Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

Bring It On

I stood still for a moment in the doorway listening. The war out front was muffled now, but still loud. Behind me I could hear nervous chatter, the easiest for me to hear being my guards. I did my best to tune out their specific words; I figured that if they were describing what could possibly happen to me, I might chicken out. I stared up at the ceiling, hearing random thuds and the clashing of swords. This snapped me out of my hypnosis and I hurried to the stairs, sprinting up them two at a time.

As I climbed, it seemed like four new steps added every time I ascended two. My heart was pounding in my chest, my urgency only added to by the fact that I didn't have a single idea for how I was going to achieve this. Hopefully I can think of something as I go.

I finally reached the hallway where Valora and Alden were fighting. I watched the fight, a little bit shocked. Valora actually had the upper hand; she was playing offense while all Alden could do is defend himself from her mighty blows.

Valora swung her weapon hard and fast, connecting with Alden's sword, causing a loud clang that reverberated off the walls. Alden fell back, leaving him open for a hit. Valora took advantage of his moment of vulnerability and sliced into his stomach. Alden cried out and held his stomach with his free hand. I couldn't see the wound because his back to me, but I could tell it was pretty bad.

"Why you little bitch," he growled out, doubled over in pain. He stood up seconds later and I knew he healed the wound with ease. Suddenly, I wished I had that power right now. "You'll regret that one, Valora. I will thwart you just like I did all those years ago. This kingdom will be mine!"

Valora's face remained stony as Alden stepped closer to her, sword raised. Deciding I should step in before he gets a chance to do anything drastic, I shouted, "Stop!"

Alden's head snapped to me and Valora glanced over. He laughed, and I could hear complete insanity in it. "I see you've decided to rejoin us Alex. To what do we owe this pleasure?"

I took a deep breath; just gotta go with it. "I've come to end this war," I replied as I walked toward Alden, who, at my words, lowered his sword slightly. "This is pointless, all this fighting. It's obvious who has already won." My eyes locked with the prince's, hopefully showing weakness and surrender.

"I see," he murmured, somewhat apprehensively. Oh fuck. He's on to me.

I nodded, the gears in my brain working in overdrive to figure out what to do next. "I...I want to surrender the throne and my powers to you Alden. I've come to my senses and realized that I'm not fit to rule."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Valora's eyes widen, disappointment showing in the silver orbs. I mentally apologized to her, even though I was lying to Alden. I really hope this is going to work.

Alden smirked. "I always knew you were a smart girl."

I forced myself to blush. "I- I guess so. But not near as smart or powerful as you. Power turns me on."

The last part made Alden flinch and Valora looked absolutely disgusted. I didn't blame her; I felt like throwing up myself. "Oh does it?" Alden wondered, walking closer to me. Valora started to get up, but I discretely shook my head.

"Yes," I replied, closing the gap between us. I yanked him down by his collar and whispered, "Marry me."

Alden grinned evilly. "So you're going to crush James after all."

I nodded. "But, let's make this more interesting." Both Alden and Valora raised an eyebrow at me. "If you can catch me without using your powers, I will give up the powers I currently have and be your obedient queen. But if you aren't able to catch me, you will have to give up your powers."

Alden stroked his chin in thought. I held my breath, hoping that the male ego applied in demons as well. "Okay. But expect to be caught my beautiful, future queen."

Exactly as planned.

I giggled. "Good luck. Give me a five second head start."

Alden agreed and I turned swiftly on my heel and took off down the hallway. All I have to do now is lead him to the others and then I just have to take his powers without dying. Sounds easy right?

Five seconds passed and I heard Alden coming after me. Judging from the sound of his footsteps, he was faster than I thought. I quickened my sprint, wanting to keep the gap between us as large as possible in case he tried and dirty tricks.

I arrived at the set of stairs at the end of the second floor hallway and began descending them at full speed. If you have ever done this before, you will know that it is a big mistake. I felt my weight shift forward too much and tumbled down the steps, smacking into the wall on the landing.

A laugh at the top of the stairs made me snap my attention up there as I pushed myself onto all fours to continue my sprint to relative safety. He began descending the stairs, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. Finally snapping out of my paralysis, I pushed myself up and attempted to run again but ended up losing my balance and tripped down the remaining few stairs.

"Well Alex, I believe it's time for you to give u-" For the second time in less than an hour, Alden was tackled again and thrown down the remaining stairs.

"Run your highness!" Valora yelled at me.

I stared from my place on the ground as Valora held Alden against the wall. "Go!" she screeched. I regained my feet again and started for the back of the mansion. There was a red flash of light behind me and an eardrum shattering scream as I ran. I squeezed my eyes shut and increased my speed, feeling tears stream down my cheeks. I will never forgive myself if anything happens to Valora.

I finally reached the back doors and threw myself out of them. I continued my mad dash, ignoring the questions my guards were bombarding me with. The doors burst open just as I reached the wall of warriors meant to block Alden and me.

The prince joined me, his face contorted in fury. "I may not have caught you, but I'm still taking your powers! This realm is rightfully mine!"

I glared at him as a shimmering, transparent, gold barrier surrounded the two of us. I guess Matt altered the plan a little bit. I think I like the other one better honestly. "If this realm is rightfully yours as you claim, then why are you so worried about me being crowned then?"

Alden gritted his teeth and growled. "Listen here you sorry excuse for a ruler," Alden spat, "I am going to annihilate you and everyone who has stepped in my way!"

With a cocky smile, I beckoned to him with my hand. "Bring it on."
♠ ♠ ♠
So...this took forever to get out. But! Blame school. I've only been through 2 weeks and had mountains of homework already, thus making it difficult for me to update...And I got distracted by a one-shot I had to write before I forgot my ideas entirely. You should go read it too if you want a laugh XD