Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In

Get Out Alive

“And you say she’ll be fine now without the cast? What if she falls on something or runs into a wall?” Brian asked the doctor with a confused expression clouding over his face. I sighed because he had asked the doctor the same question four times, all had different ways of asking, but this time he wasn’t amused or surprised at my quick recovery, he was bum-fuzzled, leaning across his own lap with his fingers tapping on his chin in thought.

“Mr. Haner, Miss Banks will be fine, if she happens to re-injure herself just give me a call. But she’s healthy and her bones have gained strength since the last time I seen her,” Dr. Perry stated professionally, it made the face Brian was giving fade into a happy smile.

“Sweet, so—uh, do you do other stuff besides casting broken limbs?” Brian glanced around the room with interest, I knew from the look that was on his face, he had plenty of questions—most of which weren’t real proper or needed at the moment, God forbid he voices them...

“Like what?” the doctor questioned Brian while he filled out the papers he had on the counter, I watched him while flexing my arms out—they were sore but they felt great to be free.

“Just—“Brian paused to sigh and then scooted the stool he sat on closer to the chair I was sitting on. “Things like deliver babies, brain surgery, penis enlargement, open heart surgery?”

“Brian?!” I shouted in embarrassment, I slapped both hands around the back of his head and clamped them over his mouth. “Dr. Perry, I’m so sorry for my friend—I didn’t want him to bring me but he was a last resort—sort of.”

“Its okay, Briony,” Dr. Perry murmured awkwardly as I stood up, my hands still over Brian’s mouth.

“I’ll just be going now, thank you so very much,” I said softly as I backed us both out of the room, Dr. Perry just nodded and mumbled something about me taking it easy and having a good birthday or something. I was to busy getting the hell out of the doctor’s office to care, I was going to kill Brian when we stepped outside.

“Chill, Bri—I was just playing—that dude is way too uptight,” Brian pried my hand off his mouth and laughed at my furious face. “And you need to chill also—your getting all red in the face…breathe?”

“I’m so never taking you anywhere again!” I shouted and stomped off towards his car, he laughed the whole while, the ride home too—I just ignored him, in hopes it would piss him off. But he knew the secret to pissing people off, just smile and laugh at their fury.

Man that pisses me off…

“Whoa there firecracker,” Matt mumbled as I stomped through the front door, almost taking out his hip on the way. He and Val were at the door about to go out; I purposely missed her and ran into him. “Why are you so riled up?”

“Three words: Synyster Fucking Gates,” I snapped before I walked through the kitchen, my arms swinging in fury. I forgot to treasure it; I was to busy being pissed off—again.

“She’s out for your blood man, watch it,” I heard Matt warn Brian sternly before the door shut and Brian laughed loudly.

“Oh come on beautiful, don’t get so pissy!” I heard him shout from the living room, instead of screaming another big screw you back to him; I just sat at the table—totally dismissing the big shaggy figure beside me munching on—whiskey and trix…

“Son of a bitch,” I mumbled laying my head down on the counter, I wanted to hit him—but I’d just hurt my arms again.

“What did he do this time, babe?” my head spun from how fast I lifted it to stare at Zacky’s half asleep figure sitting beside me.

“He asked my doctor if he did penis enlargements,” I gritted my teeth as he chuckled and shook his head. “Its not funny, the man is—he’s like a preacher when he’s not a doctor!”

“That sounds rather interesting,” Zacky grinned picking up a spoonful of whiskey cereal, he stuck it in his mouth before he glanced over t me, and then his grin fell into a frown/sneer. “I’m sure it was horrible.”

“Trust me, it was worse than horrible—it was downright embarrassing, Zacky,” I knew I was whining, I had some rights, but I shut my mouth and pouted my lips—laying my head down on the palm of my hand. “But on the bright side, my arms work great.”

“Wonderful baby!” Zacky grinned childishly as he leaned over and pecked my pouted lips. “Lovers you sweetheart. I’m very happy you’re fully recovered.”

The butterflies flapped against my stomach feeling rose again as he picked up my hand and held it in front of us both. We hadn’t said I love you yet like most couples in their what, second month dating. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t just a crush kind of thing, but lately its felt like way more than a measly old crush. But now I wanted to say I love you deep down secretly but I really wanted Zacky to say it first. So for now, I’d have to deal with what we say, which is lovers it at least showed he cared. “I’m eighteen in three days, can you believe it?” I wondered out loud, trying to direct my wayward thoughts in another direction.

“I can, I just can’t wait until it happens, though,” he meant to go on but stopped and pulled his hand from mine. I can’t say I was shocked to see Jimmy stumble into the kitchen with both eyes closed, hands outstretched and groans admitting from his throat. He had done it frequently, every day because he would wake up hungry and turn into a blood thirsty lion out for its meal. “Morning, fugly.”

“Fuck you,” he groggily mumbled as he fished through the cabinets in search for something eatable and wasn’t the low carb, low calorie bullshit that Val and Michelle had bought. “Where the fuck is the rice crispies and cinnamon toast crunch?”

“No clue Jimbob,” I replied to his question, obviously taking him by surprise since Zacky blocked me from his viewing sight. He jumped and bumped the back of his head on the fridge ceiling, yelping as he did.

“Ow! Fuck! What the hell, Briony?” he shouted holding his head in pain.

“I didn’t mean to scare you, Jimmy. Are you okay?” I questioned him as I slipped off of the stool I sat on, I walked over to his whining figure and put both hands on his head, jerked him down to my level so I could see where he hit his head. I smoothed my fingertips over his scalp and came to the conclusion that the moron barely had a bump. “You are just fine.”

“Hey! Your arms are free and healed!” Jimmy suddenly shouted, waving his and my arms (which he grabbed when he seen them cast and wrap free) around like an idiot.
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