The Painful Truth

Dying because of you...

“Hello?” His voice sent a chill down her spine as she replied. “Hey…I need to tell you something…” “Yeah…me too.” “Uh…” Tears were creeping up on her as she said “I think we should break up. Was that what you were going to say?” “…Yes…” She couldn’t fight it anymore and the tears streamed down like a waterfall. She stood in silent as they poured down. “Are you ok?” he asked. She laughed to herself as she thought, “Of course I’m not ok. Can’t you see what you’re doing to me?” She took a deep breath tears galore, “Yea…” She couldn’t bear to his voice. “I gotta let you go.” “Ok.” “Bye…”

She sank to her knees on the kitchen floor grasping her chest. She wanted to scream, yell, anything to take away the pain. “What did I do wrong?” She asked as the memories paralyzed her. “What happened?” She got up and walked to her room. If only there was something she could do. She had just lost the one and only person she felt understood her.

No longer was she able to run to him when she was hurt or broken…She couldn’t rush to the safety in his arms as he held her tight. She did eventually cry herself to sleep, sobbing hopelessly as she felt an unexplainable pain. Her heart exploded, was ripped out and trampled, turn to shreds, chewed up and spit out.

Nothing could be done. Nothing could be said. So she waited and waited for her pain to be lifted.
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This was just something short...its still in the process. Please bear with me!! Umm as for the mentioning of 'Twilight' I'd like to clear up that this is NOT about Twilight. It is actually a TRUE story...i was inspired by the movie to write the past that...well...was.
Umm im not sure about names yet because its still up in the air. I want to present this story but not reveal identities of the real people.