Okay here we are."

I raised an eyebrow. "What's here?"

Shadows walked to the back wall where there was a silver archway. He uttered a few words in some weird language and the archway looking thing began to glow. I stared in awe as two large, black doors appeared.

I pointed at the door. "What is that?"

Brian rolled his eyes. "They're doors," he pointed out as if talking to a child.

I glared at him. "That's not what I meant. Where do these doors lead?"

The others and I joined Shadows at the doors. He pushed the doors open and I gasped at the sight before me. A magnificent room was spread before me. The walls were white marble and decorated with black hangings that had a silver insignia on it. The insignia depicted a raven with crossed tridents behind it. The floor sparkled and on closer inspection, I realized it was made of diamond. I followed a red carpet to the back of the room to two steps. On top of these steps was a silver throne; it's carvings on the backing black and a black, very soft looking pillow in the seat.

I stared at it, probably looking like some random stranger came up to me and slapped me. "Is this-?"

Shadows cut me off. "Yours? Yes."

I stepped into the room carefully, feeling as if it would disappear the second I put my foot down on the floor. "But...Why didn't you show me this before? And why is this the only room like this? I would think the rest of the mansion would be similar..."

"It's that egotistical prince's fault," Zacky told me walking in and looking around. "He made us make the mansion the way it is so it wouldn't look better than his castle. So, we hid the throne room away so we could keep all your stuff in here."

The others joined us in the room and The Rev made his way to the right wall and opened a door. Shadows beckoned me to follow and led me to the room The Rev had just revealed. I peered inside and saw it was a bedroom. Once we stepped into the room, a beautiful chandelier and candelabras along the white marble walls lit up, illuminating it. A large canopy bed was in the middle of the room. It had silver sheets, a black bed spread, and a black canopy. A few dressers were against the walls along with a vanity.

"I wish you would have let me stay in this room," I whispered dreamily.

Shadows ignored me and walked over to a door, which I assumed was a closet. Zacky, Johnny, and Brian followed him over and entered the closet behind Shadows, leaving me and The Rev alone. I looked up at him and found I couldn't look away. He must have felt me staring because moments later, he met my gaze with his. We just stared at each other until The Rev snapped out of it and pushed me forward a bit.

I huffed and marched into the closet. The walls were lined with elaborate clothes. The others were congregated around a lovely, strapless black gown with the silver insignia on it that I saw on the banners in the throne room surrounded by intricate designs. The dress had silver trim along the top and bottom of the gown and came with silver gloves and silver strappy heels.

"Silver and black are really popular colors here," I pointed out.

Johnny nodded. "They're the main colors of the demon realms."

I moved closer to the dress as Shadows said, "This is what you'll be wearing. You haven't forgotten the plan have you?"

I turned my gaze on him. "You really think I forgot? Hell, it's all I've been thinking about since you guys so kindly put me up to it!"

"Oh quit complaining," snapped Brian. "This is for your own good."

I stepped closer to him. "I'm getting really sick of your attitude you know. I have done nothing to you to make you act this way toward me."

He just rolled his eyes at me in response. "I think she's got a good point," The Rev said behind me, causing me to jump a bit. I didn't even hear him come in...and did he just agree with something I said? "As much as I hate to say this, we all need to start having better attitudes toward her. She's going to be our queen one day."

I blinked at him. Why the fuck was he suddenly being so nice? First the warning, now this? I swear, this guy is bipolar.

"I agree. It's not like she did anything to us anyway," Johnny stated, earning him glares. I felt sorry for him; he was about in the same boat I was in as far as their cruelness went.

"We'll discuss this matter later, but right now, you need to get changed," Shadows told me before walking out of the closet. The other four followed close behind.

I undressed and pulled the dress down. I held it against me and walked over to the full length mirror. As I stared at my reflection, I thought of all the little girls that want to be royalty when they get older. I laughed a little because I was never one of those little girls. I was actually rational and wanted to be a vet at that age. Now look where I'm standing.

I pulled the dress on and slid into the heels before walking back over to the mirror. I magically put a little make up on and added a little curl to the bottom of my boring, too straight, mid back length, brown hair. Once satisfied, I pulled on the elbow length gloves and exited the closet.

My house mates all turned at the sound of my heels and stared. I never thought these guys were capable of ogling like this. I felt my cheeks get hot; I definitely wasn't used to this sort of attention.

Shadows snapped out of the trance they all seemed to be held in first. "You definitely look the part of the queen now. All you're missing is the crown which you won't get until later."

Zacky rose from his place on the edge of the bed where he was sitting with Brian and Johnny. "Well, let's get this over with. Turn me into a necklace or whatever so we can go."

I nodded and concentrated on him. Seconds later, Zacky was no longer a man (if you could call him that), but instead a silver chain with the raven insignia on it. I picked the new necklace up and secured it around my neck.

"Wow. I never noticed before, but you have a nice rack," Zacky's voice rang through my head, startling me a bit.

"You can still use telepathy?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hahaha! I'm keeping you in suspense a little longer! I know, I'm evil, but I promise; the next chapter won't disappoint (at least I hope it won't XD).