Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You


Jimmy carried me out of the cave to join the others. My ankle was throbbing with pain and I'm pretty sure it's broke. I sighed quietly, not wanting to have to put up with a broken ankle right now under the current circumstances. I just hope I don't get into some situation where I'm running for my life. That'd be a cake walk for my pursuer.

Jimmy started to put me down but I held on. "Do not put me down! My ankle is broke and there is no way I can walk on it."

"Then what do you suggest I do with you?" Jimmy asked while chuckling. "We can't just stand out here in the open with the timore blood until it heals."

I glared at him but couldn't keep the smile off my lips. "Heal it or something. I can't have a broken ankle at a time like this."

Johnny, who had been watching our conversation with the others, stepped forward. "I'll heal it considering I'm the only one who can." He smirked smugly at the others. It was obvious he was proud of his healing abilities.

He walked over to Jimmy and I and held his hand over my swollen ankle causing it to glow. I felt the bones mending themselves back to normal and the swelling being reduced. I was surprised this wasn't painful.

A few minutes passed, then Johnny pulled his hand away. "There. Good as new Alex."

Jimmy put me down and I was able to stand. Just to make sure it was completely healed, I jumped. No pain shot through my ankle when I landed. I grinned and engulfed Johnny into a tight embrace. "You rock Johnny! Thanks!"

Johnny chuckled and hugged me back. "No problem."

"Not that this isn't cute, but can we go? I'm really not in the mood to get attacked again," said Brian, obviously annoyed.

Shadows nodded. "He's got a point. We can't take any chances now that we actually have the blood." He jumped onto his mount. "Zack, make sure you have that in a safe place."

Zacky, who hadn't stopped smiling since we got out of the cave, saluted Shadows. "All taken care of Shadz. And I think you all owe me an apology." He pulled the vial full of the deep purple blood out of his hiding place and showed us all his trophy.

"And why is that?" asked Brian after rolling his eyes.

Zacky threw his hands on his hips, putting him in a very in a very feminine stance. I hid a giggle behind my hand; I couldn't tell if he was doing it to be funny or not. "Because you all were being jackasses to me about the last time we came here! So, I deserve an apology because I was the only one brave enough to get the blood."

I heard a few snorts from the others and a, "Fat chance," from Brian.

"Now boys," I said in the best motherly tone I could muster, "Zacky showed real courage in that cave. I think an apology is in order here." I walked over to Zacky and gave him a loud, overly dramatic smooch on his cheek. "Thank you Zacky and I'm sorry for laughing along with the others."

I looked over at the others and when none of them complied, I death glared them. The four sighed and apologized in one way or another. I smirked at them and was about to go over to Dominion, but was pulled by my waist back to Zacky's side. "You and I are gonna have to get together sometime. Have a little fun," Zacky informed me, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.

I just rolled my eyes and shook my head, pulling out of his grasp and walking over to Dominion. I stroked her nose then hopped onto her back. "Shall we go?"

My guards all nodded and got on their own mounts. Once they were ready, Shadows led the way back to the mansion.


I stepped out of the shower and, feeling lazy, I just dried myself with my powers and pulled on a silver robe I had been provided with. The only problem with it was it was pretty much see through and basically showed everything, making it nearly pointless. I guess it was better than running around naked. Not by much though.

I exited the bathroom that was connected to my room and sat down at the vanity. I picked up the brush and began brushing my brown hair. I couldn't believe that in a few days I was going to be queen, if everything went well. Shadows (who has finally given me permission to call him Matt) told me he had a few more things to straighten out and the coronation would take place in a few days.

I pushed my hair over one shoulder and stared at my reflection. I really didn't see a queen and I'm not sure how the Sinne Krigare or my guards saw me as queen material either. Whatever it is they see must be invisible to me, but if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.

My thoughts were interrupted by my door opening and Jimmy walking in. He was shirtless, exposing his long bare torso, and wearing a pair of jeans that hung dangerously low on his hips. I had to do a quick drool check so I wouldn't embarrass myself.

Jimmy's cheeks turned slightly red. "Oh sorry I didn't know you weren't dressed." He must not have been that embarrassed because he was still staring.

I shrugged. "You need something?" I questioned as I stood up and made my way over to the bed.

"Not really," he answered. "Just wanted to talk but I can come back later when you're..." he paused and examined me again, "decent."

I giggled. "Jimmy, I'm not naked." He raised an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes. "So the robe's a little revealing. At least it's on."

Jimmy sighed in defeat and closed the door behind him. "Alright we'll talk while you're only wearing a skimpy little robe." I smirked while I searched through my drawers, feeling his eyes on me. I "accidentally" let the robe slip off my shoulders and discreetly peeked over my shoulder to see him trying not to smirk.

"For someone that turned down making out with me, you sure are flirty," Jimmy informed me as I turned around to face him.

"Well," I began, taking a step toward him. "I've been thinking about that..." I let the robe slip further down my shoulders, just enough to show a teasing amount of cleavage. "I'm not going to be officially queen for a few days so..." I trailed off and walked closer to him, making the gap between us only a few feet.

Jimmy's eyes were glued on my breasts and he was clenching and unclenching his fists. "You don't say..." he muttered, obviously not completely there.

I flipped my hair. "I do say." I let the robe fall to the floor, causing Jimmy's eyes to widen a bit. For once, I didn't feel self conscious with someone staring at me like this. I actually kind of liked it.

I closed the gap between us and wrapped my arms around his neck, being sure to press my body to his. "So what do you say?" I planted gentle kisses along his jawline and neck.

Jimmy groaned and tilted my chin up. I smirked at him and he forcefully pressed his lips to mine. He trailed his hands down my sides, resting them on my hips. As I tangled my fingers in his hair, Jimmy ran his tongue over my bottom lip. Without a second thought, I parted my lips, beginning a war for dominance between our tongues.

After a while, Jimmy pulled away and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me over to the bed, attaching my lips to his neck and sucking lightly. He laid me down on the bed and stood at the foot of the bed, gazing at my naked body again. "You're so beautiful," he breathed.

I sat up and smiled at him. "You're not so bad yourself." I crawled over to him and ran my fingers down his chest, stopping at the top of his jeans. "You'd look better if these were gone though."

"Then do something about that," he whispered huskily in my ear before biting down on my neck. I moaned softly, slowly unbuttoning his jeans and pushing them off his hips. I pulled away from him and examined his now naked body. I bit my lip; Jimmy was fucking hot and he was packing.

Jimmy pushed me back onto the bed and crawled on top of me. He kissed my lips quickly, then began kissing down my neck to my chest. He cupped my left breast with his hand, massaging it gently. I let out a quiet moan as his tongue circled my right nipple.

With his free hand, Jimmy slipped two fingers into me. I gasped, then bit down on my lip to suppress the loud that was begging to escape. He pumped his fingers slowly, making me bite my lip harder, drawing blood.

Jimmy removed his lips from my breast and licked the blood from my lips before kissing me again. He moved his fingers faster for about a minute, then yanked them out. I growled into his mouth, missing the pleasure I was feeling from it.

The empty feeling was short lived because seconds later, Jimmy rammed himself into me. I started to scream, but Jimmy pressed his lips to mine hard, cutting it off. He moved at a medium fast pace, lips still attached to mine. I dug my nails into his back and bucked my hips, begging him to go faster. He pulled away and smirked down at me. I pouted, making him chuckle. But, to my pleasure he sped up.

I arched my back, digging my nails deeper into Jimmy's back. I felt blood pool around my nails, causing him to growl a quiet, "Fuck." He bit down on my neck and sucked on it.

Jimmy's thrusts became harder and faster. I felt another scream coming on so I forced Jimmy's lips back onto mine. I felt my orgasm building in me, ready to explode at any second. "Close," Jimmy moaned into my lips before kissing me again.

Finally, my orgasm hit and I pressed down on Jimmy's head to deepen the kiss and quiet the scream. Minutes later, Jimmy exploded inside me. He pulled away as we rode out our orgasms. After pulling out, Jimmy pecked my lips lightly and rolled off to lay next to me. The two of us crawled under the sheets.

I rolled over on my side, propping my head up on my my hand. Jimmy looked up at me and smirked. "Was it that good?"

I blinked at him stupidly, then realized I had a goofy grin on my face. I giggled. "Yes. It was amazing." I kissed his lips lightly then rested my head on his chest, drawing circles on his stomach.

Jimmy chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "Well, I agree." He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back gently. "I love you Alex."

I blushed and sat up to look into his eyes. I honestly couldn't believe he just said that. After everything he did to me, I didn't think he loved me. But I was so glad he said it, and by looking into his eyes, I knew he meant it.

I smiled. "I love you too Jimmy."
♠ ♠ ♠
*insert dramatic trumpet playing here*
And it's done! It's what you've all been begging me for and here it is! I hope it's good enough XD Now you can all be happy!