Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You


After about a thirty minute nap, Jimmy peeled the sheets from his perfect body and got up. I pouted at him, causing him to come back and kiss my lips passionately. "Better?" he asked after pulling away.

I shrugged. "I suppose." Jimmy smiled at me and started pulling his pants back on. I wished our relationship didn't have to end. And no, it's not only because that was some awesome sex. It's also because I really love him. As corny as it's going to sound, when I'm around him I feel so...I don't even know a word right now.

I sighed softly. "If only I didn't have to be queen. Then maybe we could stay together." I bit my lip; saying this could possibly be a mistake. But, I think I can speak my mind with Jimmy.

Jimmy zipped his jeans and turned back around to face me. His face seemed sad. He rubbed the back of his neck distractedly, then sat down on the end of the bed. "Alex, I need to tell you something."

I felt my throat close up and my heart begin to break. I finally pulled myself together, magically put on some clothes, and crawled across the bed to sit next to him. I took his hand and unintentionally whispered, "What is it?"

"Well," Jimmy began while squeezing my hand, "we haven't been completely honest with you." I opened my mouth to question him, but he cut me off. "You don't necessarily have to be queen."

I stared blankly at him. "What?" I asked in disbelief. I wasn't sure if I should be pissed off or not.

As if to clear up my confusion, Jimmy added, "Before you get mad, let me explain." He paused and let out a sigh. "The only reason we didn't tell you that you had a choice was because if you refused, it could be centuries before the next queen popped up. And, as I'm sure you've seen, we don't have that kind of time."

I felt a little relieved at what he said. I thought he was going to say something like, "I don't really love you. I only said that so the sex wouldn't seem pointless." But, I was still troubled by it. They basically lied to me by making me believe I had no choice.

When I didn't say anything, Jimmy continued. "Please don't change your mind now. We really need you."

I stared at the opposite wall. I could drop out of this now. I could go home and be safe on Earth and not have to worry. But, if I left this all behind, I'd feel guilty about leaving at this point. On top of that, I'd probably never see my new friends again. The one that I would miss the most would be the demon sitting next to me.

I laced my fingers with Jimmy's. "I'm not backing out. I feel like this is something I have to do now. And besides, if I gave it up now, I wouldn't get to see you anymore."

He turned to me and smiled. "Good." He pecked my lips lightly and pulled me into a hug. "Even if we can't really be together, at least we can still see each other."

A small smile crossed my lips. It was amazing how optimistic he was. I honestly didn't expect it. "Yeah. And this is a long shot, but maybe we could find a way to be together."

Jimmy laughed. "You're adorable."

"I know," I said giggling.

Our moment was interrupted by foot steps approaching my room. The two of us immediately dropped hands. Jimmy hopped up faster than a rabbit whose hind end was set on fire by a jackass teenager. I straightened the bed up to make it look like it had only been slept in, then returned to my spot at the end of the bed, waiting for the visitor. I just hope whoever it is won't draw any conclusions.
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Sorry! It's short! But it's just a filler! I kinda wrote myself into a wall after the smutty chapter but I fixed it! XD