Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In

Slow Down Baby

“Ow, ow, ow—“ I kept on for a couple hundred more times, I couldn’t brush my hair so Brian kind of took over my grooming situation and let me tell you, he’s the worse fucking hairdresser ever. The reason why I couldn’t brush my hair is because I accidentally—maybe broke my left arm and sprained my right on a four wheeling incident. Johnny and Zacky were pissed but I had agreed to actually go, I had never been on one before and a high school friend named Robert, a big four wheeler junkie who was more of a child than Zacky when he’s seen whiskey and cereal, had asked if I wanted to while I was home from tour. It was two weeks until my birthday, I was super pissed but lucky the cast comes over in a week and a half. “Fucking hell Synny you’re killing me here!”

“Zacky I can’t work with this!” Brian threw the brush up in the air and walked off in a storm, muttering how ungrateful I was as he walked out of my room, leaving half of my hair brushed down and the other half sticking out like I had bed head hair.

“Zacky!” I shouted from the chair in front of the bathroom mirror, when I seen him walk through the door with a grin I laughed. “I pissed of Synyster and well, now I’m minus a hairdresser.”

“I’ll fill in,” he stated with a smirk, he picked the brush off the ground and stood up, pressed a kiss to my neck before he started brushing my hair gently. “You happy?”

“About what?” I questioned him, what was I supposed to be happy about?

“Your birthday silly,” Zacky laughed as he tapped the brush end against my skull, it clanked like my head was hollow and ached afterwards.

“Ow asshole,” I snapped and if I could, would have slapped him across the backside of his head. “And yes I’m happy but I’m in a cast and fucking arm sling.”

“It will be off before then babe,” he explained soothingly as he rubbed my shoulders with his fingertips, I sighed at the massage and let my head fall forward. “Are you nervous?”

“About fucking what?” I asked exasperated, he knew I hated guessing games and he was playing with it and my nerves at the moment. My head ached from two different reasons: Zacky and Synyster and I really had to pee, and the only person that could help me with that situation was gone shopping.

“Chill baby,” he commented with a chuckle. “About telling everyone about us on your birthday.”

“Yeah I’m nervous as fuck,” I sighed closing my eyes, when I opened my eyes I looked from the toilet to Zacky to the door and back to Zacky. “Will you do me a huge favor?”

“What?” he asked nervously, he seen the look I gave him, a mixture between I don’t give a fuck and embarrassment.

“I really have to pee, can you unzip my pants and—you know,” I looked away as the blood rushed to my cheeks; we hadn’t gone farther than kissing. I wasn’t legal and plus I wanted to wait, I had dignity for myself. I had pride; I wasn’t a whore or a groupie. “Please?”

“Don’t be embarrassed baby,” he moved my face back to look at his, after he moved to be in front of me. “It’s not like I haven’t seen any of that kind of equipment before.”

“You haven’t seen mine,” I reminded him with a tilt of my head. “I kinda wanted to wait for that, you know.”

“I respect you,” he moved from in front of me to the door, he shut it and walked back over to me. He stood me up, even though I could have easily stood up and he unbuttoned my pants and slid them down to my ankles, slid down my underwear to, he never looked anywhere but my eyes. He even turned around when I sat down on the toilet, when I finished my business, I realized something very vital.

“Jesus Christ,” I murmured and caught his attention; he turned and gave me a glance before redirecting his eyes towards the ceiling.


“I have to—“ I mumbled so low that he didn’t catch the wipe part or the and then pull my pants back on part.

“Do what?” his head tilted like a dog as he stared at the ceiling tiles, I would have laughed if I wasn’t in the position I was in.

“Just come over here and pull my pants back up,” I snapped, I’d have to deal with not wiping even though it was more disturbing than I initially wanted to think about.

“I kind of have to look babe,” he said calmly glancing inch by inch farther down until he reached my annoyed face. “It’ll be okay, I promise.”

“Fine,” I looked away awkwardly as he walked over and kneeled down to grab my jeans and underwear, he pulled them over my thighs and hips and buttoned and zipped them back. “Thank you Zacky.”

“Piece of cake babe,” he chuckled as he slipped a hand around my waist and drew me in closer, he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to my lips before he went in for the kill and kissed me passionately.

“What the fuck?” Zacky pulled away so quickly that I almost spun backwards on the toilet; he caught me and glanced over his shoulder at Matt who was standing in the doorway with wide eyes. “Zacky, what the fuck!?”

“Oh shit,” Zacky and I murmured under our breath as Matt walked in, grabbed Zacky by the back of his neck and literally threw him out of the room.

“You and I will talk soon,” Matt pointed at me before he left, the door shutting after him.

“Oh shit,” I said loudly as I waddled to the door and tried to turn the doorknob but it wouldn’t budge, I couldn’t move it enough with my weak muscles. At that moment I cursed doors, my, what seemed to be brittle bones and Robert Dagonheart for being such a fast driver. “I can’t get out…” I stood there for a good fifteen minutes just staring at the door in shock, I couldn’t believe I was stuck in the bathroom, and the door wasn’t locked or even stuck. I was just to damn weak to turn the fucking knob. I glared at it, wishing it would melt off and let me out but after another good fifteen minutes I figured it wasn’t going to. And then, at that very moment, thirty minutes since the door was shut, I had a way to get out and I never thought about it. What was it? Oh the perfect little contraption called a cell phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh how I love you guys, thank you for reading!

Comments as always are appreciated.

