I Feel Insane.

We've Been Waiting For You

A couple days later...

"Come è stata la scuola di oggi, mia figlia?" my Mother asked me. How was school today, my daughter?

"Bene, bene. Ho incontrato un ragazzo." Good, good. I met a boy.

She dropped her knife she was using to cut the celery and her eyes widened.

"Davvero? Egli è l'italiano? Alto? Bello? Intelligente? Ancora più importante, potrebbe approvare il tuo papà?" she walked over to me, grasping my shoulders, shaking me in the slightest insane way. Really? Is he Italian? Tall? Handsome? Intelligent? More importantly, would your Dad approve?

"Mom," I said, dragging out the word, "I don't like him like that."What a liar I am.

"Oh. Perché parlare di lui, allora? Qui, qui, mi ha annullato alcune pasta per voi per il vostro pranzo; e non è che Prego crap, sia. Dopo di che, iniziare la vostra casa e non andare sul computer. Voi sapete che odia suo padre, quando torna a casa e sei in Internet, chattare via," she rolled her eyes, turning back to the vegetables. Oh. Why mention him, then? Here, here, I set aside some pasta for you for your lunch; and it's not that Prego crap, either. After that, start your homework and don't go on the computer. You know your father hates it when he comes home and you're on the MySpace, chatting away.

"I don't have a MySpace, Mamma," I grumbled, grabbing the plate of pasta and shoving it into the microwave.

I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie wor-

"Hey, ho; I like how you changed your ring tone," I said into the blue Motorizr. In the back, I could hear and see my Mom waving her knife at me and going, "Non dire che! Ma non è bello, sai." Don't say that! That's not nice, you know.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at her.

"Hey, AJ...You there?" Rachel's voice echoed through the receiver.

"Yeah, sorry," I said, grabbing the pasta, a fork, and my backpack. I held the phone between my ear and my right shoulder as I walked up the stairs.

"Alright; well, anyways. I heard Zack Baker is having a party. You wanna come with?"

I winced, "That guy that's basically always hitting on you is asking you - "

"-and you!" she reminded me.

"-to come to his house. Where there are beds. And hopefully condoms-"

"Anna Jadyn fucking Berna-scones!" she yelled.

"Scotti, baby girl. Bernascotti."

"Shut the fuck up."

"New favorite word or something?"

"AJ, come on! Come with me! I...I kinda...," she trailed off.

"You what? Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

"I think I might kinda like him," I could hear the nervousness emanating from the phone.

"That's...not weird at all, babe," I laughed. "But, alright. I'm come to your little 'shindig.'"

"It's next week; Saturday, by the way!" she sang. I tried to imagine what the date was, but Rachel beat me to it.

"It's on Halloween. We're supposed to bring a date. But you don't have to, of course," she added hastily. I sighed quietly.

I haven't had a boyfriend since the 8th grade. And even then, it wouldn't count as the "real thing."

"Whatever; it's okay. I'll ask one of my guy friends to be a date; chances are, one of them won't mind."

"Okay, then. Any idea who the victim is?"

If she were near spitting distance of me, I would've slapped that bitch silly.

"No, I don't know who I'm gonna bring."

But I do know who I want to.

Matt Sanders,my victim the kid who sits behind me in Physics.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah; that's right. I changed her name from Anna Raquel Bernascotti to Anna Jaydn Bernascotti just so I could call her AJ.

Sorry it's like 99.99% dialogue. And sorry if the Italian is incorrect. I used a Google Translator thingy. That should explain everything.