Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You


Jimmy and I ascended the last flight of stairs to our floor in silence. I didn't know why Jimmy was so quiet, but I was silent because in all honesty, I was freaking out. The way I see it, I have about a ninety-eight percent chance of dying. The only reason there was even two percent was because I know how stubborn I can be. I would fight Alden until my last breath.

I turned the knob to my room and pushed it open a crack. "Wait, Alex." I turned my head and saw Jimmy still standing in the middle of the hallway. In three large strides he was in front of me. He gripped my shoulders and pulled me into his chest, crashing his lips to mine.

I just stood there not kissing back. What was he thinking?! He should know I'm freaking out and he's macking on me?! I pushed him away scowling. "Damn it Jimmy! I'm not in the mood for that!" I hissed, keeping my voice down.

Jimmy's hurt look normally would have pierced my heart like a spear, but I was too pissed off to care at the moment. Even demon guys are just horny bastards. "I'm sorry. I should have considered your feelings," he murmured. Without another word or waiting for me to respond, he turned away and walked back to his room.

I bit my lip still standing in the hallway where Jimmy had left me. What have I done? I hurt the one demon I had fallen in love with. I feel like a fucking pubescent teenager again; I'm angry at him for not thinking about I felt but I feel bad for treating him like shit. I need to work on keeping my emotions in check. But for now, I had to apologize.

I practically ran down the hallway and threw Jimmy's door open, not bothering to knock. Jimmy was lying on his bed shirtless, staring up at the ceiling. He only moved his eyes to acknowledge me, then returned to his stare down of the ceiling. Great, he probably hates me again.

Feeling my heart start to break, I vaulted across the room and onto his bed, wrapping my arms around him. "Jimmy, I'm so sorry!" I cried into his perfect chest, tears dripping from my eyes. "I'm just really stressed out and scared and-"

"Alex," Jimmy interrupted. Even without looking up up I knew he was smiling. "It's okay. I should have thought about that. I'm sorry too."

I rested my chin on his chest, staring into his eyes. Jimmy slipped his arms around me and sat up, pulling me up with him. I repositioned myself on his lap and placed my head on his shoulder. "I just can't be confident about this whole thing," I whispered. "No matter how I look at it, I see myself getting killed. The odds are so against me it's not even funny." Tears threatened to fall again.

Jimmy stroked my hair trying to calm me down. "I can't say I know where you're coming from, but I will tell you that I'll be there for you. No matter what it takes, I'm not going to let Alden win."

I sat up and smiled at him. "That helped a little," I told him, placing my forehead on his.

"Good," said Jimmy softly. He pecked my lips gently, making me suddenly want more. It finally hit me that this could be the last chance I have to do anything with Jimmy, whether I live through this and become queen or die trying. I re situated again and straddled Jimmy's waist. I placed my hands on either side of his face, staring him straight in his amazing blue eyes. A few seconds passed before I pressed my lips passionately to Jimmy's.

Jimmy kissed back, then pulled away. "Where was this earlier?" he questioned with a smirk.

I let go of his face, running my fingers down his chest, causing Jimmy to shiver. "It was hiding." I attached my lips to his neck, sucking gently, while grinding my hips into his. Jimmy moaned quietly, sliding his hands down my sides to grip my hips. I removed my lips from his neck and slid my shirt over my head, my bra quickly following.

After flinging the two articles of clothing across the room, Jimmy moved his hands to my ass, giving it a squeeze. "I wanted to do that you know."

I grinned devilishly at him. "You snooze, you lose." I kissed him again, slipping my tongue into his mouth. I massaged his tongue with mine, letting my hands wander down to his pants. As I unbuttoned his jeans, Jimmy seized my boobs, kneading them with his hands. I gasped into his lips and pressed into his hands. I lifted my hips and slid the pants and boxers down his legs, Jimmy kicking them off.

Just as Jimmy was working at finishing stripping me, I heard something. I slowly pulled away, opening my eyes and ears. "Do you hear something?" I muttered to Jimmy, trying to make out what the sound was.

Jimmy blinked at me, his hands still on my breasts. "Is someone coming?"

I shook my head. "No. It's coming from outside. And it's sounds like there's a lot of them." I swung my legs over the bed and made my way to the window. I couldn't see anything yet. I guess my hearing has improved quite a bit.

"I don't hear anything babe," said Jimmy, joining me at the window. "You must be paranoid." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

I placed my hands on his and squeezed them. Maybe he was right; maybe this whole Alden thing has really gotten to me. But, then again, maybe he's wrong. Almost as soon as the thought crossed my mind, a mass of demons appeared over the horizon. I felt all the color drain from my face. "Jimmy..."

Hearing the fear in my voice, Jimmy ceased kissing my neck and looked out the window. "Fuck." He let go of me quickly and started getting dressed. I followed his lead and picked up my bra and shirt. As I slid my shirt over my head, I made my way back to the window. The horde of demons were closer now and my stomach flipped and I began sweating when I saw who was leading them.

Prince Alden.
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Cliffhanger! XD I told you it'd get interesting.