I Feel Insane.

Like Walking Into A Dream

"Alright, sixth period Physics. Let's stay awake now, people," Mr. Alton clapped his hands together. "Okay, we'll start with some formulas."

I groaned and put my head down, closing my eyes.

"Did you hear about the new kids? They're like total punk kids," I heard someone whisper next to me.

What? I hadn't heard of any new kids. And usually, there aren't any new transfers in junior year. And more than one? Damn, I thought, my head snuggled comfortably in my arms.

Mr. Alton passed out a worksheet 2 minutes later, and whacked my head playfully with a ruler, and I snapped up. "Sorry, sorry," I chuckled. Our assignment was to work on it quietly and alone while he went down instructions.

I heard a knock (when was the last time a person actually knocked on the classroom door?) and sat up in my seat, rubbing my weary, tired eyes. Mr. Alton looked kind of puzzled as to why someone felt the need to knock, but opened the heavy brown door nonetheless.

"Hi, I'm Matt Sanders; I'm new here. Is this Room 319, um…Physics 1P?" I saw a tall brown-haired kid asking quietly.

"Yes, did you get lost?"

I saw "Matt" almost glare at the teacher and muttered, "Yeah, the school's kinda big."

"Oh, well, it's no problem. We have a few extra seats in the back; where do you want to sit?" he said, showing Matt to the front of the classroom. Everyone was paying attention to the conversation and was well aware that Mr. Matt Sanders was in fact, a new kid.

All the people in the back (despite their row) called out, "'Ey, Matt! Come here!" or "Over here, man!"

I grinned; Ocean View wasn't too mean of a school. Smiling, I crossed my arms over my chest, and slunk down comfortably in my seat, pulling my hood over my head slightly so I wouldn't get in trouble.

Mr. Alton shifted his weight between his two feet and said, "Uh, Matt, can you pick a little quickly? I need to finish explaining the worksheet."

"Sorry," Matt mumbled, turning a little pink. "I'll sit over there."

I turned to look at him and realized he was pointing at me the seat behind me. Why he wanted to sit here was beyond me; I wasn't even egging him to sit here.

He shuffled awkwardly between the rows of seats and students until he finally was standing beside me.

I looked at him in complete awe, "Damn, dude, how tall are you? 6"0?"

He looked at me, a little surprised, almost as if he didn't expect me to talk to him. I felt kind of bad for him. However, Matt smiled a little, and said, "6"1, actually."

"Jesus Christ," I muttered as he sat down. He was half a foot taller than me!

After Mr. Alton finished talking, I raised my hand, and once he came over, I asked him if I could help Matt just in case he needed help. He shrugged it off and said sure.

Matt must've obviously heard, because when I turned around in my seat, he had a confused look on his face.

"I wanna talk to the new kid. Sue me," I smiled.

I gotta tell you, this kid's dimples are breathtaking.