I'll follow you

How's Your Babe?

I took the subway home and changed into something more...sexy. I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm some kind of cross of a pimp and a slut. 

"Rawnr." Mistofolees agreed.

"Yeah, yeah I know." I told him.

"HHHHHEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS" He hissed at something that wasn't there, he's crazy, by the way.

"Mew." Lithia was horrified of Mistofolees.

"You poor thing." I said, petting Lithia. 

Panther, from my pillow on the right side of the bed, glared at Lithia who was lying on October's pillow on the left. Griffen trotted in from the closet, sat down and looked me up and down. I opened my arms to him. "How do I look Griff?" I was wearing a purple 'halter dress,' it wrapped around behind my neck, came down and barely covered my breasts, it made a C shape and rested on my ass, a long fabric came around and hung over my legs like a cape, going down to my ankles. 

I walked into the the walk in closet, Griffen in tow, to find something to wear on my bottom half. I looked through the lower-half of my side of the closet to find a black and red tripp skirt and put it on. I went to the right side, October's side, of the closet. I searched though, looking for something a little nice for her to wear. I finally settled on a nice black dress and through it over my shoulder.

I then left for the bathroom on the other side of the bedroom and Griffen left and jumped on the bed. I walked into the bathroom and set her dress down on the toilet and turned around to the sink to find some jewelry for us to wear. I rooted through the jewelry box and pulled out some nice things. I put them in my travel jewelry case and went to put them in my nice bag.

I then walked to my vanity and put on fresh eyeliner on my top and bottom lids, and lipstick. I went out to go when I remembered I needed shoes. I went and found some nice shoes and a decent coat. I took my bag, Kal's dress and a few other things and was about to head out the door when the phone rang. I checked my watch to see if I had the time to get it. 4:21. Yeah.

"Yeah?" I answered the phone.

"Hello, this is Casandra calling on behalf of Miss Higgans," Higgans, Higgans, Higgans?

"Who the hell is Miss Higgans?" I asked. I heard slight yelling in the backround.

"FRANKIE!!!!" I heard the other end yell.

"MIKEY!!!!!!" Her, I knew.

"What up, girl?" 

"Just about to leave to pick up Kal, what up wit'chu?"

"Cass called to confirm the photoshoot we have scheduled." Oh, right! Mikey, or Abbie, is a singer with a side of phography, October is a Broady with a side of modeling (and by side, I mean what I force her into) and we're all really close.

"Yup! I'm picking up the outfits tomorow!"

"Cool! We should do dinner sometime, I'm only in town for, like, the next week, then I go on tour."

"Rad, come see October's profomance on Saturday and we can do dinner after!"

"That's perfection!" She said.

"Awesome, lots of love to you and Lisa, I gotta go."

"Okay, Love to you and Kali, bye!"

"Byesies!" I said, hanging up.

I rushed out the door, down the elevator, out the lobby door, down the subway steps, onto the subway, off the subway, up the subway steps, and down the street when I was stopped.

"That you Franklin?" She was sitting on her stoop in an old rocking chair. I first introduced myself a Frankie and she took it to mean my name is Franklin.

"Yes ma'am." I said, stopping infront of Mrs. Jacobsins fence.

"How are ya, child?" She asked.

"I'm good. How'd you know it was me?" I counter-questioned. She's black and blind, by the way.

"You, child, are the only one on earth that would run in heels." I laughed. "How's your babe?" She asked, referring to October.

"Lovely." I said softly. She acknowledged my response with a quiet 'mmmmm.'

"Can I still expect you two on Sunday?" She asked. Every Sunday we always ate supper at her brownstone just off Broadway.

"As always, Ma'am." I answered.

"Good. Now I know you have to go, otherwise ya'll wouldn't've been runnin', so go on now!" She ordered.

"Much appreciated, Mrs. Jacobins, See you later!" I said, running off.

I ran onto Broadway and down it, slowwing down when I saw October sitting on the bench outside the theatre. I snuck up on her as she yelled something about pie to a guy passing.

I Gibbs-slapped the back of her head and she cringed. "Don't scare people!" I paused for dramatic effect. "Only I'm aloud to do that." I then stated matter-of-factly.

"Hey," she started, taking off her headphones and looking up at me, "he was asking for it."

"So what up?" I asked, changing the subject, although I knew the answer.

"The sky." She shrugged. God, I hated it when she did that! I always have.

"Other than that?" I glared at her. She thought for a minute, then spoke.

“Nothing particularly interesting.” She got up and faced her body twards me. I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled our hips together. I put our forheads together and looked into her metalic-blue eyes. "I got another hour?" She knew I knew there was something else, but she didn't want to tell me. I gave her a quick peck to the lips.

"Pwease?" I gave her Frankie-puppy-dog eyes. Their like super puppy-dog eyes.

She sighed. "Hunter." She stated simply. I responded with an 'ah' implying she should go on. "I told him." This time she looked away. I brought my arms up and gave her a full hug. "Nice, uhm, dress." She smiled after. 

"Yeah! We're going out!" I said, shoving her the dress.

"You want me to change here?" She joked.

"No." I replied. I grabbed her hand and ran into the theatre and looked around for the bathrooms.

"October!" I heard a dude yell.

"Oh no." October muttered.

He ran over with a smirk on his face. What the shit?