Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

Gates of Hell

“Hell? We’re in Hell?!” I questioned, fear consuming me again. “Am I dead or something because if I am, I don’t deserve to be in Hell!”

My three captors cackled. Brian, or whatever the wolf man’s name was, answered. “Yes, we’re in Hell. Sort of. This is the demon half of Hell where special people like us,” he indicated his cohorts, “live. And no, you are not dead.”

“Why am I here then?” This was making no sense. If I’m not dead, then why are they bringing me to Hell? I couldn’t escape the vivid visions of me being their sacrifice to Satan or something.

“That,” Zacky, the snake man, spoke now, “will be answered soon, along with any other questions you may have. If we’re feeling nice enough to answer them.” I could see him smirking, even in the dark.

That sounds promising. I decided to keep my mouth shut until spoken to.

“Fuck, I hate walking. And this girl is getting heavy. Can’t one of you take her for a while?” the one carrying me, Johnny, complained.

I scowled at him, figuring since he’s part bat, he’d be able to see it.

“Johnny, you’re such a fucking wimp,” Brian growled from in front of us. “Zacky, you take her. I carried her in.”

By now, my eyes had adjusted pretty well to the dark and I could see the two in front of us. Zacky threw his hands in the air and let out an angry sigh. “Fine, I’ll take her because you two are whiny pussies.”

Johnny chuckled. I felt his arms leave me and I hit the floor with a thud. I groaned, pain now not only in my leg, but in my ass as well. Fucker.

Johnny caught up to Brian who wasn’t stopping. “Damn it Johnny! Why the fuck couldn’t you just hand her to me?” I heard Zacky yell from somewhere. “We don’t all have bat eyes like you!”

“You’ve got a snake tongue, use it,” Johnny retorted smugly.

I heard the flick of a snake’s tongue a few times, and before I knew it, I was hoisted up and over Zacky’s shoulder. “Found her!” he announced to really no one in particular, considering the other two were well ahead of us.

Zacky was obviously in no hurry to catch up to the other two; he kept the same pace the whole time, which seemed excruciatingly slow. I refrained from making any smart assed remarks though, not wanting to anger him any more than I probably already have.

Zacky’s hand wandered from my thighs where he was holding me to my butt. He squeezed it lightly. “You’ve got a nice ass on you.”

“Bastard,” I growled in response, only causing him to laugh. Great, am I going to have to spend all eternity with these assholes now?

Finally, the other two came into view. They were standing in front of a large, black, iron gate. I don’t really know how I could see it, though, because it was also completely black behind it. Was it always going to be dark here?

“Took you long enough,” Brian snarled as we approached.

I’m sure Zacky had that smirk plastered on his face again as he said, “We were having a little quality time; getting to know each other a little, right, Alexandra?”

I wanted to kick him so bad right now. But, being bit by a cobra is not how I wanted to die. Instead, I sarcastically answered, “Oh yes. It was so much fun too.”

Brian opened the gate and was swallowed by the darkness, Johnny following close behind. I held my breath as Zacky carried me through the gates, not knowing what would await us on the other side. The gate clanged shut behind us, trapping me in probably forever.