Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

The Battle for the Throne

Jimmy and I flew down the stairs to the main floor. We reached the entrance hall and found demons filtering out through the doors, ready for the fight that would inevitably come. The rest of the guards, Valora, Cinzia, Jinx, Renato, Oberon, a few other Sinne Krigare, and what I assumed to be the leaders of other demon races who had joined our side stood near the back wall.

"This is ridiculous!" a demon with one eye and skin like sand paper snarled. "We are way outnumbered! Alden must have had a spy working for him!"

Valora placed a hand on the new demon's shoulder. "We must be calm, Dunstan. We have to have faith that we can pull through all of this. More than likely, more of the queen's supporters will receive word of this battle and come to our aid." The other demons muttered what seemed like their approval of Valora's words.

"Valora's right. We just have to stay positive and keep whatever hope we have alive. We've reached the point of no return and have no choice but to fight." Matt turned to Jimmy and I at the sound of our approaching footsteps. "Speaking of hope, here comes ours now."

Way to make me even more nervous Matt. I did my best to keep my face emotionless to hide the fact that I was actually wanting to just go back to the human world and leave this place and its problems behind.

"So what's the plan?" Brian asked Matt, his arms crossed and a stony expression on his face.

"Well," Matt began tapping his chin, "for now we wait for an attack or they get too close to the mansion. Whichever comes first. Then we do exactly as I told all the leaders earlier: We send in the different waves to weaken their ranks first, then we send in the warriors we have hidden while they're distracted. I'll need at least three of you to get this plan to the warriors."

Renato, Oberon, and the demon called Dunstan nodded once, then left to convey the plan to the defenders. Matt then turned to the remaining demons. "The rest of you just prepare for a fight. We have a queen to protect."

Once the only ones left were me, my guards, and Valora, I asked, "So where do I fit into this plan?"

Matt smiled at me, obviously trying to lighten the mood (which at this point was impossible). "Right now, you don't. We're going to try and clear a path for you and when that happens, you, along with the ones who will be staying with you, will charge Alden and take his powers."

"Easier said than done," I muttered instinctively moving my hand to the dagger at my hip. Then, I returned my voice to its normal level. "And who would be staying here?"

"Matt and I are going to the front of our warriors, leaving you with Zacky, Johnny, Jimmy, and Valora," replied Brian.

I felt better at the sound of Jimmy's name in that statement. At least I'd know where he, Johnny, Zacky, and Valora were until the big showdown. "Just be careful okay?"

Brian chuckled. "Aw, she's worried about us Matt. I guess you don't hate me after all, huh?"

I glared at Brian playfully. "Oh no. I still think you're a total jackass. I'm just concerned for the wolf side of you."

"Alright, alright," Matt interjected as Brian sent his own glare my way. "That's enough of that. Let's get going Brian. If you have any questions Alex, just use telepathy." I nodded in response and the two were on their way.

I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall, trying to mentally prepare for what was about to happen. Unfortunately, I was failing miserably at it. I had no idea how to deal with this; I had never been put in this sort of situation. Ever.

A sudden stillness over took the ranks outside. The advancing footsteps had stopped and the muttering from our warriors just across the ceased, making me feel uneasy. "What's going on?" I whispered, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"I don't know your highness," Valora replied, her voice at a low volume.

Jimmy waved to the four of us from the entrance to the hallway that led to the stairs. Zacky, Johnny, Valora, and I walked over to him. Jimmy led us up the stairs and out a door which led to a balcony. "Alex, stay behind us. We'll leave a small gap so you can see what's going on."

"Hey, they've stopped advancing," Zacky pointed out, staring over the railing.

Valora and Jimmy made a gap large enough for me to see through between them. Sure enough, Alden and his warriors had stopped dead in their tracks about thirty yards from our forces. "Yeah, but why?" mumbled Johnny.

Valora's grip on the railing tightened. "I think I have an idea," she breathed. Jimmy turned his head to her and frowned. He then turned back, crossed his arms, and shifted nervously from foot to foot. I sighed softly. If only I weren't so nervous myself and the others weren't around. Then I could make him feel better like I know he'd do for me.

Finally, the silence was cut through like a hot knife slicing through butter by Alden's voice. "Well, well, well," he began, an infuriating, shit-eating grin on his face, "if it isn't Shadows and Gates leading the rag-tag band of rebels. How amusing."

"Oh, aren't you just hilarious," Brian sneered, crossing his arms. "We'll see how 'rag-tag' you think we are after we kick your ass."

Alden chuckled. "That's some tough talk coming a stupid mutt." At this, Brian let out a powerful, spine-tingling growl and took a step toward his opposer. Matt calmly placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him back. Alden laughed manically at their display. "Maybe you should put that mongrel of yours on a leash." Ripples of laughter rolled through Alden's forces.

"Shut the fuck up Alden," Shadows demanded impatiently. "We're not here to see who can throw the best insults. We're here to kick you ass off the throne and put the true ruler on it. So let's get this fucking show on the road."

"Now Shadows. All this fight could be avoided if you just submit to my one demand." Alden's side fell silent as troubled whisperings began on our side. As I examined my guards and Valora, I found that they were all tense as well. I was actually feeling a bit queasy myself.

Alden's grin widened and became more sinister. "Hand over 'Queen' Alexandra and none of you will be charged with treason. You may all return to your normal lives as if nothing had ever happened."

My eye grew wide and my hands balled into fists. So this was his plan huh? To try and turn my followers against me and make them hand me over by giving them treason immunity? Ha! That was never going to work. Like Matt had said, we were too far into this and there was no turning back now.

"No," was Matt's blunt reply. I smirked triumphantly. He answered exactly as I expected him to.

Alden's smile never faltered once during this whole exchange and it didn't now. "Well, that's too bad. Always having to do things the hard was with you."

"You know us," Brian said, the smirk evident by his tone.

Alden's face suddenly became serious. He reached for the sword at his hip and unsheathed it. As if in slow motion, he brought his arm up, stretching it to it's full length, pointing the weapon directly at Matt and Brian. Alden's forces surged forward, closing the gap between his combatants and ours. Matt and Brian bolted forward as well, our troops quickly following their lead.

The war for the demon realm has begun. The outcome of this battle will decide who the actual ruler is and who is merely the placeholder.
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*insert dramatic music here* Who's going to come out on top? Alex or Alden? Looks like you're just gonna have to keep reading to find out XD