I'll follow you

*** Was the Case That They Gave Me

I heard my cell ring faintly, but I ignored it. That is, before I felt a swift kick to my leg. I moaned and started hitting the nightstand, grouping for my iPhone. I finally found it hit the talk button, holding it to my ear.


"Hey Frankie, it's C. Vac. We need you downtown now, someone was brutally raped and-"

"Yeah, murdered, I know." I interupted him and hung up.

I febally crawled out of my bed and began making my way to the walk-in closet on the other side of the room. Griffen, my 2 year old Borzoi, watched my every movement from his lounging position at the foot of the bed. I held the bamboo door to the closet, and before you ask, yes, we have a door for the closet, I'll tell you why in a second, and Griff jumped off the bed and trotted in with me. I closed the door wouldn't wake October at...3 in the morning.

I turned on the light and heard 'Tober shift in bed so she was no longer facing the light. I rumaged through the bottom line of the rack of clothes on the left side. I finally decided and pulled on some ultra-tight camo pants and a dark green speghetti strapped tank top. I pulled on un-matching knee-high socks and looked around for my chucks, but after avid searching I pulled on, laced up and buckled October's combat boots.

I knew I would get Hell taking them 'cause they were 'Kal's favorite shoes but hey, I'm aiding the city of Manhattan here! The least she could do for the good of the people of the New York is lend her girlfriend her shoes so she could get the Hell out of her apartment faster! I shut the lights and opened the door and tiptoed out, Griffen trailing at my feet. Once I was out the door of our shared bedroom I shut it behind me.

I turned the lights on and walked over to the coat rack and took my hat and placed it on my head. I then took my trench coat and slung it over my arm. I opened the door to the outside and my keys before I heard Griffen whine and paw at the fridge. October had trained him to do the before I left. I trotted over to the kitchen and erase the old message on the mini-whiteboard, and then wrote 'Murder Was the Case That They Gave Me, XO Frankie' qouting the Leathermouth song.

Yet again I was about to walk out the door when Griffen scratched at a door, but this time it was the bedroom. I half ran , half trotted into the room, going up to October and kissed her forehead, whispering 'I love you' in her ear. She mumbled something I couldn't make out and I scurried out of the room leaving the door slightly ajar for Griffen to return to bed. I grabbed my bag, stuffed both my phone with earphones and my keys into it, said bye to Griff, shut the lights and lightly closed the door behind me.

I swiftly powerwalked to the elevator and hit the down button. Obviously not taking the elevator at...3:13 in the morning. When it arived I stepped in and hit the L button and watched the light up numbers at the top. 46 45 44 43 42. I pulled my trench coat on and buttoned it up. I then took the scarf and jioned the two ends, wrapping it around my neck so the two ends were on the left and the loop end was on the right. I pulled the ends through the loop and tightened it.

I looked in the mirror on the wall and saw that my red highlights were fading. I was about to go to put hair dye on my grocery list in my phone when I remembered that October couldn't dye her's and I felt bad. She always said she liked my hair as it was but I knew she wanted to die her hair too. She had, when we were in college, she was gonna get a tattoo too, but they started holding auditions for backups for Wicked and 'Tober was excepted so she couldn't get one anywhere noticable.

Then they decided to put Beauty and the Beast on Broadway. With her amazing voice and strong actings skills Kal aced the part. Unfoutunately that ment no more hair dying.. By the time I put my earphones in and put on 'Stupid MF' by MSI the elevator had stopped. I stepped out and entered the lobby. As I shuffed out I faintly heard a ' Au revior madamouiselle Iero.' I know what you're thinking, what the hell? Well I wish I knew.

I waved to the confused French desk attendant and slipped out the revolving door as the brisk, January, New York air hit my face. I hailed a taxi and gave him the address of the station. The subway wouldhave been quicker, easier and less expensive but I rather wouldn't take the subway this time in the morning. On the way there I counted out the exact change, after all, I had taken the cab to the same place, from the same place for at least 7 monthes.

Once there I gave him the money as 'Mark David Chapman' finished. I stepped into the lobby and went straight into the elevator. I took my passkey out of my pocket and slid it into the little keychecker under the up and down buttons. A little keyboard of numbers came out. I typed in the numbers 10 17 95, October's birthday.

The little screen above the up and down bottons litup 'ACCESS GRANTED' in green letters. I hit the down button and the doors opened to reveal Davey, my cute middle aged co-worker. I think he's like 3 years oler than me with short brown hair that stuck up in every direction, he was a clown.

"I was just going to see if you had gotten here yet." He laughed.

"Yes." I said sourly. Hey, it was like 3:30 in the fucking morning! I stapped in and he handed me a rather large McDonalds cup of coke. I took a sip and grinned up at him as he rehit the B button.

"Sorry, it was the largest size they had." He unrightfuly apologized.

"Frankie happy." I told him.

"Good. Nothing worse than an unhappy Frankie." He said, his voice laced with laughter.

The elevator dinged and we got off into the hallway. We walked to a black set of double doors labeled 'FORENSICS LAB.' I took out my keycard and slid her in. Then I retyped in my password. The screen again read 'ACCESS GRANTED' in green letters and the doors swung themselves open. I took off my hat, scarf and trench coat and hung them on the coat rack and took my lab coat.

"Nice boots." Davey admired and laughed.

"They're my girlfriend's." I took a sip of my coke.


"Excuse me?" I questioned.

"Girls, girls." C. Vac interupted.

I snorted and Davey feigned hurt. At least I thought it was fake.

"Frankie, can you figure out what this is?" He held up a vile of a thick silver substance and I eyed it suspiciously. "There's a peice of cake in it for you."

"What kind of cake?" I asked.

"Spice with creamcheese frosting."

I pretended to think. "Oh, alright." I caved and took the vile.
♠ ♠ ♠
By Me.