Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You


My plan was executed immediately after Shadows ironed out the details. Brian and Jimmy, since they were the fastest travelers, were chosen to spread the word of my arrival throughout the demon realms. After they had covered all the important areas of the realm, Johnny was appointed to listen in on conversations and report back on the progress. Only a few days passed before the more important powers of the realms were conversing in one way or another about "the rumored queen", Shadows informed me.

"So, I'm still regarded as just a rumor?" I asked Shadows after he finished briefing me.

He nodded. "They probably will until they see you with their own eyes. We may have to do something about that...just not now."

I stared down at my bare feet; The old insecurity of whether I was ready to rule the realms or not had been much stronger in my mind lately. What if I screw up like my predecessor? What if I can't get the demons to unify and fight against Alden? What if I get killed before I can even officially become queen?

As if reading my mind (which I wouldn't be surprised if he had), Shadows said, "I really think this is going to work. You don't have anything to worry about." He paused and moved something around on his desk. "At least not yet anyways."

His last statement made my stomach turn a back flip. But, I kept my composure and managed to look like his prophecy of impending doom had as much effect on me as a fly would. That's the illusion I was hoping to create anyway.

A knock at the door interrupted our meeting. Without waiting for the okay to enter, Zacky appeared in the doorway. “We have guests,” he told us, the slightest worry in his face. His gaze moved from Shadows to me. “They’re demanding Alex.”

I heard a quiet, “Fuck,” from behind me. My eyes moved back to Shadows, whose expression was a mixture of anger and worry. “Something like this would happen when the others are gone,” he growled.

I bit my lip. Could this be Alden’s doing? If it was, did that mean he knew what we were doing? Maybe my plan wasn’t as great as we had imagined.

Shadows got up from his desk and motioned for me to do the same. The three of us quickly trooped to the main hall without a word, all of us probably too caught up in our own thoughts to speak.

Zacky stopped at the large front doors and turned to Shadows. “Should I let them in?”

Shadows crossed his arms. I could tell he was having a mental battle with himself by his irritated scowl and the shaking of his head every so often. Finally, he sighed in defeat. “How many are there?”

Zacky shrugged. “I’d say a hundred or so.” He paused for a moment. “You think they’re friends? I mean, they haven’t attacked and they had one hell of an opportunity to.”

He had a good point in my mind. But, I recently found out demons were apparently superb liars and even better at concealing their true nature. A good example: Prince Alden himself.

“Only one way to find out,” answered Shadows. “Tell them we want only their leader. Once we find out what they want, we might be more lenient.”

Without a word, Zacky wrenched open the doors and disappeared behind them. “Shadows?” I practically whispered as soon as Zacky had gone to perform the order Shadows had assigned him.

Without interrupting his staring contest with the doors, he said, “What?”

“Who do you think these guests are and what do they want with me?”

“Don’t even worry about that yet,” he told me quickly, but sternly. “If worst comes to worst, Zacky and I won’t let anything happen to you. You’re the hope for these demons.”

As soon as he finished, Zacky appeared back in the doorway. He made his way toward us, leading a woman-like demon. Her skin was almost completely black, reminding me of a shadow crossing the room. The only color on her skin was teal patterns much like one big tribal tattoo that covered the whole body. Her clothes consisted of a red-orange top like a strapless bikini top and a matching skirt with slits on the sides that stretched almost the length of her legs. Her hair dropped just below her shoulders and was barely discernable next to her dark skin. She wore a stone crown that seemed to glow on top of her head and had intricate designs carved into it. A matching necklace hung from her neck.

The demon stopped next to her escort and her bright silver eyes met mine and held my gaze for a moment. Since the new arrival was about half a foot taller than my 5’5” frame, I had to crane my neck to look her in the face.

“Who are you and what do you want?” Shadows questioned our guest harshly.

The woman demon’s eyes snapped to Shadows, who didn’t flinch even a little. She turned and faced him directly. “I am Valora,” she replied, her voice strong and firm. “I’m the leader of the Sinne Krigare. We are here to see our new queen.” As she uttered the last part, she looked over at me, a small smile on her lips.

Shadows raised an eyebrow. “The same Sinne Krigare who were put down in a revolt against the prince about twenty five years ago?”

Valora’s small smile was replaced with one of sinister satisfaction, showing off almost luminescent white teeth and sharp canines. “The very same. We may have failed, but we definitely showed him that not all of his “followers” are so loyal and that he’s not as invincible as he thought.”

“So you guys want Alden gone too?” I questioned her, secretly scanning her mind for a lie, but finding none.

The Sinne Krigare leader nodded. “All Alden has done for the demons is cause us suffering and treat us unfairly. It’s time his reign of terror ended and you’ll be the one to do it.”

“And I will soon.” Finding everything Valora had said was truthful, I added, “But we may need some help. I was recently invited to have dinner with the prince. I had Zacky here,” I pointed to him, “join me in disguise to help me get information. We believe he either wants to forcefully make me his wife or kill me himself for all the power in the realms. Alden discovered our trick and out of self defense, I burned down most of his castle. My guards and I think he’s going to be doing everything he can to prevent me from ascending the throne and finishing the power ritual.”

Valora’s face was thoughtful for a minute as she stared into my eyes, searching them for betrayal. When she found none, she dropped to one knee and in her steady, aristocratic voice said, “The Sinne Krigare and I will do anything and everything necessary to protect you from Alden’s tyranny, your highness.”

“What can you do to help us?” Zacky asked.

“The Sinne Krigare specialize in mind control and telekinetic abilities. We’re also one of the greatest warrior races in the whole demon realm.” Valora looked back at me. “I think we can be of much use, your highness.”

I nodded. “I agree. If you guys were to stay here, we wouldn’t have to worry as much about attacks on the palace. And we now have one less race of demons to worry about.”

Valora returned to her full height, a slightly blood thirsty grin on her face. “Thank you, your highness. We’ll show that cretin who the real ruler is. I shall go tell my people and send a messenger to get the rest.” With on last bow, Valora strode across the entrance hall and out the wooden doors.

“The Sinne Krigare on our side,” Shadows mused from next to me. I had almost forgotten he was there. “Excellent. Let’s just hope this isn’t a trap.”

I shook my head. “I read her mind and everything she said was true. I think we can trust them.”

“Well, we don’t really have a choice,” Zacky informed us. “We need help here. If Alex is ever going to get all her powers, we have to know that the mansion will be safe while we’re gone. And if some of them come with us to battle that thing and we get attacked on the way, we’ll be able to go on while they stall the attackers.”

Shadows chuckled. “Looks like I’m rubbing off on ya, Vengeance.”

Zacky fake glared at him. “That was all me thank you very much.”

The three of us laughed, and it felt amazing. It was a great change from the worry we had been feeling earlier. Besides that though, it showed me that I wasn’t just a burden any more, but that I was starting to be considered part of the family. I think that’s the part that made me feel the happiest of all.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I know this one took a while. But, I have been uber busy lately and I get like no time to update! Everytime I'd try, I'd get writer's block after two paragraphs. But, I defeated the evil that is writer's block and got this chapter written! Huzzah! XD