I'll follow you

On Ze Dot!

I fell out the door and into the hallway, where Frank and Jamia were fumbling for their key. As I sprinted down the hallway, Frank yelled after me.

"What are you doing?" he yelled.

"RUNNING", I replied before once again crashing into the wall next to the elevator. I always forgot it was there.

"You okay?" Frank continued.

"I'm not o-fucking-kay!", I replied, remembering my favorite song from...what? Ten years ago? As I stepped into the elevator, I realized how much of a dork I was, and tried to save myself by continuing with "Haha...yeah. Uhm, that song's stuck in my head. So annoying...NO, I mean, it's an AWESOME song, it's just that-" The doors closing in front of me cut off my sentence, and I gave myself an epic facepalm. "Life lesson tip number 67: Don't try to recover from embarrassment. You'll make things worse for yourself", I told myself. Luckily, I'm able to laugh at myself, so I get over things quickly (if, of course, I need to get over them AT ALL).

After taking a cab down to the theatre, I ran through the stage door, snuck past Bill so I wouldn't have to come up with another late excuse, and hurried into my dressing room to get changed into my costume for the first act. After I was done changing, I went to find my friend, Philippe, who played Lumiere, the French candle-stick in the show. He was like twenty years older than me, but still fun to be around. Out of everyone in the cast, Philippe was probably the most comedic.

"Mademoiselle October!" Philippe yelled when I appeared in the green room. "Where have you been? Ze show begins within ze hour."

Damn, I had to come up with another excuse. "Wh...What do you mean? I've been here for an hour and a half."

He hesitated for a moment, and then replied. "Oh, my appologies. Well, just remember ze changes we made to ze opening number."

"Uhm...what? What changes?"

"Oh, you know. Ze changes we made about an hour ago. You said you were here, correct? I mean, you're late so much, it's getting a bit hard to work with, but you were definitely here when we made ze changes."

"Oh...right...THOSE changes."

"Just do not forget zem. If you do, the entire scene will be ruined...of course, you have no need to worry, seeing as you WERE, after all, here." He gave me a disbelieving look.

Yeah, okay, I was caught. I like to think of myself as a good liar, but with my crappy excuse, it was hard to follow through on. "Ugh, FINE, I wasn't here. PLEASE don't tell Bill."

"I suppose I could keep my mouth closed for a price. What's in it for me?"

"How 'bout fifty cents, and I don't kick your ass."

He shrugged. "Sounds reasonable, but I will need ze money up-front. I owe some money to ze vending machine...and remember, ze show begins shortly. Try not to get lost, and make sure to be backstage at eight o'clock ON ZE DOT."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll be there 'ON ZE DOT'" I mocked his accent. Philippe and I were both pretty bitter before shows, but then again, my relationship with A LOT of people was built of the fun of arguing.