Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

Live Bait

The gap between Alden, Jimmy, and I slowly began to diminish as the prince advanced toward us. After what seemed like forever, Jimmy loosened up and readied himself to fight and protect me. If I wasn't so frightened at the moment, I'd be flattered.

"This is your last chance, James," Alden announced, practically standing in front of us now. When Jimmy didn't answer or make any move to surrender me to him, Alden shrugged. "What a way to go. This is proof that being no-"

The prince's sentence was cut short by a shadow suddenly appearing and knocking him down the corridor. With a loud thud, Alden hit the opposite wall. I didn't even have to get a good look at our savior to know exactly who it was. "Valora!" I shouted, both in relief and excitement.

The Sinne Krigare leader smiled at me, then turned her attention back to Alden, her features becoming serious again. "Jimmy, you and the other two get Alex out of here. I'll keep Alden busy while you get a hold of Brian and Matt and tell him what's happened." Johnny and Zacky joined Jimmy and me as Valora was instructing us.

"Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?" asked Jimmy as he clutched my hand and started turning toward the stairs at the end of the hall. Apparently keeping our relationship discreet was the last thing on his mind; I don't blame him though.

Valora just nodded, her silver eyes trained on Alden, who was now getting up and moving toward her. The last thing I saw was Valora pulling out her sword and Alden lunging toward her before I was yanked down the corridor. The four of us descended the stairs all the way to the main floor before finally slowing down.

"I told Matt and Brian what was going on," Zacky informed us. "They want us to keep Alden busy. They'll be here as fast as they can."

A loud roar boomed from outside of the mansion. "Sounds like Matt transformed," Johnny stated. I suddenly realized I had never seen Matt's complete transformation before. The only part I had seen is his dragon-like wings that had sprouted from his back the day I was brought to the demon realm.

The whole mansion seemed to shake as something huge flew just over the top. I stared up at the ceiling as if I could gaze through it, my mouth agape. When Matt attacked me on my first day, I denied that he could really transform into a dragon; I just told myself he was just some beast with wings that resembled a dragon's. Now, that theory could only be proven wrong.

The four of us followed the sound to the back exit of the mansion and bolted out. I could hear the battle still raging out front. In the back, we found what could pass as a whole other army ready for their instructions, just as Matt had said earlier in the main hall. I looked beyond the warriors and saw a large black dragon landing gracefully. I was in total awe as I watched dragon Matt fold his wings; dragons had always been my favorite mythical creatures. I never thought I'd actually see one though, considering on Earth, we're taught that dragons, fairies, demons, and such don't exist. I never really thought about it before, but humans are pretty damn closed minded when it comes to this sort of thing.

Brian slid off of Matt's back and hit the ground running. Matt returned to his normal form and followed him. The two weaved their way through the mob of waiting combatants and finally reached us. "Is anyone hurt? Where's Valora?" questioned Brian breathlessly.

"Everyone's fine and Valora is holding Alden off," Johnny replied.

Matt raised an eyebrow. "Alone?"

The four of us nodded gravely. I really hoped she would be okay. Judging from the way I've seen her fight, I'm pretty sure she could at least hold her own. But, then again, I had never really seen Alden fight.

"So what now?" Jimmy wondered, his voice quiet, almost a whisper. You could tell he was ready to just give up. Honestly, it pissed me off a bit. He's the one that's been telling me to be positive and now he's acting like it's completely over. I wanted to smack him, but settled with squeezing his hand as tight as I could and death glaring him. He seemed to get the message and added, "We need to help Valora somehow. There's no telling how long she can keep Alden from Alex."

Matt nodded. "That'll be the first thing we'll have to accomplish. Then, we'll have to lure Alden down here. That way we can surround him with the soldiers we have here and Alex can take him down. It's not the greatest plan, but at this point, I'll try anything. The only problem is how do we get him down here with as little casualties as possible?"

I racked my brain for any possible solution, but only one seemed to be even remotely possible. "I'll do it," I mumbled, balling my hands into fists. When the others shot me confused looks, I continued, my voice gaining strength. "I'll lure him down here so you guys can surround us to keep any help that may come to him out. He wants me after all, so I'm the perfect bait in this situation."

"But that's dangerous," Johnny pointed out sternly. "What if he pulls some bullshit and kills you?" I mentally smiled at his concern for my safety.

Brian rolled his eyes. "Everything we do now is dangerous. But, short shit has a point; if Alex is killed, all hope is lost. What if we sent a decoy?"

"That won't work," stated Zacky, shaking his head. "Remember the whole dinner thing where I posed as a necklace? Alden sensed it wasn't real and tried to kill us. I'd assume this would be the same sort of situation."

Brian cursed silently as Matt let out a sigh. "Well, I think we have no choice but to send the real thing. Otherwise, he'll know we just sent a decoy and kill whoever we send. But do you really want to do this, Alex?"

I nodded. "I can handle this. I'll think of something to help keep me safe."

Matt nodded and turned to the waiting warriors. By now they had all turned toward us, the demons closest eavesdropping on out conversation and the ones to far away reading lips or facial expressions. "I have a possible idea to make you safer, but I'm not going to tell you what it is just in case. As for the rest of us, we'll work on telling these warriors what's happened and what they're to do and getting orders to everyone up front."

"Okay," I said as confidently as I could manage. "Well, wish me luck!" I turned back to the mansion and took a deep breath as I stared at the large wooden door. I snuck one last smile to Jimmy, which he returned, then opened the door and stepped inside.

Well, here goes everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I know it's pretty boring, but it's just a filler! The next two or three (not real sure yet) will definitely be pretty action packed! So don't fret!

This story's almost finished! I'm excited but sad at the same time! lol