Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

In the Dark But Not Alone

When I regained consciousness, I had no idea where I was. My surroundings were anything but familiar. Not that I could really see anything; it was dark. I tried to move, but as soon as I moved my leg the pain made me stop. "Mo-ses! Ow!" I felt something move across my hand so I jumped, causing me more pain, and yelped.

My eyes adjusted to the dark and I could somewhat see. The wolf (That fucking dragged me!) was sitting in front of me and was currently playing the role of chair for the freaking bat! I saw that the snake had coiled up next to my hand.

I would have moved, but now I was too afraid that the cobra would attack me. To add to my new need of therapy, I swear the wolf was smirking at me. It dipped it's head and the snake slithered over to it. The cobra, bat, and wolf were staring at me intently as I was losing my mind.

The bat flew off of the wolf's back and landed on the ground next to it. Before my eyes, all three animals turned into men. My eyes widened in shock. "Hello Alexandra," said the man who was standing right where the cobra was laying.

"H-how do you know my name?" I managed to choke out.

"Babe, we know everything about you," the wolf-man sneered.

Oh yeah, I'm officially crazy.

"Who the Hell are you fuckers and what do you want!?"

"Quite a mouth on this one isn't there?" the snake guy commented. The man who was the bat just smirked and continued to stare at me. "To answer your question, we are men and you are in a place."

I started to freak out and cry. My best friend was killed, I was kidnapped by animals that turned into men, my life has taken a turn for the definite worse. "C'mon, if we don't hurry, we're in for it," the wolf man stated. "Someone carry her or something."

The men who were the cobra and wolf started walking, leaving the bat to tend to me. He made his way towards me and I tried to kick him; which I failed miserably at. He rolled his eyes and picked me up bridal style. I tried to kick him again. I actually was able to but it didn't phase him.

"My name's Johnny."

I looked up and saw the bat person peering down at me. "Why should I care?"

"Well, you aren't going to be leaving anytime soon. The others are Zacky and Brian. Zacky being the cobra which leaves Brian obviously being the wolf."

When he said I wasn't going to be leaving, I started to hyperventilate. Bat boy, or johnny, or whatever looked alarmed and the others stopped to look back at us. "Make her stop!" shouted Zacky the cobra man.


"I don't know, just do it!"

Johnny said a few "comforting" words, but that just made matters worse. I blocked out everything and was finally able to breathe again. "Where the Hell am I?"

The wolf, er Brian (Whatever!) smirked at me and said, "The more appropriate question is, Where in Hell are we?"