Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

Burn the Flesh

"Indoors, indoors, iiindooors," I sang out loud. I have been so TV deprived I'm singing Spongebob songs. I have been stuck in this same damn room for two days now.

The only person remotely close to an ally is Johnny. He brings me food and we actually have small conversations. Unlike Reverend, Rev, Jimmy, whichever. He was still an ass. I still haven't figured out what his problem was.

"You sure do like talking to yourself."

My eyes went to the now open door where Zacky stood. "What's it to you? And I was singing not talking."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Same difference; it was still to yourself."

I stuck my tongue out at him and asked with a sigh, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to see you naked," he said with a devious smirk.

My expression remained solemn. "I am not amused."

"And I wasn't kidding." Having enough with his smirks and comments I chucked a cup that was on the nightstand at him. It hit him right in the nose and I couldn't help but laugh. Lucky for him it was plastic. "Ow! You are a bitch you know that?!"

Now was my turn to smirk. "Yup!" He grumbled something incoherent as he walked away, rubbing his nose. I was quite proud of myself.

That stupid asshole didn't shut the damn door.

With a huge sigh, I managed to get up and stand. The pain was still there but it was the more dull pain unless you were to hit it against something. Well, then of course it would hurt; you just hit it. Normally pain follows after such an act. But I digress. After the pain lulled a little I tried to walk.

Haha! Made it to the door!

I was about to shut it when I heard something like hammering from down the hallway. Being the nosy person I am, I decided to investigate. What a genius I am; I'm injured and in Hell, but hey! I'm gonna go 'splorin!

Does it ever get any brighter than this? I mean come on. The only light is coming from some lamps.

The closer I got to the source the more I came to realize that it was it wasn't hammering, it was stomping. Whoever it was seemed to have anger issues. Their door was slightly ajar so I peered in and saw that it was the Rev's room and he was pacing rather loudly. In my attempt to stay hidden I hit my leg on a nearby table. There were quite a few of those around here. My shriek of pain made the pacing man stop and come to the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he yelled, yanking me by my arm. My face wrinkled in pain, but other than that I kept a poker face. "Well?!"

"I was trying to figure out what sounded like a sledgehammer hitting a 2x4."

He shot me one of his ever-so-popular glares and never let go of my arm. I could already feel the skin under his fingers start to bruise. I tried not to pry out of the death drip, but that would just put more strain on my arm.

"You need to mind your own business, you fucking cunt."

Okay, bitch I can take, but cunt? That is not okay.

My anger level rose ten fold and I could feel my blood boil. Before I even had time to blink, the Rev's hand was off my arm and he was holding it too his chest. He yelled out a long string of profanities and I caught a glimpse of his hand; it was burned.


My eyes widened at the sight. It was baaaaaaaad. The skin was almost burned completely off. Not able to control myself, I threw up all the contents within my stomach. The Reverend looked at me with a mix of confusion, terror, and hatred. It kinda scared me.

With his good hand, he grabbed my arm once more and began to pull me through the halls. We ended up in a room that resembled a study. Matt, Shads, M. Shadows, whatever his preference, was sitting in a chair, behind a desk. The room was illuminated my a fire that was just kinda hanging in the air. It was hard to look away.

My arm was released after I was forced into a chair. The two men/demons were talking as I just continued to gaze at the floating fire. Someone cleared their throat causing me to look away. They were looking at me intently. The Rev had the same look as earlier, but Shads had a look of intrigue.

"It seems some of your smaller powers are already active," Mr. Dragon Man informed me. "I guess the ceremony won't have to be as big as previously planned.

"You're telling me I did that?" I said indicating the burnt hand.

"What the fuck do you think? I sure as hell didn't do this to myself!" Rev shouted holding up his hand to me. Bile rose up from my stomach but I held it down. It ended up burning my throat though.

"Well even if I did do it, I have no idea how!" I shrieked getting a little panicky.

Shads stood up from behind the desk and knelled in front of me. "It seems that whatever he did, triggered one of your powers. I guess your skin heated up and burned him."

That seemed a little ridiculous, but the more time spent here, the more I was being convinced they weren't crazy after all. Okay, I still think the Reverend is crazy.