Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

The Hard Way

A few days after the arrival of the Sinne Krigare, we got the ones who would be living inside the mansion situated. No, we weren't going to just leave the rest of them to live outside. Once it was safe to make this place into a castle again, Shadows said we'd get them comfortable as well. Luckily, the Sinne Krigare didn't seem to mind. As long as they were part of our cause, they seemed happy enough.

"So, today's the day huh?" Zacky asked, an edge of nervousness in his voice.

Shadows rolled his eyes as he and Brian prepared our mounts. "Yes. It is. And if you don't grow a pair, we'll make you bait or something."

I snorted at Shadows' comment and Zacky's defeated look. "Is this thing we have to get blood from that bad ass?"

Jimmy smacked Zacky on the back with a smirk on his face. "Depends on who you are. If you're smarter than this one, then it's not so bad."

Zacky glared up at Jimmy and hissed, pushing him away and wandering to his mount. I'm pretty sure I heard him muttering things like, "Jackass" and "doesn't know what it was like".

"All you need to know is to not stare directly at it for too long. Otherwise it will dig into your subconscious, bring out your worst fear, and eventually annihilate you with it." Shadows finished checking over Dominion for me and handed me her reins.

I nodded to his warning taking the reins. Now that I thought about it, I had no idea what I feared most. Unlike most people, I wasn't afraid of spiders or clowns or anything like that. Rejection never bothered me and acceptance wasn't something I craved either. So, what was I afraid of?

Deciding not to think about it any longer, I hopped onto Dominion's back. As I did this, Valora, Renato, and a few of his men joined us. "Cinzia, Jinx, and Oberon are prepared to hold down the mansion while we complete our mission your highness," informed Valora with a bow.

I nodded. "Thank you. I think Brian has your mounts ready." I turned as much as I could on Dominion's back and hollered, "Hey Brian! Are they ready?"

Brian rolled his eyes. "Yes, they're ready."

Valora and I shared a smile, then she led the other Sinne Krigare to their mounts. As soon as everyone was ready, Shadows led the way across the lava moat and into the darkness beyond.

After riding for what seemed like an eon, I turned to Jimmy, who was riding to the left of me and asked, "So where does this thing live?" I was so bored, almost anything would make a good conversation.

"In a cave away from everyone and everything," he replied.

I snorted. "A bit cliche isn't it?"

Jimmy snickered. "Yeah, but these caves are specially made to keep the timore in them. You know, so they can't breed and wreak havoc."

"So there's more than just this one?" I wondered, eyebrow raised.

"Of course there are," Brian stated in his somewhat snotty, matter-of-fact way. "One of the first queens ended up having to trap the timore because they were always killing other demons for fun. Having them running wild would just make this place more chaotic than it already is."

I shuddered. That means this thing wouldn't having any second thoughts about killing the future queen. I started having thoughts of a giant, many headed beast tearing me to shreds while cackling, then each head snacking on a minced piece of me.

My gruesome death scenarios were interrupted by Dominion suddenly stopping, causing me to fall forward a bit. I was about to question Shadows' motives, but didn't need to; the answer filled my ears milliseconds later.

The beating of wings. Enormous wings. Rapid hoof beats quickly getting closer. I looked around at everyone and saw them holding their breath, ready to fight.

Suddenly, an arm wrapped itself around me and forced me down. A second later, I felt the swipe of some sharp object graze my back followed by a whoosh of air. I hissed as the shallow gash in my back began to sting.

The hand on my upper back became gentler and I turned my head to see Jimmy with his arm outstretched, his head raised slightly. After a moment, he nodded, giving me the okay to sit back up.

I looked around and saw everyone either glaring in the direction of the thing that had just attacked went or the way it had come. I chose to look in the latter and almost wished I hadn't. A small group of riders on humongous skeletal horses was riding straight for us, large swords or bows in their grips. When they came closer, I saw Alden's seal on their chests.

Valora and the rest of the Sinne Krigare that had accompanied us formed a half circle in front of me as the warriors approached. My guards were watching the air for that monstrous bird. The sound of wings returned again, this time higher up, and the monster bird that had sliced my back returned. It landed next to the lead warrior, folded its bat-like wings, and rested its steely, blood lusting gaze on me.

The warrior at the front of the group pointed a gnarled finger at me. "Give us the girl," he demanded in deep snarl, "and we'll let you go on peacefully."

"The only way you're getting the queen is when you've done away with all of us," Valora coolly replied.

I felt my circle of guards tighten around me. Shadows nodded slightly at the other four. "Get ready to run," Jimmy hissed into my ear. "Watch Shadows."

The warrior chuckled. "Always wanting to do things the hard way..." With that, he pointed his sword in our direction. The second the band of Alden's warriors started forward, Shadows' mount took off. I kick Dominion in the sides, urging her forward, and she took off at top speed after Shadows.

A bone-chilling shriek filled the air and I turned my head to look back. The monster birds razor sharp beak was open, showing off dagger-like teeth. It then took flight to pursue us.

Brian, probably seeing my eyes were now wider than CDs, looked behind him as well. "Fuck," he muttered, before turning his gaze back to me. "Well don't just stare at the thing! Shoot it!"

I blinked, the order taking a second to sink in. I summoned the familiar energy into my hand and shot a ball of fire. Unfortunately, I was too nervous and shaky and missed my target.

I heard Brian groan from next to me. "Try again! Hurry!" he urged. By now the beastly bird was less than a hundred yards away. I shot again.


My heart beat had increased to a speed that probably faster than that of light. The thing was much closer now. Its talons were bared and it opened it beak letting out that shriek again, as if to mock me and say, "She's mine."

"Third time's a charm," I murmured to myself with a small laugh, trying to straighten out my nerves. It worked...a little.

I summoned all the energy I could and fed it to my hands. It felt different this time...colder.

The bird was almost upon us. "Go!" Brian shouted, failing to hide the anxiety in his voice this time.

I let go of all the energy I had mustered. A stream of blue erupted from my hands, straight at the monster. It was too close to maneuver out of the way fast enough and it was hit, a wail escaping its deadly beak. Its cry didn't last long for the bird became encased in ice, freezing it in midair. I watched in shock as the ice sculpture fell to the ground, shattering into shimmering bits of ice.

"Whoa," Johnny breathed from behind me.

I just nodded in agreement, still in too much shock. I couldn't believe I had just done that and I wasn't expecting ice to shoot from my hands either. After seeing what these beginning powers can do, I'm not sure if I'm excited to get the rest of my powers or if I'm afraid.
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Well that took forever! Sorry for the wait! Hopefully the length and the actionyness will make up for it!