Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In


“So did you have fun?” Danielle asked as I bounced down on my bed, boy did I want to cry—or scream and punch something. I couldn’t figure out which though, so I just settled on staring at the door until Caty walked in and slapped my face, leaving it on the verge of spinning and myself on the verge of crying a monsoon. “Oh what the fuck, woman?!”

“Who are you and why are you calling me woman?” Caty questioned Danielle rather quietly as she placed her hands on her hips and stood sideways to me, staring down at Danielle.

“I’m her best friend Danielle, you are?”

“Her best friend and cousin, Caty Banks,” Caty stated proudly as she pointed to herself with her thumb jabbing her chest. “Nice to meet you Danielle and I slapped her because she’s in zombie mode, I know because she does it every time she thinks too much or if she zones out for to long.”

“Nice to meet you to,” Danielle awkwardly shook Caty’s outstretched hand and gave me a sideways glance. Ever since meeting Danielle, she’s been like an older sister who looked out for me; she was very protective of her friends. “You okay, Briony?”

“I’m fine,” I whispered emotionlessly, hell they knew better than that but it’s all I could say. I wasn’t fine, my mother had flipped out and cussed me up one side and down the other, she didn’t mean it—I know but it still hurt and then she forbid me from seeing Zacky—she even went as far to say she’d kick me out and make me live with my father.

“I smell bullshit, and there isn’t a farm for miles,” Caty started off sarcastically as she took the seat beside me, she pushed the comforters over her legs and settled comfortably under the sheets. “So what all happened?”

“If I mess up again I go to live with my father,” I whispered shaking my head, I never wanted that. He was evil; a demon if there was such thing. I glanced over to Danielle after I stared at Caty and let my tears flow strong.

“Oh sweetheart,” Danielle cooed hugging my head to her shoulder; she glanced over my head to look at Caty, a look of pure helplessness on her face. She didn’t know what to say or do besides comfort me. “I don’t know what to do to help you.”

I sat up, seconds after I finished crying myself tearless. I had an idea, one that would actually work without it getting extremely fucked up. “Danielle, go get Gena for me, please.”

“Okay,” she said confused, glancing down at me before she left the room.

“Who’s Gena?” Caty leaned over and whisper, I had forgotten she had no clue who everyone is.

“I’ll show you in a second,” I whispered as the door opened and Gena walked in first, confused as Danielle looked.

“What’s wrong honey?” Gena questioned sitting down in Danielle’s spot, she put an arm over my shoulder and rubbed the top of my back comfortingly.

“I have an idea, if you’ll go with me on this,” I whispered pulling the covers off my legs, besides the fact I needed to scoot up and whisper in her ear, I was getting mighty sweaty from everyone in the already toasty room. “Just hear me out before you say yes or no…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short I know, but its supposed to be.

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