Status: Complete.

With Sin, Condemn You

Burning Desire

"Wha- where am I? What's going on?!" I shouted waking up in an unfamiliar space. My questions went unanswered and disappeared into the air. The clothes I was wearing were unfamiliar and most definitely not something I would pick out; pretty much a lacy bra and matching panties.

How the Hell did these get on my person?!

Out of freaking nowhere, the Rev appeared in front of my eyes...wearing nothing from the waist up. My sight was locked on his toned torso. He smirked and advanced towards me. My eyes widened as he came closer and closer until he was hovering above me.

"What are you doing?" I asked timidly. Did he answer my question? No, no he didn't. He did, however, unbutton his pants. My eyes got even bigger at the display. What does he think he's doing?

He stepped out of the jeans and I could see that he was packing. I tired to not let my jaw drop, but that proved to be difficult. He wasn't even completely naked and I could tell he was huge!

I swear, that smirk is permanently stuck to his face.

Much to my dismay he didn't eighty-six the boxers. He came even closer to me until he was able to lift me from the bed I was mysteriously on.

Where did he put me? The floor! What was wrong with the bed?! I liked the bed!

His hands reached around and unclasped the bra and pulled it away from my body leaving my upper half exposed. I shivered from the new cold...even though it was about the same. Soon after he removed my panties so I was completely nude.


His lust filled eyes scanned my body. I began to pout at his still clothed nether regions. He seemed to get my message and pulled down his boxers.


Before I could ogle anymore, the Rev tilted my face up to his and kissed me with much force. I kissed him back and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Soft moans escaped when he skimmed my sides with his hands.

I whimpered as he pushed himself into me. The gentleness he started out with was soon replaced by deep, hard thrusts. My back was being burned by the carpet, but I wasn't paying attention to the pain. The pleasure was intense.

The Rev's head dipped down, taking a nipple between his teeth. He bit down on it and tugged and I couldn't hold back a loud moan. His smirk returned and he tugged even harder.

I gripped his arms tightly and kept moving with him.

Every nerve was alert to his touch. I craved the feel of his skin on mine; he was highly addictive and he knew it.

The more we rocked, the closer I got to the edge. Every time my release came close, he slowed to let it pass. And every time I tried to protest, he silenced me with a kiss and picked up the pace.

Finally, he let me feel the burning, euphoric sensation I'd been craving since we began our "fun." His release took only moments to achieve.

He rested his head on my chest and ran a hand through my hair. His breathing lulled me to sleep...

Sitting up, I looked around and saw I was in my room. It was all just a dream. A very vivid, sexy dream. No! It had the Rev in it! That is not a good thing! But damn, it was hot and it seemed so real. I could almost feel the carpet, his skin, his lips; it sent shivers down my spine.

Things will be even weirder than they already are when I have to be around him.