Sequel: The Gates of Hell

Vengeance Banks In

Shot Through The Heart

“I love you to,” Gena whispered hugging Zacky around the neck, letting him wrap his arms around her waist and pick her up in a high hug as I call them.

“I know it’s painful to see,” Michelle sat down beside me, holding a cup of coffee in her left hand and a small chocolate donut in the other, she gave up on her duo diet with Val. She looked at Gena and Zacky before she looked back at me, her face turned painful. “But its best, sweetheart.”

“Yeah,” I agreed dryly as I turned to glance at Caty who sat across from me on the second couch, her hands were full with a magazine and slurpie from the store, she glanced up from them both to cast me one of her signature bitch please looks before she started reading beauty secrets of the rich and famous again.

“Caty catch!” Brian ran in with a dirty football, muddy from the backyard that had been hosed down for ‘mudball’ as the boys called it, I was planning on joining after watching the last episode of ‘smoking gun’s world’s dumbest police chases’ or something like that where Leif Garret was commenting on the idiots who thought they could run into a convenience store with their Hummer and walk away without a problem, yeah right.

“Ah fuck,” automatically, Caty caught the football and dropped the magazine and drink in the process of soaking herself and the couch in mud and what was left of her blueberry slurpie. “You’re so dead, Gates.”

“Bring it, Banks,” he gestured for her to bring it and ran outside. I heard a thump, squeal and cussing before I decided I’d go out and make sure no one was going to get killed.

“You fucker!” Caty was punching Brian in the shoulders by the time I reached the bottom of the hill, I picked her off his back and dragged her small behind to the field where Jimmy, Matt, Johnny, Val, Leana were along with Danielle, the Good Charlotte gang (minus drummer Dean, don’t know where he was) and my dear friend Robert and his girlfriend Kassie. They were all soaked in mud and grass, laughing like hyenas. “Hey, what’s the deal? I was beating him good.”

“Obvious, asswipe,” I whispered pulling her over to Robert’s team, we would be going against Johnny’s team. Our teams consist of Leana, Val, Danielle, Caty, Benji, Robert, Billy and me. The losing team (ha!) was Jimmy, Matt, Johnny, Brian, Zacky, Joel, Kassie and Paul. And the obvious comment was she had a minor crush on Synyster Gates.

“Oh,” she murmured as Zacky ran down the hill, almost felt twice and ran right into Brian’s back, knocking him down on his face in the dirt. “Oh!”

“Ow,” I grimaced for Brian who was groaning in pain and annoyance, or maybe just one—not sure which. “Zacky, I’d run or something if I were you.”

“Gotcha!” he agreed and ran behind Jimmy who laughed and pretended to shield him until Brian came over and smacked Zacky, which Jimmy allowed to happen.

“Alright, Jimmy you take Leana, Matt take Val, I’ll take Danielle, Brian get Caty, Joel you get Benji, Kassie you get Robert, Paul you get Billy and Zacky—get Briony,” Johnny shouted out orders, his last one left a grimace on his face, he was rethinking it but by the time he was about to take it back, everyone was in their positions. I got Zacky, and not secretively.

“Let’s do this!” Robert shouted and situated himself in front of Kassie, he grinned childishly as she laughed and pretended to flex her muscles. She was a good sport, very athletic and was pretty tough. I however was pretty lucky; I was quarterback because out of all the men, I could throw better than them. It always pissed them off.

“Is this tackle?” Caty questioned before Robert hiked me the ball.

“Fuck yes!” Brian shouted to her, pointing in a you and me kind of way that suggested she was going down.

“Hell to the yes,” she slowly got into the three finger stance and waited for Robert’s go. When he hiked me the ball, I stood there looking for someone to throw it but everyone had been blocked, or being hugged by their husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend or was wrestling. I grunted at the fact I would have to run and started running, when I noticed Zacky coming up fast, it was too late to gain any speed in the wet ground. I was tackled and we slid at least seven feet across the slippery ground.

“Love you,” he whispered and snuck a kiss before he jumped up and did a victory dance in taking me down, I just laid there laughing to myself because of two reasons. He was spastic as hell, I would have to hurt Gena for letting him have Kool-aid or any monsters and because I was wearing a nice white shirt…was, key word.

“Your going down, Vengeance,” I got up with the help of Caty and Danielle who was laughing from the fact my shirt was turning see through, through the brown sludge. “Just wait.”

“Brian touched my butt,” Caty whispered to me in a dreamy like stance.

“Your step-dad kind of—“Danielle was stopped short when I slapped my dirty hand over her mouth, she went crossed eyed looking down at it in disgust.

“Don’t,” I shook my head and went back to my place behind Robert, I pinched his butt and laughed when I got a hey! from both him and Kassie. “Sorry, it’s huge and sticking out. I just had to.”

“Good point,” Kassie agreed and bent down in position, we all went through the same scenario three more times before people were switched and I was put with Kassie. “Come on, Briony, bring it.”

“It’s been brought-en,” I threw at her a line from Robert himself, she laughed and shook her head as Robert mumbled some nonexistent play before he threw the ball at me. “Caty!”

She caught the pass I threw and ran about five yards before she was tackled by Zacky. “Ah fuck, something broke!”

“Did not,” Zacky argued with her for what seemed like ages, I was about to give up on them and go back inside when I heard a car pull up in front of the house. I figured it was pizza that mom had ordered so I ran through the house, tracking mud, getting yelled at by Gena, mom and Michelle for doing it and then I grabbed the money from the bar and almost fell opening the door.

“Thank God, food’s here—“ I stopped and gapped at the man in front of me, he wasn’t holding a dozen boxes of pizza, no he wasn’t holding anything but a fake ass smile on his pearly whites. “Dad?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, I didn't post last night because the guy I like/ buddy came over and spent the night so I couldn't get on.

Comments and banners!

That's Kassie and Robert

Gena and Zacky