Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

Blood and the Beasts

I gasped as I took in my surroundings. Obviously, the first thing I noticed was the blood lining the walls, beds, and everything else in the room it seemed. Then. my eyes fell on the body of my roommate in the middle of the floor, ripped open as if by a savage beast.

“Sam…” I blubbered as I slowly made my way toward her. I heard something fly through the door I left open and my eyes shot to the sound. Another bat, or maybe it was the same one, flew to the ceiling fan and hung from it. But I didn’t care; one of my best friends was dead. Dead!

I knelt down next to her bloody corpse and wanted to scream out for help, but I couldn’t. Fear and shock had overwhelmed me. But who could have done this? From the looks of it though, the better question would be what could have done this?

I heard a deep growl from somewhere in the room. I frantically searched the room for the source, finding nothing. I finally found the strength to get up and started for the door. I was thwarted though, when a large wolf jumped in front of the door, causing me to shriek and fall back into the blood.

I scrambled back up and backed away. I felt a breeze from the open window, my way out. I flipped around and barrel rolled out the window, thanking God I was on the first floor. I crawled a few yards, then regained my footing and ran.

I swear, I heard the sound of bat wings above me as I was running. What is with the fucking bats?!

The next thing I knew, I was in the woods that were near campus. I groaned. Of all the places you take me, legs, you bring me to the fucking woods. Fantastic.

I started walking (very quickly) and scanning everything, not wanting another giant wolf to attack me. I heard a loud, angry hiss. I cautiously looked down at my feet and jumped back as far as my legs would allow. A cobra was coiled where I had just stepped. What the Hell? Am I fucking high?

The cobra stared menacingly at me, probably ready to strike at any moment. That growl from earlier rang through the clearing and my breath caught in my throat. The wolf howled and the next thing I knew I was on the ground, the gray wolf hovering over me.

I looked over at the cobra and saw it was slithering over to us. It hissed at the wolf and it nodded in response. Nodding wolves…I really am crazy.

A searing pain shot up my leg, tearing me from my thoughts. The wolf started dragging me through the woods with the cobra following. Sticks, roots, and rocks snagged at me causing me to bleed even more. God, they must be taking me to some animal altar to offer me up as some kind of sacrifice for their animal God.

Finally, I passed out, the world going completely black.