Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You


After our meeting with Valora, Shadows, Zacky, and I went our separate ways: Shadows back to his office, Zacky probably to his room, and I walked outside to talk with a few of the Sinne Krigare. If they were going to be on our side, I wanted to get to know some of them.

The Sinne Krigare were currently camped out in front of the mansion, and when I came out, I felt all eyes on me. Once all the guests had seen enough of me, they returned to their conversations with another demon or went back to what they were doing.

I met up with Valora and she agreed to introduce me to a few of the important people of her tribe; the first was a younger female named Cinzia. She was basically Valora’s right hand woman and was very clever and powerful. Next was the general of the Sinne Krigare army. His name was Renato and he was one of the most elite fighters: strong, smart, and ruthless. Along with him, I was introduced to his second in command, Oberon. Besides looks, he was practically Renato’s twin. Valora informed me later that the two of them worked very well together; when Renato wasn’t thinking clearly or rationally, Oberon stepped in and vice versa. Last was another woman demon by the name of Kaida, ironically nicknamed Jinx by the Sinne Krigare. The irony of the nickname comes in because Kaida was the opposite of a jinx; according to Valora she was very lucky, having escaped her doom on numerous occasions.

After speaking with Jinx a bit, I looked off into the distance and saw a small glow. I smiled to myself, knowing that it was the glow of Jimmy’s fire mane, along with Brian and Johnny. Sure enough, the majestic lion with a mane of fire, the silver wolf, and the flying bat came into view.

Valora averted her gaze to the direction I was looking. “Those must be your other guards,” she stated.

I nodded. “That’s them. C’mon, I want you to meet them.” Valora agreed and followed me.

The two of us walked toward the advancing figures. “Hey guys this is—,” Before I could finish introducing Valora, Brian lunged at her. Before he could attack though, Valora stopped him in midair.

I looked up at Valora, whose expression was calm. “This one’s a little on edge, I’d say. Shall I let him down your highness?”

Brian growled at Valora’s remark causing her to smirk. “Yeah, let him down. He’s just an asshole sometimes,” I replied.

Valora nodded, letting Brian out of his hover with a thump. He scowled at her and returned to Jimmy’s side. “Now, as I was saying,” I began again, casting a glare Brian’s way, “this is Valora. She’s the leader of the Sinne Krigare. They’ve agreed to help us in the cause and I expect you guys to show them as much respect, if not more, as you do me.”

Jimmy, Johnny, and Brian returned to their original forms and greeted Valora. I then turned to Valora. “This is Jimmy, Johnny and Brian,” I informed her, pointing to each one as I familiarized her with each one.

Valora bowed her head before saying, “It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.”

“See Brian. She’s perfectly nice. You just need to cool it mister.”

Brian rolled his eyes. “Sorry,” he muttered angrily.

I blinked at his one word apology. An apology from Brian is like the apocalypse. From the looks on Jimmy’s and Johnny’s faces, I could see I wasn’t the only person who was shocked. I think Brian might actually be holding up his end of the promise.

“Apology accepted,” responded Valora softly. “In these times, one can only be too careful.”

The rest of us nodded, then Brian and Johnny made their way back to the mansion to brief Shadows, leaving me, Jimmy, and Valora.

“So, you guys will be helping us out against Alden huh?” Jimmy asked.

Valora and I both nodded. “And my people and I will do our very best to help in any way.”

Jimmy looked at me and I gave him an assuring look. He gave me a small smile and said, “Well I better get back to the mansion. We don’t need Shadows throwing a hissy fit.”

I giggled and nodded. He gave me one last smile and headed in the direction of the mansion. I let out a soft sigh as I watched him leave.

I heard a soft chuckle from beside me and turned to see Valora with a knowing smile on her face. “Don’t worry your highness. Your secret is safe with me.” And with that, she headed back to her people.

I really need to be more careful about concealing my feelings.
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You can blame the lateness of this one on my teachers. They all seemed to be giving homework like every night! It was crazy! But I finally got time to update! Oh and I started a new story...but I had to so I wouldn't forget my ideas. I'm sure you all know how that goes XD