Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

What a Drag

"Could you slow down!?" I shrieked. The guy, Jimmy, just growled and had the nerve to speed up. He must have thought I was too slow because next thing I knew, I was being yanked forward and fell. "You fucking son of a bitch!" Jimmy just smirked and grabbed my arm. Fucker didn't even let me stand, he just dragged me. "Let me go!"

Did he listen? Hell no! Of course he didn't!

He stopped in front of a door and kicked it open. Great, now it probably won't latch. Way to go you stupid fuck, taking away probably my only bit of privacy. "Sit," he commanded pointing to a king size canopy bed. My eyes widened when I saw it. Well, at least I get to sleep in luxury while I'm here.

I did as I was told and limped my way to the bed. Jimmy went into a room adjoining this one and came back with bandages and rubbing alcohol. Hydrogen peroxide won't suffice or something?!

He pushed a chair up to the edge of the bed and sat in it. He pulled my leg up onto it causing even more pain. I growled at him and he just glared. How unexpected of him. Without warning, not that I was expecting one, he poured the alcohol on my leg wound. "Holy shit! You fucking bastard!" I screamed.

Jimmy just smirked and began wrapping my leg, jerking it around in the process. "You son of a bitch! I hope you fucking die!" I knew I probably shouldn't be yelling these things, but I was in immense pain. He rolled his eyes and kept "fixing" me up.

"There, now stop being a baby," he sneered dropping my leg to the floor. I cringed, but managed not to scream.

"May all your bacon burn!"

He gave me a weird look and said, "What the fuck?"

"You heard me, Jimmy."

He once again narrowed his eyes at me. "Do not call me that."

I cocked an eyebrow and asked, "Well then what am I supposed to call you?"

"Reverend or Rev," he answered shortly.

"Well if that isn't an oxymoron I don't know what is. Alright, Reverend, now can you answer me this, Why am I really here?"

A flash swept over his crystal blue eyes, making them darker. "You were already told that."

I groaned in frustration. "Whatever, I still don't believe a word of it." He shrugged and began to get up. He was almost to the door when I asked, "Why do you hate me so much? What did I do to you?"Jimmy Rev, stopped in the doorway and turned back to me. He didn't say anything, but just stood there. It was kinda creepy. His eyes got even darker, if that was even possible, and he turned back. He closed the door and I heard it latch, meaning he didn't break it!

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew the door open to reveal my kidnapper, Johnny. "I see he didn't kill you, looks like I owe Shads some slave time."

"Slave time? Like a sex slave? And who is Shads?" I asked, my eyes widening.

He shook his head. "No like servant, have to wait on him hand and foot type slave. Shads or M. Shadows is Matt, we all have names like that." My mouth shaped the word oh. "Well anyways, I brought you some breakfast."

"Will I die if I eat it?"

He played fake hurt and said, "I am appalled that you would accuse me of something like poisoning your food." I laughed a little and he set the tray of food down next to me. "Well, I've got things to take care of so I'll be back later to get that."

I nodded and he left. For a demon, he was actually pretty nice. Unless, he was just acting. If so, it was still a nice change from that bastard Rev. I glanced over at the tray and saw some cereal, eggs, waffles, and bacon! Did he seriously think I could eat all this? Eh, oh well, variety was good. I ate what I could and set what was left on the end table to my right.

After about fifteen minutes later, there came a knock on the door. Wow, someone has manners. "Come in."