I'll follow you

Douche Bags Can't Take Hints

It’s not that I was keeping anything from Frankie…I just didn’t want to talk about Hunter. She clasped her around my waist, pulled me closer, and stared into my eyes. “I got another hour?” I could already tell I wouldn’t win this one. She knew there was more. She gave me a quick peck on the lips.

“Pwease?” She was giving me her Frankie-puppy-dog eyes. ‘Shit, look away! Look away!’, I told myself, but I wasn’t fast enough, and I couldn’t say no.

I sighed. “Hunter”. She replied simply with ‘ah’, which meant I had to continue. I looked at the ground. “I told him”. She pulled me into a full hug. “Nice, uhm, dress” I smiled a little.

“Yeah! We’re going out!” she exclaimed handing one of my black dresses to me (yes, I own multiple black dresses).

“You want me to change here?” I asked, half joking (seriously. Y’never know with her).

“No”, she replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me back into the theatre. As soon as we walked through the door…

“October!” yelled the same voice as before.

“Oh no”, I mutter, trying to turn and walk back out. Nicole blocked the door with her arm. Damn. I shoulda known she wouldn’t let me leave. Hunter ran over with a sneer on his face. Shiiiiiiit.

“So, this must be the girl”, he stated, looking at Frankie, still smirking.

“And this must be the ass hole”, she replied. He ignored the comment, and turned back to me.

“Y’know, you still have a chance to say yes to dinner.”

“I realize that”, I answered flatly, rolling my eyes (I guess I roll my eyes a lot). 


“So WHAT?”

“What’s the answer?”

“Why can’t the douche bag take a hint?” Frankie whispered to me, making it easy for Hunter to hear her words. I waved my hand in her direction, spastically, in a motion that basically said ‘Shut up, I got this’.

“Hunter, the answer is no, it has always BEEN no, it will always BE no.” I would’ve walked away, but I then realized I really had nowhere to go. I pushed Frankie in front of me. “Your turn. Let’s leave.”

“Bye Huntyyyyy”, she called to him once she had dragged me down the hall. 

After going back into my dressing room, changing, leaving, and avoiding Hunter on the way back out, we were in the home stretch. We took the subway to a restaurant about fifteen minutes away. It was a Japanese place that I can’t pronounce the name of, let along spell (but then again, I can barely spell ENGLISH, so…)