I'll follow you

Everybody Likes Pie!

I hung up the phone and sauntered over to Bill.

“Biiiiilllllllll”, I whined. After a while of being in the production, I started to feel like I asked him for too much (but did that stop me from asking?), “Can I take a longer break tonight?”

He hesitated, obviously a little frustrated. This was already our third month of performances, but he liked rehearsing right down to the last second. He was PISSED when anyone tried to pry that away from him. “Fine”, he said with a sigh, “but be back here at seven o’clock SHARP.”

“Thanks…I’d hug you, but I think you might bite my head off.” I headed to my dressing room, threw my wallet and phone into my tote bag, and was about to go wait for Nicole outside, when…

“October!” a voice yelled from down the hall. Shit.

“Hunter!” I exclaimed, turning on my heel to face one of my cast members. In Beauty and the Beast, Hunter played Gaston, the immature, sexist, chauvinistic jerk…let’s just say, he fit the role PERFECTLY.

“So”, he began, “What’re you doing for your dinner break.”

“I dunno yet.” I couldn’t tell if I was making it obvious that I didn’t want to talk to him or not.

“Well, how’d you like to go out with me? I know this great—”

“I’m gonna stop you there”, I interrupted. “I’m already seeing someone.”

“Who? I’m SURE I can compete.” Typical Hunter. I almost started laughing, but decided to keep a straight face for this one.

“You don’t know her.”

“…don’t you mean HIM?” I rolled my eyes, “You can’t possibly pick a GIRL, over…ME.”

“Apparently I can. Goodbye.” He tried to add something else, but I turned down the hall, and walked out the stage door. I sat on a bench outside the theatre, waiting for Nicole. Once again, I took out my iPod and turned it on shuffle. This time, ‘A Little Priest’ from ‘Sweeney Todd’ came on. I sang along to it.

“What’s the sound of the world out there; those crunching noises pervading the air? It’s man devouring man my dear, and who are we to deny it in here?” A man walked by, giving me an odd look. Just for the fun of it, I laughed and said, “Don’t worry. It’s just a song about murdering people and turning them into pie.” As her scurried away, I called after him. “EVERYBODY LIKES PIE!”

Just then, someone tapped (HIT) the back of my head. “Don’t scare people!...Only I’m allowed to do that.”

“Hey”, I said turning to face Frankie and taking my headphones off, “he was asking for it.”

“So what up?”

I shrugged. “The sky?” Really. When someone asks ‘What’s up?’, the correct answer would technically be whatever is above you, right?

“OTHER than that.”

‘Well, I resisted the urge to punch one of the actors in the face’, I thought. “Nothing particularly interesting.”